
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · วิดีโอเกม
145 Chs

Chapter 53: The Scarlet Monastery

The Scarlet Monastery was much larger than Kelrian had expected. It was a huge building complex made out of cobblestones. There was a tower in the southern section which tip was huge and covered by red tiles. The monastery was taller than any cathedral or other religious building he had ever seen. Not even the cathedral in the ruins of Lordaeron was as tall as the Scarlet Monastery.

The monastery stood on a large plateau, mountain ranges bordered on the west and north sides. On the right side was a steep slope that went very deep. From the mountain on which they stood, Kelrian, Exadius and Danara were able to spot dozens of guards around the building.

Kelrian's gaze fell on the nathrezim, an expecting look could be seen on his face. Exadius chuckled as he looked at Kelrian. "Don't worry, partner. I know exactly what to do."

"Tell me."

"I better show you."

Exadius snapped his fingers and Kelrian found himself in a different location a second later. They were in a wide corridor, the walls and the floor were grey and made out of the same stones as the outside walls. They saw spellcasters who carried wands and soldiers who carried swords, shields, axes and other weapons. They stood along the corridor or were walking through it.

Some were looking in their direction but they didn't see them. Even those who directly passed them weren't aware of their presence. Exadius had not only teleported them by snapping his fingers, but he had also made them invisible. None of these fanatics was aware of their presence.

"That was impressive," complimented Kelrian quietly.

"You don't need to whisper," said Exadius. "They can't hear us."

"You have to teach me how to do that."

"I will think about it later. We have other things to worry about at this moment."

"Where is Balnazzar?" Kelrian asked.

Exadius looked at his daughter who gave him a nod. "I will tell you where Balnazzar's aura comes from if you give me a few moments," Danara said.

Kelrian and Exadius waited patiently as Danara cast a spell. When she had finished the spell, she stared into the glass globe in her left hand for a few moments and then looked at her father and his partner. "He is in the main hall but he is not alone. He is surrounded by lots of these fanatics."

"They shouldn't be a problem for us," Exadius announced confidently.

"My felhounds will deal with their spellcasters," said Danara and pulled an amulet out of her pocket, showing it to Kelrian.

"What is this?"

"A special item I crafted. It allows me to summon lots of felhounds within a short amount of time. Basically, this item creates a rift through which lots of felhounds come through," the disguised dreadlord explained.

"Alright. Shall we go to the main hall?"

"I'm ready," replied Exadius.

"So am I," said his daughter.

They walked through various corridors, rooms and smaller halls until they finally came to the main hall which was lacking pieces of decoration. Except for a few benches, no pieces of furniture stood there. Most members of the Scarlet Crusade either stood somewhere or walked around, only a few of them sat on these wooden benches.

As expected, none of them saw Kelrian and his companions. The soldiers were minding their own business. Some of them talked but most of them were quiet.

"So where is Balnazzar?" Kelrian asked impatiently.

Exadius chuckled. "Use your eye and find it out."

Kelrian sighed but didn't protest. He did as he was told and wiped the hair out of his face, activating his golden eye. He immediately noticed that portions of his power were drained but they were so little that it wouldn't bother him, especially not because he had not planned to keep it activated for too long. He wanted to find the nathrezim as soon as possible. He regarded the various humans, not noticing anything extraordinary. Only when his gaze fell on the commander on the opposite side of the hall he noticed something extraordinary.

His green eye saw an older man with grey hair who wore a massive blood-red armour. He had a huge hammer on his back which glowed goldenly. Kelrian's right eye was seeing someone different. There was no older human who still looked fit for his age. His golden eye saw a muscular nathrezim who wore purple armour and had massive purple wings. The nathrezim was standing between the humans and didn't appear to be nervous. He appeared to be very self-confident.

The humans thought he was one of them. They thought that he was their leader Saidan Dathrohan and only Kelrian and his companions knew the truth. The man who looked like Dathrohan was in truth Balnazzar.

Balnazzar was disguised as the leader of the Scarlet Crusade but not even he was aware of their presence. He didn't see them, he didn't hear any of their words nor did he hear their footsteps. Kelrian and the dreadlords walked over to Balnazzar who was speaking to his loyal followers. They stopped not far away from him and regarded him for a few moments before they exchanged looks.

"What now?" Kelrian asked.

"We need to get rid of his manipulated followers first before we confront him," explained Exadius.

"Is that really necessary?" Kelrian asked.

"Do you have any other idea?" Exadius asked curiously

"I have. These people don't have to die if you only allow Balnazzar to see us. That way, we don't have to spill any blood."

"That's a good idea," admitted Exadius. "I wonder why I didn't think of it myself."

"You are very smart," complimented Danara.

Kelrian smiled at her. "Thank you." He looked back at Exadius and gave him an expecting look.

Exadius muttered a few phrases as he stared at Balnazzar. The disguised dreadlord was in the middle of a conversation as he noticed that something had changed. He sensed powerful auras. He turned his head, his eyes widened as he saw his former king and his companions. He stared at them, his mouth was wide open and his eyes reflected a mix of surprise and shock.

The soldiers around him looked at him and then at the spot he was looking but they saw no one there. Only Balnazzar was able to see Kelrian and the others. "Is something wrong, milord?" a soldier asked.

Balnazzar was silent for a few moments, his face became neutral. "No. I'm good," he said. He didn't look very confident nor did his voice sound confident but the soldier didn't dare to question him.

"We will talk about your matter later, Hans. I have to do something important now," Balnazzar said and hurried towards the room's exit. Kelrian, Exadius and Danara followed him but they didn't intend to stop him. They just followed Balnazzar who brought them to an empty room. Danara closed the door behind them as they stepped into the room.

"It was wise of you to take us to this room and not tell your spellcasters to shoot at the spot where we were standing," said Exadius.

Balnazzar's eyes were narrowed and his teeth gritted. "You would have killed all of them if I would have done that, so I had no other choice. No matter what I would have tried, you would have killed me before they would have realized what happened."

"You are right about that," responded the golden-eyed nathrezim. "Would you do me a favour and drop your disguise. I can't stand to look at it any longer."

Balnazzar's gaze fell on Danara. "What about her? Why is she allowed to walk around as a blood elf and I'm not allowed to keep my disguise?"

"She is my daughter, that's why. Also, I'm not having this conversation with her. I'm having it with you. Show me your true form, Balnazzar. It has been a while since I have seen it."

Balnazzar groaned but obeyed. The human body suddenly collapsed and Balnazzar appeared next to it. He was much taller than Kelrian, slightly taller than Danara and her siblings in their original forms but not as tall as Exadius. The former king of the nathrezim regarded his former subject curiously. "You haven't changed much, Balnazzar."

Balnazzar's gaze fell on the thing that replaced half of Exadius' right horn. It had the same shape as the missing part and was made out of gold. It fitted to the colours of his armour, eyes, rings and other decorative elements. "Besides your horn, you haven't changed either, Exadius."

The alpha nathrezim raised a brow and frowned. "Exadius? What about my title? What about majesty? I am your king."

"Was," corrected Balnazzar. "Lord Kil'jaeden defeated you and made Tichondrius to our leader."

"And you are still following this traitor, aren't you? Had it not been for him, Kil'jaeden wouldn't have defeated me and our people wouldn't be his slaves. We wouldn't have to work for the Burning Legion if Tichondrius wouldn't have stabbed me in the back."

Balnazzar tilted his head and shrugged. "Maybe. We will never know."

"I had him on my knees..." Bitterness was reflected in Exadius' voice. "I was about to drive my sword through his chest but then Tichondrius came..." Exadius' eyes were narrowed and reflected pure anger and hatred. Kelrian and the two dreadlords had never seen Exadius so angry before. It seemed that there was a lot of pent-up frustration which Exadius would love to take out on Tichondrius.

"I was not near the palace when it happened. I was busy looking for my wife and children," replied Balnazzar. "I only heard what happened."

"You have a wife and children?" Kelrian asked surprised.

Balnazzar's gaze fell on Kelrian, a confused expression could be seen on his face. "Is that so strange?"

Kelrian shrugged. "Well...Kinda...How can someone fall in love with an evil creature like you?"

Balnazzar's eyes narrowed. "Says the one who loves a banshee who is raising her decreased enemies to serve her."

Kelrian didn't show that he was surprised that Balnazzar knew about this.

"Don't try to deny it. I have my eyes everywhere."

"You got a point," was everything Kelrian said in return.

"We nathrezim reproduce the same way as most mortal creatures on Azeroth, so it shouldn't be a surprise that I have a family. Or had in this case. They died when Kil'jaeden invaded Nathreza."

"I'm sorry to hear that, Balnazzar," said Danara. "Now Iwonder even morewhy you are still serving him these days."

"I didn't say that I'm serving him voluntarily, did I? Even you and your father were forced to serve him, so you should understand that I have no other choice," replied Balnazzar.

"The kaldorei, the humans and the orcs defeated Archimonde. Even Kil'jaeden's plan to kill the Lich King before he merges with Arthas Menethil failed. The Legion pose no threat to us these days. You have no reason to fear them because neither Kil'jaeden nor Archimonde will come to Azeroth so soon. There is no servant of the Legion who possesses a source of power that is powerful enough to summon either Archimonde or Kil'jaeden," replied Exadius.

"There are not many servants of the Burning Legion left on Azeroth. No one will hunt you if you renounce the loyalty to the Burning Legion and join your former king," said Kelrian.

Balnazzar looked at the blood elf prince and then at his former king, a thoughtful look could be seen on his face. "Your offer sounds tempting but..."

"You are afraid of Kil'jaeden's wrath, aren't you?" asked Kelrian.

Balnazzar hesitated at first but then he nodded.

"Exadius and I made a deal. He helps me to kill the Lich King and I help him to kill Kil'jaeden," told Kelrian. "If we kill him you no longer have to fear him."

Balnazzar caressed his chin while thinking. "I like the idea of killing Kil'jaeden but the problem is that he is too powerful. Even for you, Exadius."

Exadius' expression didn't change. He still seemed to be very self-confident. "I know, that's why I started to look out for new allies. I made a pact with the prince of the sin'dorei which means I'm allied with the Alliance. They just don't know about that yet but Kelrian will introduce me to them soon."

Kelrian nodded in agreement.

"The more allies we get, the better our chances are to kill that red-skinned eredar bastard," muttered Balnazzar.

"You are right about that," said Kelrian.

Balnazzar looked at him. "Varimathras serves your lover, doesn't he?"

"He does."

"I have a score to settle with him."

"Killing him won't help us at all. If you kill him on Azeroth, he won't be available for quite some time and we need every ally we can get. We need every capable fighter we can get to defeat the Scourge and Kil'jaeden."

Balnazzar gave Kelrian a small smile. "Don't worry, I'm not going to kill him. I just want to hit him pretty badly."

"I'm not sure if Sylvanas would tolerate that."

Balnazzar's smile became wider. "Then it will be your task to convince her to allow me to hit him. That's my only condition."

Kelrian looked at his partner and raised an eyebrow. "I don't see a problem with that," said the dreadlord.

Kelrian looked back at Balnazzar. "I will ask her."

The dreadlord smiled. "I'm looking forward to doing it."

"Kneel in front of me and pledge your loyalty to me, Balnazzar," Exadius said.

"Do I really have to do that?"

"Yes, you have to do that. I insist."

Balnazzar rolled his eyes annoyingly. "Fine." He got on his knees and lowered his head, swearing his loyalty to Exadius.

"As long as I'm not the true ruler of our people, you will call me Lord Exadius from now on. Only when I dethroned that traitor, you can call me king again."

"As you wish, Lord Exadius."

"You can stand up."

Balnazzar obeyed.

"Tell me what Kil'jaeden ordered you to do on Azeroth," Exadius demanded.

"My task is to set the Scarlet Crusade against the Alliance. I should make sure that as many soldiers as possible die."

"That would only play into the hands of the Scourge. Why would Kil'jaeden wants to do that?" Kelrian asked confused.

Balnazzar shrugged. "I have no idea. I do not question the master."

"Maybe Kil'jaeden hopes that the Scourge will continue to weaken the kingdoms on Azeroth so that the Legion can invade again..." Kelrian looked at his partner. "Do you think Kil'jaeden might plan this?"

"I think so. Kil'jaeden is a very smart guy, so It wouldn't surprise me if that's his plan," responded Exadius.

"So you manipulated Whitemane and everyone else and made them believe that the Forsaken are their enemies, didn't you?" Kelrian asked Balnazzar.

"Well... I didn't need to manipulate them. Whitemane made it to her goal to purge the undead way before I killed Dathrohan and possessed his corpse. I don't know much about this woman but I assume she was a racist before I infiltrated this place. She believes that what she is doing is right," Balnazzar explained.

"We need to stop her by any means. Where is she?"

"I have no idea. She left without informing me which is very odd because she always asked me for permission to go somewhere or do something. I'm her superior after all. This time, she didn't inform me about her plans..."

"You have a new task. Find out what Whitemane is planning," said Exadius. "And command the Scarlet Crusade to stop attacking the Alliance."

Balnazzar nodded. "As you wish, Lord Exadius."

"We have to inform the Alliance about this. It's time to introduce you to them," Kelrian said to his partner.

"I see things the same, partner."

"What about tomorrow? We should tell them everything as soon as possible before they plan to attack the Scarlet Monastery with a huge army."

"Tomorrow sounds good."

"Is there anything else we need to discuss?" Kelrian asked.

"Not really."

He looked at Balnazzar who shook his head.

Exadius looked at his new subject. "You know what you have to do, right?"

"I do."

"Do not disappoint me or try to trick me. You know what happens to those who do that."

Balnazzar nodded quickly, fear could be seen in his eyes for a short moment. He began to cast a spell and disappeared. Suddenly, Dathrohan's corpse began to move again and stood up. Balnazzar possessed the corpse again.

Exadius looked at his daughter. "You will stay here with Balnazzar and watch over him and the Scarlet Monastery."

Danara nodded. "As you wish, father."

Exadius created a portal within a few minutes. "Let's get out of here, partner."

Kelrian nodded and stepped through the portal.


"How many soldiers did we lose?"

"Three hundred seventy-eight. Over two hundred were burned by the Scarlet Crusade."

"Are the bodies of those who weren't burned still intact?"

"Most of them are."

Sylvanas looked at Lyndia. "Tell the necromancers to bring them back. It's not their time to die yet."

"As you wish, aunt." Lyndia lowered her head in respect and left the conference room.

Sylvanas' gaze fell on Verena again. "What do our scouts say?"

"The Scarlet Crusade has not been active since their first attempt to conquer our most important bases. They remain in the Scarlet Monastery and in other bases. It seems that they wait for something."

"How many soldiers do they have?"

"The scouts spoke several thousand," replied Verena.

"It's only a matter of time until they attack us again," muttered Sylvanas.

"I have no doubt that they will attack again soon," said her favourite advisor.

Sylvanas was about to say something as she heard the door being opened. She turned her head, her eyes widened in surprise as she spotted Kelrian walking towards her. She had expected him to be in Brill, so she was more than just confused why he was suddenly here.

But before she could do or say anything, Kelrian reached her and pressed his lips on hers. She was stunned for a moment, not having expected him to kiss her while Verena was in the same room as them. Her body acted instinctively and returned the kiss. The kiss didn't last very long and was not as passionate as the kisses she used to share with him but it was decent enough.

Sylvanas blinked a few times when he pulled away, realizing she had not imagined this. This was not one of her daydreams she had sometimes about him when they were separated. The kiss had been real and so was Kelrian. He was really here despite Alleria's order to stay in Brill.

"What are you doing here?" she asked irritated. "You are supposed to be in Brill. Did something happen?"

Kelrian put his hands on her hips, noticing the jealousy in Verena's eyes. "Something happened indeed."

Sylvanas' face was full of surprise when Kelrian was done explaining what he had done in the past hours. She had imagined many things that could explain Kelrian's sudden appearance. She had imagined many bad scenarios but she would have never imagined what Kelrian had just told her. She had not expected that his sudden appearance would have a positive reason.

Kelrian still stood in front of her and was looking down at her, his hands were still caressing her hips. "Are you okay?" he asked.

"I am. I just need a few moments to assimilate everything you told me."

Kelrian's eyes didn't leave hers.

"So, your new ally is the former king of the nathrezim who was forced to serve the Burning Legion. His task was to kill Tyrande Whisperwind but he didn't kill her even though he had the chance. You found him in another dimension and freed him. He healed your wounds and replaced your eye and your forearm after you made a pact with him. He wants you to help him kill Kil'jaeden after he helped you killing Arthas."

Kelrian nodded. "That's right."

"Exadius also wants to free as many nathrezim as possible from Kil'jaeden's control. You discovered that Balnazzar, who I believed was killed by Varimathras, took the place of the leader of the Scarlet Crusade. His master ordered him to make sure that as many enemies of the Scourge as possible die so that the Lich King wins and the Burning Legion can invade Azeroth again after they got rid of the Lich King. Your partner managed to convince Balnazzar to work for him instead. He left his daughter, who was disguised as one of the sin'dorei who appeared with you in the conference room in Silvermoon, to look after Balnazzar and the Scarlet Monastery. Did I forget something?"

"You forgot that I still have no idea how I landed in this dimension. I have no idea who saved me. I wish I could thank that person. Without them, I would be in Arthas' hands. I would have to serve him until someone would release or free me."

Worry and anxiety were reflected by Sylvanas' eyes which rested on her feet. "That would have been the worst-case scenario," she whispered. She didn't notice that she had wrapped her arms tightly around Kelrian and pressed her body against his. She was hugging him tightly as if she feared he would be taken away from her the next moment. Fortunately, he was not. He stared down at her and put a hand beneath her chin. He lifted it and stared into her eyes, noticing that the worry and anxiety vanished as she returned his gaze.

Kelrian pecked on her lips, putting a strand of her pale blonde hair behind her ear. "I'm here, Sylvanas," he whispered. "There is no reason to be worried."

Sylvanas said nothing in return as she put her head on his chest. Kelrian put his demonic hand on the back of her head,stroking over the soft fabric of her hood. He averted his gaze after a few moments and looked at Verena who was not able to hide her jealously. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed the provocative grin on his lips. The grin had vanished after a few seconds but it had been enough to make Verena more jealous than she already was.

Kelrian knew Verena was aware that Sylvanas was his and that she had not a chance to win her over as long as he was there. She was not the only one who was jealous of him. Nathanos was jealous too but just like Verena, he was no threat to Kelrian. They were jealous but they would never do anything to harm him.

Kelrian believed that at least. They were no longer the same persons they had been in life. He knew how drastically death could change people. Sylvanas would have never considered raising decreased creatures to strengthen her army before her death. As Ranger-General, she would have never used questionable methods to achieve her goals. As the Banshee Queen, she did everything in her power to survive and weaken the Scourge. She would do anything necessary to defeat the Scourge and kill Arthas. She even told her subjects to kill everyone who would see them raising the dead.

But she was not the only person who had changed. Kelrian had met enough humans and elves he had known in life who had drastically changed in death. His former best friend had not reacted at all when they had met again after more than five years. It was not unlikely that Nathanos or Verena would try to sabotage his and Sylvanas' relationship. It was not unlikely but Kelrian didn't believe they would. He could only hope his assumption was right.

He looked back at Sylvanas and kissed her forehead, toying with her left ear a little. He kissed it gently and did the same with the other, knowing that Verena was still in the room. She was not watching them anymore. She had turned around and stared at the wall, remaining silent.

Sylvanas stepped away after a while and smiled at Kelrian who returned it without hesitation. She turned her head and looked at Verena. "I want you to send messengers to the other leaders and tell them that I will convene a spontaneous meeting. Tell them that it's urgent and that I want to meet them in Dalaran around midday."

Verena looked at the clock on the opposite wall. "It's three o'clock in the morning. The leaders will still sleep at this time."

"That's why the messengers should inform the guards. If you are good, you write them letters in case the messengers forget what they are supposed to say," responded Sylvanas.

"As you wish, mistress."

"Now go."

Verena gave Kelrian one last grim glance before she walked out of the conference room.

"I never saw Verena acting like this," muttered Kelrian.

Sylvanas raised a brow. "You mean acting jealous?" she asked curiously.


"Verena was never jealous of you in life. She was happy for us but death changed her."

"As long as she's not trying to sabotage us."

"I doubt she will."

"I hope so."

Sylvanas put her hands on Kelrian's cheeks. "Don't worry about her or Nathanos. They won't do anything. Trust me."

Kelrian stared into her eyes and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her closer. Sylvanas put a hand on his hip and the other on his back. She noticed that her skin started to tingle in excitement as she pressed her body against his. Being held by him and able to touch him increased her desire for him. She was not just satisfied with being physically close to him. She wanted more.

She stepped on her tiptoes and kissed him. Feeling his lips against hers made the tingling stronger and increased the lust she was feeling. The area between her legs started to tingle as she slipped her tongue into Kelrian's mouth. He did the same in return. Their tongues danced together before they explored the mouth of the other. The kiss was much more passionate and lasted much longer than the previous kiss they had shared. Kissing Sylvanas often took Kelrian's breath away, just like in this very moment.

Kelrian breathed heavily while he caressed Sylvanas' cheek. He waited until his lungs had gotten enough air and his body had calmed down, then he leaned in and kissed her again. They didn't stand still this time. They moved as they kissed, reaching the long and wide conference table. Kelrian put Sylvanas on the table and laid down on top of her without interrupting the kiss. She ran her fingers through his hair at first but then she gave her hands a new task. The task to undress Kelrian.


(Begin of an 18+ scene. I marked the ending of the scene so that you can skip it if you don't want to read explicit sexual content. The scene after this one is important. Don't miss it.)

Darkness surrounded her. Her eyes were closed but even if they weren't, she wouldn't be able to see anything. Her eyes were covered by a piece of fabric. A blindfold. She was unable to see her surroundings but she didn't need to see anything. All she had to do was to concentrate on the waves of pleasure that rushed through her body.

Her vocal cords produced moans but they were not able to escape her mouth. She had a blue ball in her mouth which prevented the moans from escaping her mouth. Only muffled sounds could be heard. It had been a wise choice of him to gag her because anyone near the conference room would have heard her otherwise. She didn't mind the gag or the blindfold. Nor did she mind that her arms were tied behind her back. It gave her an additional thrill. The last time she had tied Kelrian to her bed and rode him like a cowgirl. She had been in the one in control, the dominant one.

This time, he was the one in control. The one who decided which positions they would take and which accessories and toys they would use. He was the master and she was the submissive person. She was on her knees, her ass was lifted in the air and her head rested on the hard tabletop of the conference table. He was right behind her, his demon hand pulled on her hair, three fingers of his humanoid hand were in her pussy. They were causing pleasure to Sylvanas but they were not the only reason why she was feeling such an immense amount of pleasure.

It was Kelrian's dick that was making her feel more than just great. It was in her ass, stretching the inner walls. Sylvanas had never imagined she would feel so good while having a dick in her ass. She had done anal with Kelrian when they had been alive but she had never enjoyed it as much as he had done it. Her first anal intercourse had been painful at the beginning and had not felt as good as vaginal sex.

Since she became undead and had discovered that she liked using ties, whips and blindfolds, she didn't mind feeling an acceptable amount of pain as long as it brought her pleasure in return. Kelrian was gentle with her. He was a gentle and caring lover who didn't just think about his own pleasure. He was not an egoist. He wanted to make Sylvanas feel good too.

He had made love to her pussy first and then gently teased her butthole, had shoved one finger inside it and later a second and a third. He had pumped his fingers in and out gently and made her butthole wide enough for his member. At first, only the tip had been inside her but after the pain had vanished, he had shoved more of his sex inside her. Her ass was full, the inner walls of her ass and pussy were rubbed by his member and his fingers. He was making her feel very good. She enjoyed what he was doing to her and he enjoyed it as well.

He enjoyed penetrating her tight butt. He had always fantasized about it. Sylvanas had only allowed him to make love to her butt one time in life. The one time had been great for him. Since she had become undeath, she tolerated more things and did things she would have never done in life.

Tying up each other was a good example. She had loved to be in control in life and she still loved to be in control these days but she had never tied him up or blindfolded him before her death. She had never allowed him to blindfold her or tie her up. She had never allowed him to be in control but these days she allowed him to be the dominant part from time to time.

She loved switching roles with him and she knew he loved it too. Of course, they still had normal sex. They loved being in these roles but they didn't do it all time. She was sure that they would do it whenever they were in the mood for it. If they weren't, they would have traditional sex.

Seeing Sylvanas on her knees with her ass lifted in the air really turned Kelrian on. She was in the middle of the table, her head pointed to the room's exit. The door was closed but not locked. Anybody could walk through it at any moment but the possibility of getting caught only made the sex much better. It gave their love-making an additional kick and made it more exciting.

Kelrian had no idea how much time had passed as he felt his orgasm approach. He did nothing to stop it, on the contrary, he moved his hips faster and pumped his dick in and out faster than before. His dick twitched eventually and sperms shot out of the tip.

Sylvanas' orgasm came half a minute later. He waited until she had ridden out her orgasm and before he pulled his fingers out. He slapped her ass, smiling as he noticed the red handprint on her left butt cheek. He used a handkerchief to clean his hand and regarded Sylvanas for a few moments before he pulled his dick out.

He smirked as he saw that cum flowed out of her butthole. He had released a huge load inside her and her ass couldn't keep all of it. Cum dripped onto the tablecloth and even flowed inside her pussy. Kelrian sat down next to Sylvanas and put a hand on her ass, caressing her butt cheeks and slapping them gently. He did that for a few minutes but then decided to show mercy and free her.

He removed her blindfold first, then her ties and at last her gag. Sylvanas sat up and looked at him, a satisfied expression could be seen on her face. She sat down onto his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck, a wide grin could be seen on her lips. "I have to say, I enjoyed it more than I have expected."

Kelrian's grin became wider. "I'm glad you loved it. I really enjoyed it as well."

"I don't mind doing it again one day but not so soon. The next time we make love, we do it without ties and blindfolds, if that's okay for you, my love."

"It is," Kelrian said and kissed her. The kiss was long and passionate, making both of them want more. They still wanted more even though they just had sex. They wanted each other so badly but they knew they should get dressed this time. They had been in the conference room for a while so that it was not unlikely that a Forsaken would come into the room to look after them. It was also possible that Verena would return at any moment to inform Sylvanas that she had completed her task.

(End of the 18+ scene)


Kelrian and Sylvanas dressed quickly and got off the table. Sylvanas stepped to Kelrian and took his hands, staring into his eyes. Kelrian smiled at her and caressed the back of her hand with his thumbs. He took her left hand and brought it to his lips, kissing it softly. He ran his thumb over her wedding ring. His wedding ring to be exact. She still wore it because they had not exchanged their rings yet.

Kelrian's gaze rested on the ring for a while before it wandered to her face. Sylvanas nodded her head slightly, answering Kelrian's unspoken question. Kelrian removed the ring from her finger, handed it to Sylvanas and then removed the ring on his finger. He regarded it for a few moments before he took Sylvanas' left hand and put the ring on her finger. He stared into her eyes while doing it, noticing that happiness was reflected by them.

This wonderful momentreminded him of their wedding day. At this very moment, his heart was beating as fast as it had done during the wedding ceremony. They were already married but he was nervous nevertheless. They were about to exchange their rings just like they had decided before Sylvanas had left Silvermoon weeks ago.

They had exchanged rings five years ago when Sylvanas had convinced him to go to Windrunner Spire and evacuate their family. Sylvanas had told him to return the ring to her before she had said goodbye to him. Back then, she had not believed they would ever exchange their rings because she had not expected that she would see him again. She had believed she would die, really die. But Arthas had not done her the favour of granting her a swift death.

She had cursed him for this. She was still cursing him and still wanted to see him dead for everything he had done to her people, to her family and to her. She hated him more than anyone else. She had hated her existence for quite some time, she had only felt anger and hatred after her rebirth. She had thought her only purpose was to seek vengeance and kill Arthas. She had thought that killing Arthas would be the only way to make her happy. She had been wrong, so wrong.

She had reunited with the love of her life. She had found him again and came together with him again. She had never believed that this would happen. She had always feared he would reject her and come together with another woman. She had feared he would regard her as an abomination and keep as much distance as possible to her.

Fortunately, her fears had not come true. He still loved her even though her appearance and her personality had changed. She had not become a totally different person but she was no longer the same self-confident woman she had once been. She had phases in which she felt very insecure but she also had phases in which she didn't feel that way. Mood swings occurred from time to time. Sometimes more often than she liked. She had no control over the way she felt.

Being in Kelrian's near helped her to deal with her anxiety and insecurity. Being around him calmed her and made her happy. Kissing him made her forget about all her worries. Being able to press her body against his, hug him and caress his cheeks belonged to the things she enjoyed to do these days. Having sex with him was the activity she enjoyed the most and she knew he enjoyed it as much as she did. They couldn't get enough of each other and she was grateful that things between them worked out so well. She was glad that she still had him after she had lost so much.

This moment was very exciting for Sylvanas. She still remembered the best day of her life, her wedding day. She still remembered every moment. She still remembered the way how her body had behaved that day. It behaved similarly at this very moment. Her skin tingled in excitement and she even blushed. The only difference was that her heart was not beating. It had beaten rapidly in her chest on their wedding day but it couldn't beat at this very moment. Sylvanas was sure that it would beat as rapidly as it had done back then if she would still be alive.

She missed hearing her heartbeat when she was nervous or excited. She missed so many things which she had done in life. Eating, sleeping and taking sunbaths belonged to the things she missed the most. She may have more time as an undead, which she could use wisely, than a living person. She had more time planning campaigns and doing her tasks as the queen of Undercity but she still missed sleeping. She missed waking up next to Kelrian. There were enough things she missed and only a few things she didn't miss.

Sylvanas smiled at Kelrian and regarded him for a few moments before she took his right hand and put his ring on his wedding finger. Kelrian returned her smile, put his hands on her face and pulled her into a passionate kiss. The kiss ended eventually but their bodies were still pressed against each other. They stared at each other silently, caressing the back of the other.

"I love you, Sylvanas," Kelrian said eventually.

"I love you too, Kelrian."

The following silence lasted for a few minutes but it was pleasant for both of them.

"I should rest for a few hours before we go to Dalaran," Kelrian said eventually.

"That's not a bad idea."

"I will take one of your guestrooms then."

"You don't have to. I have no problem if you use my private room. I don't need to sleep, so you can use my bed. It's big enough for both of us, so I can cuddle with you while you sleep," Sylvanas told.

Kelrian smiled. "I like that idea."

"So do I."

Kelrian made a step away from her, ignoring the signals his body gave him. It demanded him to have close body contact with Sylvanas for much longer. He was sure Sylvanas' body was acting in a similar way. It was obvious that she already missed the close body contact with him. But it was only a matter of time until they would lie close together again and cuddle up. They had to hold until they would reach her room. Fortunately for them, Sylvanas' private room was not too far away from the conference room.

"Let's go," Sylvanas said and began to move. Kelrian followed her without hesitation.