
33. Chapter 33

The following day Bruno just felt…. Tired.

He knew he had no actual reason to feel as tired as he did. He didn't work nearly as hard as his siblings… Or even the kids who were taking their work super seriously. Luisa in particular, seven years old, was all over the place eager to help wherever she could. So much so that Bruno wanted to ask her to slow down. But he already knew she wouldn't listen. She was as eager as any kid to prove her worth.

And yet Bruno had a very difficult time mustering up the energy to do such a simple task as sweeping the floors.

He felt… Weirdly hollow. And stretched impossible thin… And he had no reason to. He was living in a beautiful magical house. Food was provided for him. His family loved him. He didn't even have to do that much.

So why… Why… Why on earth would he be feeling like that at all? It was ridiculous.

And so after having finished sweeping the floors. Bruno fell down on the couch and groaned as he rubbed his face. Just then small footsteps scurried inside and a little voice.

"Tio Bruno."

Bruno glanced up to see a ten-year-old girl with all of her curls collected at the top of her head and Bruno gasped as he sat up.


Dolores glanced down as she twitched her small hands, wringing her skirt and Bruno swallowed.

"What... What a nice surprise." Bruno forced a smile. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your Papi today?"

Dolores was silent. Averting her eyes away from Bruno.

"Dolores?" Bruno asked.

"I'm… Sorry." Dolores finally whispered. "I'm sorry I made you see when you didn't want to."

And Bruno's swallowed as the words just stuck in his throat. "Oh no. no-no-no! It's not your fault Dolores! I should have said no. I have given prophecies for a very long time. So I should have known better!"

Wide-eyed Dolores looked up. Her huge brown eyes looked outright misty and Bruno gasped. Wishing he knew what he could do so his wonderful little niece wouldn't cry.

"I heard you and Mami fighting," Dolores whispered and Bruno's eyes widened. "Because of me… I'm sorry."

"No!" Bruno gasped. Then groaned. "You heard the entire thing didn't you?" he asked and Dolores nodded. Then Bruno sighed. "Look. If you heard all of it… Then you also know we figured it out. See there is no harm. Your Mami and I are all good! We even hugged! We are good!" he held up both his point figures as he gestured.

Dolores nodded a little thoughtfully. Then glanced up again. "What were you doing inside of the wall?"

Bruno's eyes widened.

"It sounded like you were doing…. Something." Dolores said.

"That… Dolores!" Bruno gasped as he got down from the couch and down on his knees so he was in front of her. "You can't tell anyone about that," he whispered as he grabbed her shoulders. "Do you understand?"

Wide-eyed Dolores looked at Bruno and nodded. "Sorry… I wasn't supposed to hear that either was I?"

"That's not… You don't control it." Bruno said.

"But I control what I say," Dolores commented thoughtfully. "Like you and your visions."

"Yes." Bruno exhaled deeply as his hands fell away from Dolores's shoulders. Then he sighed deeply. As he sat down. "No… You shouldn't be burdened with that. You can't help what you heard. I don't know." he groaned deeply. "I'm sorry Dolores. I can see into the future but I don't really have any answers."

Again Dolores looked at him with those huger wondering eyes. "huh." was all she said.

Bruno sighed deeply as he looked down.

"That's okay." Dolores then said. "It's funny. I can hear everything the adults are talking about and it made me realize… Adults don't know what they are talking about either. Do they?"

And Bruno snorted amused. "No. They don't. They sure don't." he chuckled.

Wide-eyed did Dolores look at him. "Are you okay?" she asked and Bruno's heart clenched again. He had a ten year old worry about him. When he should be the one worrying about her.

"Yes… Dolores. I'm okay." Bruno assured. "Don't worry about me… You shouldn't… Hmpf." he squinted his eyes. And he held his head.

"Does your head hurt?" Dolores asked. "Mine does sometimes when there are too many sounds for too long."

"I think I just need some water," Bruno said as he pushed himself up and nearly lost balance. But finally managed to stand up straight before he exhaled. "Yeah… I'm just going to get a glass of water. Things are fine." he said as he gently padded Dolores on the head while passing her.

"Tio," Dolores spoke and Bruno halted as he turned to her, and then Dolores smiled at him. "I love you Tio Bruno." she smiled.

Bruno swallowed as he looked at her. "I love you too Sobrina," he replied. "Thank you."

And Dolores beamed as Bruno finally left. Sighing deeply while heading towards the kitchen for that water.

Mercilessly Mirabels five year birthday drew closer and closer. And people were so excited for yet another party.

Mirabel was beyond excited for this special day. That for once everything would be about her. Something that never happens when you are the youngest in a group of five children.

She got herself a new dress and a new little bow to put in her hair. She was so cute. And Bruno more than anything wanted to be happy for her. Like he wanted to be happy for all the other children

But he couldn't… He wanted too but he couldn't. And he had to knock himself over the head to punish himself.

Now it was just a few days until the big day and Bruno was carrying Mirabel to bed while Julieta was washing dishes for the day.

Bruno swallowed as he was carrying the girl in his arms. Perhaps holding her a little closer than he had to as he pushed open the door to the nursery with his foot.

Then he felt Mirabel's small arms clutching around his neck and she whispered. "What if it doesn't work?"

For a moment Bruno blinked confused. "Huh?"

"You know… The door." Mirabel said.

"Oh." Bruno blinked. "I wouldn't worry about that. I mean why wouldn't it work?" he asked. "It worked for everyone else. Didn't it?"

"Yeah but… What if it doesn't?" Maribel asked and Bruno looked down at his little niece.

"Maybe that wouldn't be so bad at all," Bruno commented. "These so called gifts are honestly not all they are cracked up to be. And it's a lot of pressure too," he stated as they finally reached Mirabel's bed. "Down you go!" he smiled as he put Mirabel down on the bed.

Mirabel chuckled amused as she was now put down. Then she looked up at Bruno. "What if I get super sight? So I can see things really far away!"

"What an absolute shame that would be. Then you wouldn't need your super cool glasses." Bruno commented as he removed the glasses from Mirabel's face and gently put them on the table.

"Maybe I'll be able to breathe under water!" Mirabel gasped.

"What use would that be. There's no ocean around here." Bruno commented as he pulled Mirabel's dress off the child and reached for her nightshirt putting it on.

Mirabel's head popped right through the opening of the nightdress and she gasped. "Maybe I'll be able to fix any clothes or make big beautiful dresses out of nothing."

"You don't need magic for that. You're already good at sewing. Especially at your age. If you continue practicing you'll be able to make mucho beautiful dresses in no time at all." Bruno said.

Mirabel halted as she looked at Bruno. "Don't you want me to have a gift?" she asked deeply confused.

Bruno halted. Then he sighed. "I want you to be happy," he said. "The thing just is…" he hesitated. "These…. Gifts. They don't always… What I mean is. It's not guaranteed happiness. And I just don't want you to get any ideas that… Your gift has to define you… You know?"

"But you have such an amazing gift too Tio Bruno!" Mirabel gasped.

Bruno quieted. He was absolutely silent then he lifted his head. "Oh you mean my amazing gift of the bedtime stories?" he asked. "Yes of course! I make the best bedtime stories! In the world!" he stated.

And Maribel laughed. "Do voices!" she asked.

"Well if you insist." Bruno grinned and then pulled his hood over his head. "So let's have another adventure with the great Hernando! The hero who has no fear!" he stated in a deep voice and Maribel giggled. Bruno pulled his hood down again to make a different voice "I am Lolita." Bruno then said in a higher pitched girl's voice. "Help me I am trapped! A big dragon is blocking the door of my house."

"Oh no!" Maribel gasped.

"Fear not!" Bruno said in his Hernando's voice with the hood back. "For I have no fear and I shall slay that dragon!"

And Maribel laughed as Bruno told his story which was filled with so much fun and as he was done Mirabel was all tuggered out.

Bruno smiled as he pulled the blanket over Mirabel's shoulders.

"Tio Bruno." Mirabel yawned.

"Si, Preciosa." Bruno smiled.

"When I get my own room… Will you still tell me bedtime stories?" Mirabel asked. "Please?"

Bruno halted and then he smiled. "Of course," he said. "I would be honored. Now you need to sleep," he said only for Maribel to make a surprise lounge and kissed Bruno on the cheek and then she giggled as she laid back.

Bruno shook his head. "Don't tell the others," he whispered. "But you are in my top five favorite nieces and nephews."

Maribel chuckled amused. "You only got five nieces and nephews," she said.

"And you are one of them! You are in the top five!" Bruno stated and Mirabel laughed.

Then Bruno relaxed and he smiled lightly at Mirabel. He reached out a hand to gently pad down her curls. "Good night Mirabel," he whispered.

"Goodnight Tio," Mirabel whispered and Bruno smiled as he stood up and left the room. Gently closing the door behind him.

After that, he closed Dolores's door, as always slightly open when he was the one putting Mirabel to bed.

"Tio Bruno!"

Bruno turned to see Camillo pop his head out of his door. "You promised me a story." he pouted.

"Not tonight," Bruno whispered. "Tonight Mirabel got one. You'll get yours soon."

"You promise?" Camilo asked.

"I promise." Bruno nodded. "After Mirabels birthday. Sorry. Your Tio is just pretty tired these days."

"Okay." Camilo then pouted. "You promised though!"

Bruno smiled amused and finally, Camilo left closing the door

And then Bruno stood there… Outside it was dark but the warm glow of the doors still bathed Bruno in that warm golden light.

He looked at the doors of his family members. Each one a portrait of the owner. Usually smiling and doing something with their gift. Then Bruno ended at his own door and looked at his own portrayal.

He looked… Kind of disturbed in it… And angry for some reason. With the hourglass between his hands and what Bruno could only assume was falling sand behind him… Like sand falling through an hourglass. Time just mercilessly moved forward and nothing could stop it nor the things that were going to happen.

It was a little funny. Bruno had never really taken the time to just look at his own door. Now that he did…. He didn't think his door looked like him… At all. As far as he was concerned he wasn't an angry person.

Yes he got really annoyed at the townspeople. But angry? Then Bruno shook his head as he finally opened his door and headed inside so he could go to bed.