
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · วิดีโอเกม
145 Chs

Chapter 42: The Prison of Silvermoon

*Screams and cries for help and mercy echoed through the air. Jangling sounds were produced when steel clashed against steel. When weapons met other weapons or metal armours. Painful cries escaped the soldiers' lips when they were wounded. Blood was spilt. Bones, noses and jaws were broken. Arms and legs were separate. Heads too. People were mutilated. People were heavily injured. People were killed.

Soldiers cried out in pain. Soldiers begged to all gods they knew, hoping one of them would save them. Soldiers thought about their loved ones before they received the final blow from an enemy. Soldiers were slaughtered like cattle.

Soldiers from both sides died quick deaths but there were others which weren't that 'lucky'. Some of them bled to death slowly. The innards of others were spread all over the ground but they were still alive. They endured terrible torments. Either they were released from their suffering by an enemy or they died a slow and painful death.

And then there was the fire.

The fire was everywhere. It came out of the snouts of massive winged beasts. It ignited the ground, the wooden houses of the trolls and everything in them. Trees were set on fire. The furs of animals caught fire and their bodies were consumed by the flames. Trolls couldn't stand against the fire. High elves, dwarves and humans also died in the flames. The flames didn't spare children, women and old men and women. Not even one of his friends who had been standing not far away from him. The fire consumed them all. Everyone it came in contact with.

It consumed groups of soldiers within a short amount of time. Entire armies. Even territories, villages, cities and entire nations. It was merciless. It didn't spare anyone. Not even his family, his friends and his lover. Melted faces and bodies were all that was left of the persons he once knew.

Not even Sylvanas was spared. Nothing but ashes was left of her. Her once beautiful face and her perfect body were turned to ashes and scattered by the wind. The fire had consumed all but him. He was the only creature left on a planet which was nothing more than a dull place where no life existed anymore.

No forests. No mountains. No stretches of waters. No buildings. No cities. No kingdoms. No inhabitants.

He was alone on a dead planet. All the persons he once knew were dead. There was no one he could spend time with. No one he could talk to or do things with. No one he could love.

He turned around, noticing the evil entity in front of him. It was the one who took everyone and everything from him. His family, his friend and the love of his life. It was a large flame with the shape of a humanoid creature. There were two red glowing eyes in its face and a big mouth with sharp teeth. It smiled at him as it came closer.

He backed off but the creature was faster, reaching him within a few seconds. He couldn't prevent that it touched his face. Its touch was hot. Too hot. The pain he felt was immense. He couldn't think clearly. He couldn't do anything. He knew the creature would melt his face and he knew he couldn't prevent it. He just hoped it would be over soon.*

He woke up with a start, hitting his head against something. He rubbed his hurting forehead, noticing his head was warm. Fortunately, not too warm. His body was not as hot as it had been in his dream. There was no creature around him which wanted to consume him.

He turned his head, noticing that his forehead had come in contact with the slanted ceiling of the guest room in which he had spent the night for a few days.

Everything was alright. He was not about to die in a horrible way. There was no creature which wanted to melt his face with its bare hands. He was not alone on Azeroth. Most of his friends were still alive so was Sylvanas. There was no reason to panic.

Nevertheless, his heart was beating rapidly in his chest. His pulse and his heartbeat returned to normal after a few minutes. It had just been a freaking nightmare. But it had been much worse than the nightmares he had had the previous days. He had dreamed that some of his friends had died. He had dreamed that Elena had gotten raped by trolls and he had dreamed that his father had done unspeakable things to his mother. Rape was the most harmless thing he had done to her.

But everything had just been a horrible nightmare. His mother was alright. Elena was alright and had never been sexually assaulted by trolls. Sylvanas was alright too and his father was still locked in his cell. The only thing which was not alright was the fact that he had nightmares whenever he slept.

He could see the flames consuming his comrades whenever he closed his eyes. He hadn't gotten much sleep the previous days. He felt horrible. The lack of sleep was really gnawing on his strength.

He didn't know how long he could hold out. He wouldn't be useful in a battle if he would be really tired and could barely keep an eye open.

He had to speak with someone about it. He had to find a solution. He had to find a way to deal with the nightmares. Otherwise, they will be his demise.


Kelrian walked through the streets of Silvermoon City which were fuller than usual. Since the evacuation of the towns and villages, many inhabitants who had survived live in Silvermoon. The capital city was not large enough to accommodate everyone so provisional camps had been erected in and outside the city.

There was a magical barrier which was wrapped around the city and the camps around it. Tens of thousands lived in tents while the others lived in the free rooms of the taverns, houses and communal residences. Lots of citizens had been brought to Lordaeron, Gilneas, Ironforge or Stromgarde. They would live there as long as the orcs would still be a threat.

The dragons may no longer be a problem for the Alliance of Lordaeron but that didn't mean the population of Quel'Thalas was safe. The orcs could return at any moment and spread fear and terror. The Farstriders hadn't had the time to rebuild their shattered defensive constructions yet, so the remaining villages and towns were defenceless until the fortresses, bases, walls and other defensive structures had been rebuilt.

But Kelrian was pretty sure the civilians will be able to return to their homes soon. Without the dragons, the Horde was a lot weaker. He had heard rumours that the orcs were preparing an attack on Lordaeron. If that would turn out to be true, the high elves could attack the Amani trolls in the meantime. Then they could help the humans and dwarves against the orcs.

It sounded pretty simple but it was the entire contrary. Kelrian knew that lots of people will die during the upcoming battles. He didn't know how long this war will endure. He could only hope it would end as soon as possible.

Since the liberation of the dragons,the balance of power had shifted back to the side of the that didn't mean the war was won. It looked better than before for the Alliance but who knew which ace the orcs would have in their sleeves this time.

Nothing was guaranteed but the Alliance will give their best to be victorious. They will fight by any means and do everything in their power to defeat the orcs. Kelrian was not afraid, he was just concerned about what the future will hold. He was an optimist so he hoped everything will turn out well.

He also hoped that Sylvanas will forgive him one day. He hadn't initiated the kiss nor had he asked for getting kissed. Elena had been the one who had kissed him. But Sylvanas couldn't know that because she had only spotted them kissing. She didn't know what had happened before. She had walked away before he had been able to explain what had happened.

He had to meet her but she was very busy all the time or just didn't want to see him. Whenever he went to her office, one of her rangers told him that she was not there or had to do something. Maybe she was avoiding him. Maybe she just needed time. Three weeks had passed since Sylvanas had caught them and stormed off. But he will give her more time if necessary.

He was not afraid that she would kiss Nathanos or Verena or do anything else with them because she was not the type of woman who would do this as an act of vengeance. On the other hand, she had endured much during the past months. The loss of her brother, the defeat in Zul'Aman and then his disappearance. It was not unlikely that Sylvanas was not in the best condition. Outwardly she appeared as a strong woman but inwardly she was vulnerable.

He assumed it had shocked her and hurt her feelings as she had caught him and Elena kissing. He was sure she was still hurt but she didn't show it. He had to talk to her and explain what had happened. He had heard that Sen'za had been interrogated so he hoped she had told that she had worked on a love potion. Sylvanas must find out the truth so she would understand that it was not his fault.

He would never cheat on her. He loved her too much to do that. He just had to find her and talk to her. He had to explain everything and make her understand. He knew Sylvanas pretty well. He knew her for over fourteen years and he was together with her for four years. He knew her as the kind, tolerant and smart woman she was, so he hoped she will forgive him one day.

Kelrian was brought out of his thoughts as a familiar person shouted his name. He turned his head, looking at the massive building in front of which the person stood. It was the prison of Silvermoon City where his cousin stood.

He didn't hesitate to hug Liadrin as he approached her. He stroked her back and she returned the gesture. They embraced each other for a few moments before he pulled away and regarded the smaller woman. There had been a time where she had been taller than him. But times had changed. Nowadays, Liadrin was a mere head smaller than him.

He regarded her from head to toe, noticing that she was wearing an orange coloured robe. She also checked on his outfit which consisted of brown trousers and a green vest.

"I haven't met you for a while. It's good to see you again, Kel."

Kelrian smiled. "It's good to see you too, Liadrin."

"I was worried about you when I heard that you were reported missing. I thought you were dead so did the rest of our family. Your mother was shattered but I helped her as best as I could. Fortunately, she has no longer a reason to grieve."

"I'm sorry that I worried you and our family."

Liadrin raised an eyebrow, a small smile appeared on her lips. "You don't have to be sorry. You didn't ask to get captured by the trolls. What matters is that you are alive and your mother has no longer a reason to be sad. She really misses you. You should pay her a visit."

Kelrian nodded. "I will visit her but first I need to speak to the troll who held me captive."

Liadrin frowned. "So that's the reason why you want to meet me in front of the prison. I was wondering why you would go there in the first place. I assumed that you wouldn't want to meet your father so I was asking myself who you want to visit instead."

Kelrian chuckled. "No, I'm not going to visit this bastard. Not after everything he did. He can be lucky that they didn't execute him for helping the enemy."

Liadrin tilted her head a little. "He never confessed that he betrayed us. Everyone believes it but we have no proofs at all. That's why he is still alive. He is locked up there because he let Sylvanas' brother die. He was sentenced for denial of assistance and abuse. Your mother went very emotional when she told the judge how your father treated her. Some things he did to her could be considered as rape. Or sexual assault. But don't worry about him anymore, he won't leave the cell for the rest of his life," Liadrin explained.

Kelrian looked at the ground, a thoughtful expression could be seen on his face. He didn't say anything for a few minutes but then he lifted his head again and looked at the woman with the honey-brown coloured hair. "It's not that I wish his death but sometimes I think he deserves it."

Liadrin put a hand on his shoulder, patting it softly. "Your father deserves it, that's right. But maybe he can redeem himself one day. Who knows? People can change."

"I don't believe that he will change. I'm just glad that he will never get out. No matter what will happen."

Liadrin nodded at him. "I understand you and I feel the same way.

Kelrian exhaled loudly. "I'm glad that he can no longer threaten us. I don't really want him back in my life, no matter if he changes or not. He will never make up for what he did. I will never forgive him, no matter how hard he will try and how often he will apologize. But I know him, so I know he will never apologize for anything."

Liadrin was silent as she regarded Kelrian curiously.

"We should enter the prison," spoke Kelrian as he turned around and stepped away from the priestess. Liadrin didn't hesitate to follow him. They walked through the door, arriving in the entrance hall. There were a few seats on which they could take place. But they weren't waiting for someone who would be released so there was no reason for them to wait in this room.

They walked to the reception, greeting the woman who was sitting there. Like all the guards in the room and in front of the building, she wore the typical armour of the Silvermoon City Guards. Red coloured armour made out of the best steel in Quel'Thalas. The best blacksmith of Quel'Thalas made the armours for the average guards while the best blacksmiths of Ironforge created the armours and weapons for the lieutenants, captains and for Heren Lightpresser,the leader of the Silvermoon City Guard.

Kelrian looked at the name badge which was right above the receptionists' chest. Her name was Alura Sunguard. She had long silver-coloured hair and a pretty face, like all high elves. She had a small dimple on each cheek which only made her look cuter. She smiled at the newcomers, asking them how she could help them.

"I wanted to ask if I could visit one of the troll prisoners," said Kelrian.

"Which one?"

"Her name is Sen'za. She has long red hair and blue skin," explained Kelrian.

Alura made a thoughtful face as she looked at the ranger. "Sen'za... Sen'za... Sen'za... Blue skin..." She averted her gaze and opened the thick book which laid in front of her. She flicked through the pages, stopping after a while. She put her finger on a page and trailed it down until she found the name she was looking for. "Sen'za Quickspear, there she is." Alura looked up, a small smile was visible on her lips. "She is on Level 46."

"How do we get there?" asked Liadrin.

"Just follow my colleague," she said and pointed at a male who was standing in front of one of the yellow coloured walls. "He will guide you to the right cell."

"Thank you," said Kelrian.

The woman smiled at him. "You are welcome."

Kelrian nodded to her, then he turned around and walked to the guard Alura had pointed at. He was as tall as him and had short cut hair. There was nothing on him which stuck out. He looked like the average male high elf but his hair was black and not blonde. Karic Dawnwalker was written on his name badge. "I greet you," he said as Kelrian and Liadrin stopped in front of him.

The guests greeted him in return.

"Are you ready?" Karic asked.

"We are," replied Kelrian.

Karic nodded at them, signalizing them to follow him. They did that without hesitation, walking through the double doors at the end of the entrance hall. The bordering corridor was wide enough that four persons could walk next to each other. It was over eleven feet tall so that even trolls and orcs could walk through it without bumping their heads on the ceiling.

Guards were stationed every sixteen feet, meaning enough guards stood in the corridor for the case that one of the prisoners would try to break out. There were normal guards, spellbreakers and even mages and priests. Kelrian assumed they were frost mages because they could catch the prisoners quickly before they could do anything. Freezing their feet to the floor would be enough to stop them from running away.

Kelrian glanced into the cells on both sides as he walked, spotting creatures of different races. He spotted many trolls. Most of them were older than most of the trolls he had encountered during the war because they had been captured decades ago.

He spotted human and quel'dorei bandits and other criminals like murders, thieves, rapists and kidnappers. There were old prisoners and young ones. Males and females.

He noticed the hate in the eyes of the trolls and orcs. Most of the humans, dwarves and high elves stared at the walls or on the floors, averting eye contact. They didn't want to be recognized for the case they would get out someday. No matter if the visitors would remember their faces, some of the prisoners will always be recognized by the citizens because they had a certain magical tattoo on the right side of their neck. Only those who raped, murdered or did similar serious crimes had such a tattoo.

There was no way to hide it. It would shine through every piece of cloth no matter how thick it would be. No scarf or cloth will be able to cover the tattoo. They will always be marked as criminals. Even removing the skin wouldn't help because it was also engraved in the prisoners' flesh. There was no way to remove such a tattoo. It will always remain on the prisoners' bodies no matter what they will do. They would be marked forever so they always will be reminded of the crimes they had committed.

Kelrian, Liadrin and Karic left the corridor eventually, coming to a gigantic room. The walls' colour was purple, the ceiling and the floor had a similar colour. There were plenty of portals.

In front of each portal stood two guards who were armed to their teeth. Kelrian had never been in the prison of Silvermoon before so he was curious where the portals would lead. He had an assumption but he didn't say anything because he guessed the guard will tell them where the portals led anyway.

Karic stopped in the middle of the room, turning around to look at the visitors."Any of these portals bring us to a different level. As you can see, there are signs which tell to which level the portals lead," he explained, pointing at the sign which floated above the nearest portal. Level 22 was written there.

Kelrian turned around, looking at the signs. There was a sign with the number 106. He assumed that most of these areas were beneath the ground. From the outside, nobody would guess that over one hundred levels would fit in this building. Five or six at maximum but not one majority of the level had to be beneath the ground if each level was at least eleven feet tall.

"I assume that there are also levels where bathrooms and dining halls are," said Liadrin.

"There are two levels on which you can only find toilets, showers and tubs and there are three levels which are used as dining halls. There are also levels where prisoners are allowed to walk freely, of course only in handcuffs which suppress their magic. We don't want to give them the opportunity to riot and break out. On these levels, they can stretch their limbs out, do sports, train or just move a bit in general. Each prisoner is allowed to spend two hours there each day," explained Karic.

"How many meals do they get each day on what do they get?" Kelrian asked curiously.

"They get three meals each day." Karic lifted his hand, gesturing them to let him finish. "Don't say it, I know it's more than most of them deserve. But the High King demands that we treat our prisoners well so we give them decent meals, enough water to drink and allow them to run rounds or do other sports. Only if they want to. We don't force anyone to go to these levels and do something. They can also stay in their cells and only leave them to eat something or to clean themselves. It's up to them."

Neither Kelrian nor Liadrin said anything so the guard continued to explain. "We are no beasts who mistreat their prisoners. We treat everyone equally, even prisoners of war. The trolls and orcs may mistreat their prisoners but that is no reason for us to be like them. We are better than them so we make sure our prisonersare treated well."

"I understand you and I share this way of thinking. We shouldn't sink to the same level as them. We wouldn't be better than them if we mistreat our prisoners," responded Kelrian.

The guard nodded at him. "Anyways, you are not here to talk to me. I suggest we will go to level 46 so I can bring you to the prisoner you want to see."

Liadrin nodded at him, giving him a small smile. Karic didn't hesitate to walk to portal 46, waiting until Kelrian and Liadrin were standing next to him. He looked at them for the last time before he walked through the portal. Kelrian didn't hesitate to walk through it as well. Neither did Liadrin.

They arrived in a corridor which was as wide and as tall as the previous corridor. The walls were coloured in yellow. Simple yellow. The floor was covered with blue tiles. Kelrian and Liadrin nodded at each guard they passed as they walked through the corridor. They had nearly reached its end as Karic stopped suddenly. He turned to the right and pointed at the cell in front of him. Kelrian tracked his gaze and spotted who he was looking at.

There was a familiar person who sat in the right corner of the cell. They could see the almost completely exposed back of the woman, her dirty blue skin and her messy red hair. It was no other than Sen'za.

Kelrian regarded her for a few moments before he averted his gaze and looked at Karic. "Can you open the door so I can talk to her?"

"Of course," replied the guard and took a bunch of keys from his belt. He searched for the right one, putting it in the lock. He unlocked the door and opened it, allowing Kelrian and Liadrin to get in.

"I will wait in front of the cell for the case she tries anything,"

Kelrian glanced at Karic. "I don't think she will."

"I think the same but I rather remain here. Just for the case," told Karic.

Kelrian gave him a nod and entered the cell. He walked over to the troll and squatted next to her. Her smell was so strong as if she hadn't showered for days or maybe even weeks. She was looking at her fingers and fiddled with them. Her long ears hung low. He assumed she had noticed his presence but he understood that she didn't want to turn around. Nobody loved to be locked in a cell so he understood that she didn't want to see him.

"Hello," said Kelrian quietly.

Sen'za's ears twitched for a short moment but other than that, her body wasn't reacting at all. She didn't move. Not even a small inch. She remained in her position and ignored him as best as she could.

"Sen'za?" Kelrian tried to get her attention but she continued to ignore him.

He sighed. "I'm sorry that I knocked you out and brought you and So'mi to the nearest base. I'm sorry that they put you in prison. I will talk to the Ranger-General as soon as I can and convince her to let you free. You allowed us to escape so I want to return the favour."

Sen'za couldn't see the friendly smile on his face because she hadn't turned her head to look at him. Even if she would see it, she wouldn't care. She didn't want to see him. Not after he had knocked her out even though she had freed him. She regretted that she had guided him and the other elf out of Zul'Aman.

She wished she would have left them there and escaped alone. But Kelrian had managed to get rid of his chains and prevented that she could kill So'mi. Without him, the dumb whore would have been dead. Without him, her rival would be dead. And she could have Zul'jin all for herself. She could have made him fall for her, with the help of love potions, and could have been together with him for the rest of her life.

Instead, she would spend the rest of her life in this cell. Thanks to Kelrian. She was mad at him. Mad that he had stopped her. Mad that he had knocked her out and brought her to his people. She was also mad that the love potion hadn't worked.

It didn't come in her mind that Kelrian had only done his duty. No other ranger would have acted differently. The capture of the troll queen was very important for the Alliance of Lordaeron. She was a hostage of the Alliance and leverage at the same Alliance could force Zul'jin to surrender. At least they could try it. If he would ever surrender was a different story.

Kelrian turned his head to look at Liadrin who frowned as she regarded them. She shrugged her shoulders when she noticed that Kelrian was looking at her. He averted his gaze and looked back at the silent troll.

"You may think that I betrayed you but that's not the case. We were never on the same side. You held us captive. I know you saved us from endless torture and sexual assault by the Amani. I really appreciate that but I cannot forget what you did to us. Forcing us to kiss was only the most harmless thing you did. You forced us to drink potions without knowing what they would do to us. You could have killed us.

One of your potions made us sick while another nearly killed us. We suffered for three days. Three whole days... The pain was unbearable..." Kelrian paused for a few moments. He took a deep breath, looked at Liadrin once more before he looked back at the troll.

"I did wrong things so did you. Neither one of us is innocent so I suggest that we should stop being mad at the other and cooperate. I can help you to get out of this prison if you help me with my problem. Think about it," Kelrian spoke. He regarded the blue-skinned troll who still refused to say anything or even look at him.

A loud sigh escaped his lips. "I will return in two days. You can consider whether you want to talk to me or not in the meantime. I can help you to get free." He got up and walked to the door, turning his head to look at Sen'za for the last time. "You will never get out if I don't tell the Ranger-General what you did for us. If you talk to me and help me with my problem, I will help you in return."

He regarded her for a few moments before he left the cell. Karic waited until Liadrin had left the cell, then he closed the door and locked it.

"What kind of a problem do you have?" asked Liadrin. An eyebrow was raised as she regarded her cousin curiously.

"I've had nightmares for almost two weeks. I assume they started when the potion didn't affect me anymore. It might be an aftereffect of one of the potions she gave me or some sort of trauma. I've seen horrible things during the battle. Things I just cannot forget. I need something which helps me to forget, or at least which makes sure I can sleep without waking up in the middle of the night because I had a nightmare.

I went to every alchemist, priest, doctor or any other person which could help me. Unfortunately, none of their medicines helped me so I hoped Sen'za knows something that might help. As a troll, she may know herbs or recipes the races of the Alliance don't know. Maybe the potions she gave me suppressed the trauma, or whatever this is that causes the nightmares. I want to ask her if she can tell me a recipe which could help me."

Liadrin made a thoughtful face, her brows were furrowed as she frowned. "None of the methods of the priests helped you?"

"Unfortunately, not."

"And our alchemist couldn't help you either?"

Kelrian shook his head. "Not even the priests and alchemists in Dalaran."

"How bad are the nightmares?" Liadrin asked curiously.

Kelrian took a breath and tilted his head as he considered what to say in response. "Well, I wake up in the middle of the night. Every night. I haven't slept much in the last two nightmares... The scenes I see... There are just horrible. I don't want to tell you the details... They are not pleasant to watch or imagine."

"I'm sorry for you, man," said Karic after Kelrian was done explaining.

Kelrian nodded at him.

Liadrin stepped closer to Kelrian. "I wish I could help you. Just tell me how and I will do it."

Kelrian smiled at her and thanked her for the offering. "Maybe you can ask your friends if they know something that could help me. Maybe a method or something which allows me to sleep without waking up in the middle of the night."

"I see what I can do but I can't promise anything"

Kelrian tapped her shoulder slightly. "Thank you, Liadrin."

She didn't say anything in response, she just nodded her head. Suddenly, her eyes widened as she saw someone out of the corners of her eyes. She turned her head to the right and looked at the person. Kelrian also turned his head as he saw the surprised expression on her face. He wondered who she was looking at.

There were three persons not far away from them. Two of them were guards and the last one was a prisoner. It was a man. But not only a random man Kelrian had never seen before. It was a familiar man Kelrian knew since his birth.

It was his father.