
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · วิดีโอเกม
145 Chs

Chapter 32: The next step

Numerous thoughts came in her mind while she lied in the bathtub and relaxed. Thoughts about the events of the past weeks. The conquests of the troll camps and bases, which had involved heavy losses from the side of the trolls but also from the side of the Alliance. The news about the devastation of Windrunner Village and the attack on Windrunner Spire.

The news about Lirath's death which had hit her harder than anyone would have expected. No one had expected that it would have hit her so hard that she wouldn't leave her room for two weeks. She still wasn't over his death, thinking about him depressed her but at least she was able to bear the emotional pain. She was able to think clearly and focus on the important things.

Her people needed her aid against the trolls and orcs. They didn't only need her because she was the best ranger in Quel'Thalas but also because her mere presence was enough to increase their morale and give them courage and hope. The other rangers fought better while she was around them. It was a phenomenon even Sylvanas herself couldn't explain.

Her plan was to return to the front soon and then push her troops forward in the south-east. Her goal was to conquer Zul'Aman and put Zul'jin in chains. He had to pay for the crimes he had done and Sylvanas will not stop until he had been put to justice.

Sylvanas also thought about her family. About Alleria who had told her that she will hunt down Kelrian's father before she had stormed out of her room. She still couldn't believe that the father of her lover left Lirath to die. She assumed that he was the one who gave the enemy the tip to attack Windrunner Village and Windrunner Spire. There was no other reason why the trolls had spared him after they had killed the guards who should have transported him to the prison in Silvermoon City.

At first, Sylvanas had assumed that the trolls had taken him captive because his corpse couldn't have been found anywhere. But his emergence in Windrunner Spire confirmed that he had not been kidnapped. Instead, he worked together with the enemy. Sylvanas had no proof that he was really working with them but there was no other explanation why the trolls had let him go.

She had no clue what he was going to do next. She assumed that he would try to bring his family back to his house. At least he couldn't do that in the near future because he was away from Alleria and her best rangers. He didn't have the time to kidnap anyone but that didn't mean that Kelrian's family was safe. It was not unlikely that Xenarion had told the enemy to attack Suncrown Village next and kidnap his family. Kelrian was worried about them so was Sylvanas.

At least, Verena had stationed more troops in and near Suncrown Village. More groups were patrolling the area around it. In general, more scouts were moving through Quel'Thalas, looking out for trolls and orcs who tried to reach Suncrown Village or any other village or place in Quel'Thalas.

She was sure that Alleria will find him soon and bring him back. But Xenarion was not the only problem her people had. The trolls were still making trouble and the orcs were also a threat. The orcs might have retreated but that was only a temporarily retreat. They will return sooner or later. There was no way they wouldn't. She assumed they would return as soon as they had built enough siege engines. Sylvanas could only hope that the humans will take care of them.

The orcs had slipped through their fingers one time which had led to the attack on Quel'Thalas and to Lirath's death. She could only hope that the orcs wouldn't be able to get away from the humans a second time. She had faith in Anduin Lothar, the leader of the human army and his second in command, Turalyon.

She had only met Alleria's lover a few times but the time they had spent together had been enough to give her the impression that he was a strong and fearless warrior. The human kingdoms were powerful allies whose help the high elves needed. Sylvanas was only hoping that they wouldn't get defeated by the orcs. Not like the kingdom of Stormwind whose capital city had been left in ruins when the orcs had attacked it during the first war.

Nonetheless, the orcs and trolls had suffered heavy losses over the past months which meant they were slowly losing if they don't have another ace card in their sleeves. Sylvanas was only hoping that the orcs and trolls would be defeated soon. She was tired of fighting against these green creatures. She just wanted to live in peace with the man she loved. With the man who had been there for her during the past weeks, had supported her and tried to calm her down as best as he could.

She was asking herself what she would do without him. She would be less motivated to survive every single day. Being able to see him at the end of the day was enough to motivate her no matter how hard her day would be or how many foes she would have to kill. She loved him with all of her heart and there was nothing which could change that.

Sylvanas came back to reality eventually as she stopped thinking about everything which came up in her mind. She leaned back and relaxed, enjoying the pleasantly warm water. It felt so good to take a hot bath, especially after she had avoided it for more than two weeks. She relaxed for a while then she finally started to wash herself. She cleaned her skin carefully and thoroughly with a sponge and washed her hair. She managed to make her greasy hair perfect again by using only a bit of her favourite hair shampoo. Her hair was not a mess anymore, instead, it was loose and fluffy. It would dry quickly and shine if she would go outside and step in the sun.

Sylvanas got out of the tub eventually, wrapping a towel around her body and another one around her head after she had dried herself. She left the bathroom, her eyes widened in surprise as she saw her mother who just came out of the room next to the bathroom.

She looked paler and thinner than she remembered. Her hair once had a golden colour, now it was just pale blonde. Sylvanas could only assume that Lirath's death had been responsible for the drastic changes in her appearance. The grief and emotional pain must have overwhelmed her. Sylvanas was glad that her appearance hadn't changed at all while she had mourned for her brother. She felt so sorry for her mother.

Unlike her, her mother had been there when Lirath had died slowly. She had been there when Xenarion had refused to heal him. She had seen Lirath die. She had seen everything, witnessed how the life had left him slowly. There had been nothing she could have done for him. He had died in her arms and she hadn't been able to save him.

Sylvanas didn't want to imagine how her mother must have felt before and after his could only assume that she must have felt shattered.A whole world must have collapsed for her when the last sign of life had left him. Sylvanas was not sure if her mother had blamed herself for Lirath's dead. It was not unlikely that her mother had blamed herself for not having been able to protect Lirath. Lirath would have never died if she would have handled these three orcs alone.

But it was not her fault. She was not a fighter, not anymore to be exact. She had been the best ranger once but that had been a hundred years ago. She was not as good anymore as she had once been, not even close. Her disease didn't allow her to fight as well as she used to. Without her disease, she would have dealt with these orcs so Lirath wouldn't have been injured by the third orc. She also could have helped to defend her home and helped to drive out all orcs so Lirath wouldn't have been hurt in the first place. But she hadn't been able to do that so she felt guilty, even though it was not her fault.

It was Xenarion's fault that the orcs and trolls changed their plans suddenly and attacked Windrunner Spire and Windrunner Village. It was not unlikely that he had told them how to break through the southern defence line. Otherwise, Sylvanas couldn't explain how the orcs had managed to break through the thick wall without knowing its weak points. It didn't matter for the moment but Sylvanas was still curious. She wanted to find out what went wrong so she could do something about it to prevent that the orcs would manage to break through the defence line again in the same way.

Nevertheless, it was not Lireesa's fault. There was nothing she could have done to save Lirath. Even attacking Xenarion wouldn't have changed anything. She would have never been able to force him to heal her son. Intimidation and threats might have worked on other priests but not on Xenarion. Lirath would have died no matter what Lireesa would have tried. Lireesa could only accept that it was not her fault. That was everything she could do.

But she didn't. She still felt guilty, broken, shattered and angry. Lirath's death had hit her pretty hard. It was visible in her eyes, in her face and in the way she was behaving. The once lively mother of four children had become a sad, broken woman with only three children. Sylvanas was not sure if her mother's condition would become better, same counted for her mindset.

She was hoping for the best, knowing she had to support her mother as best as she could. She had to be there for her until she would feel better. She knew she didn't really have the time for that. She was needed at the front. Her people needed her but her family needed her as well and she needed her family the same way.

She had to choose between returning to the front tomorrow or staying home for a few more days. She was debating inwardly, making a thoughtful face while she did that. It was her duty as the Ranger-General to act in the interests of her people. It was her duty to prefer her people's interest over her family's interests and her own interests. That meant she should go to the front.

But something told her she should stay at home and support her mother who needed her, so did her father and the rest of her family which was left. Several uncles, aunts, cousins and other relatives had perished in the orc attack but many members of the Windrunner family had survived. The Windrunner family was an extended family. Sylvanas couldn't take care of everyone but she could spend time with her father and mother and comfort them as best as she could.

She didn't feel ready to go to the front tomorrow and risk her life. She needed a few more days until she would be fit. Physically and mentally. She had to eat more, sleep enough and train until she would be in form again. Returning to the front the following day was a bad idea. She needed time to recover, otherwise, she wouldn't do her people a favour if she would get killed because her mind and her body were still weakened.

It would be the best if she would stay a few days at home. Not to mention her mother wouldn't let her go if she would tell her that she wanted to return to the front so soon. If it was up to her, she would lock her children in their rooms and never let them out. But it was not in her power to decide what her children should or should not do. They were members of the Farstriders so they had to return to the front and fight. They had to do that sooner or later. Vereesa had already returned to her group.

Together with Verena, she planned and led assaults on the freshly erected troll bases. Vereesa overcame her griefby killing as many trolls she could. She would rather kill orcs but these creatures had retreated after they had been driven out of Quel'Thalas. They were hiding in a place which wasn't in the range of the couldn't make them pay for what they have done so the trolls were the ones who had to suffer instead.

Sylvanas had heard rumours that Verena had allowed the other captains and lieutenants to attack non-military targets. Such as villages where innocent trolls were living. Old trolls, women and children who had nothing to do with the war. Sylvanas had always preached to her people that they should never sink on the same low level as the trolls'.Killing civilians was a war crime. The trolls and orcs didn't care about such unofficial rules. Wars should always be fought by warriors and not by innocents who couldn't defend themselves.

She could only hope that these rumours were just rumours and that they wouldn't be true. Otherwise... She didn't know what she would do if it would turn out that her subordinates weren't better than their enemies. She could understand that her people were angry about the attack on two non-military targets. But taking an eye for an eye was never a good had to ask Verena about these rumours. No matter if these rumours would turn out to be true, she had to talk to her subordinates and let them remember that they were better than these green beasts who saw themselves as humanoid beings.

Sylvanas noticed that she had been standing on the same spot since her gaze had fallen onto her mother who had returned her gaze without saying or doing anything. Mother and daughter had stared at each other while they had been lost in thoughts and reflected about so many things. Sylvanas noticed that her mother really needed a comforting hug so she approached her. She didn't care that her towels slipped a little as she threw her arms around her mother's neck and hugged her tightly.

Lireesa didn't hesitate to return the hug, closing her eyes. She took a deep breath, noticing the aroma of the shampoo Sylvanas had used to wash her hair. It smelled after peaches, Lireesa's favourite fruit. Lireesa couldn't stop herself from running her left hand through Sylvanas wet hair while the other hand rested on her back. The hug lasted longer than Sylvanas had intended. They pulled away after a while, looking at each other. Sylvanas didn't blush as she fixed her towel which had slipped enough to reveal her ample bosom.

"So...," her mother started but stopped as she realized she didn't know what to say.

"So...," replied Sylvanas but she didn't speak any further because she was at a loss of words like her mother. They were silent for a few minutes, doing nothing but staring into the other's eyes. But then Sylvanas broke the silence by asking if her mother was alright.

"I think so."

"Are you sure?" asked Sylvanas, giving her a questioning look.

"Yes, I am."

Sylvanas' face reflected doubt. "You don't seem to be alright."

"Well... To be honest... I don't manage to get over Lirath's death no matter how hard I try. I can't stop thinking about him. Whenever I try to distract myself, his face comes back in my mind. I start to remember his last few moments and then I..." she stopped speaking abruptly, tears ran down her cheeks.

Sylvanas didn't hesitate to pull her into another tight and comforting hug, whispering soothing words in her ears. She needed a few more minutes but with the right words, she managed to calm her mother down eventually. Nevertheless, she didn't pull away nor did her mother. They remained close, Sylvanas rubbed her mother's back while Lireesa ran her fingers through Sylvanas' wet golden mane. Toying with Sylvanas hair proved to be very reassuring for the insecure woman.

"I don't think I will get over his death soon. I only hope I will one day," whispered Lireesa.

"I will stay a few days before I return to the front. I know you don't want to let me go but you have to. Our people need me."

"I need you as well but I understand that you have to go. Our people need their best ranger in the war. Do me a favour and kill as many of these green bastards as you can. Do not spare anyone."

Sylvanas stroked the back of her head. "Don't worry, I will not spare a single troll or orc."

"You are a good girl," complimented her mother.

A small smile appeared on Sylvanas' lips. "How's father doing?"

The smile on Lireesa's lips vanished, her eyes reflected sadness and a look of worry appeared on her face. "He comes to terms with Lirath's day in a different way..."

Sylvanas frowned. "What do you mean?"

"He... drinks much more than usual... I'm afraid he gets addicted to alcohol if he isn't already..."

Worry was also reflected by Sylvanas' face. "Should I talk to him? Maybe I can help him accepting what happened."

"I tried to talk to him but it didn't work. Maybe you are able to help him," responded her mother, making a thoughtful face.

"Where is he?"

"I don't know. Probably in the local pub. I assume he had already emptied a bottle or two. Maybe more."

Sylvanas gave her mother a questioning look. "Should I meet him tomorrow and speak to him as soon as he is sober?"

"You better do that if you really want to help him."

Sylvanas nodded. "Alright, I will meet him tomorrow then."

Lireesa caressed her daughter's cheeks, giving her a small smile. "Do that, Lady Moon." Lireesa giggled, pressing a kiss on her daughter's forehead. They were equally tall so she didn't need step on her tiptoes to reach her forehead with her lips.

"Lady Moon," repeated Sylvanas, chuckling. "I already miss my sisters but I'm glad that I will see them soon. I will stay near Vereesa as I have promised and assist her. Alleria will return with this bastard Xenarion sooner or later. I will make sure he will receive what he deserves." Sylvanas facial expression had changed from relaxed to tense while she had spoken. But the tension disappeared as she stared into her mother's eyes who was still caressing her cheeks and toyed with strands of her hair.

"I will make dinner soon. Are you hungry?"

"I am actually. Can I ask you something?"

Lireesa nodded.

"My uncles, aunts and cousins aren't visiting us today and Alleria and Vereesa are not at home which means only the two of us would eat together. I thought about inviting someone to dinner. Someone I want to introduce to you," said Sylvanas.

Lireesa's eyes widened, a surprised expression appeared on her face as she realized what Sylvanas was hinting at. A long stressed "Oh" was the only sound which escaped her lips. But her surprised expression changed quickly. The corners of her lips formed a smile. "A new lover, so so..."

Sylvanas nodded her head, not knowing why she was blushing a little.

"I'm curious to meet her."


"Well, it's not a woman," replied Sylvanas.

Lireesa gave her daughter a surprised look. "Really? I thought you swing that way."

"How did you come to that conclusion?" Sylvanas asked, her facial expression was a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"You don't want to marry Prince Kael'thas, the most popular and most handsome man in Quel'Thalas. The only lover you ever introduced to us was Verena. Not to mention the other woman I caught you with ten years ago. That's why I thought you are only interested in women."

"I'm not really into women, to be honest. Verena was the only exception. And the other woman... It was an accident. I was... Well, I don't really need to justify myself. She was just a one-night stand, let's say it that way. I'm only interested in men. And don't worry, it's a high elf and not a human. I'm not Alleria who fell for that good looking human," explained Sylvanas.

"So, you mean that there is a chance that one day I get grandchildren who are not half-elves?"

Sylvanas laughed nervously. "Probably. We are not that long together to think about getting children, marrying and such stuff. But yeah, I think he is the right one."

A happy smile appeared on Lireesa's lips. Sylvanas hadn't seen her so happy for weeks. "Normally, I would ask you to tell me more about him but you don't need to do that because I will meet him later."

"I'm sure you will like him," responded Sylvanas, returning the smile.

"Does he live in the near?"

"He lives in Suncrown Village. Why are you asking?"

"I just wanted to know when I should make the dinner because you need some time to reach Suncrown Village and return with him"

"He is already here, in my room to be exact. You can start with the preparations now if you want."

Lireesa raised her eyebrows, giving her daughter an amused look. "He is already here?"

"He helped me come to terms with the events of the past weeks. He visited me every day and spent his already limited free time with me. He is a good guy and I'm pretty sure you will like him," explained Sylvanas.

Lireesa stroked Sylvanas' cheeks. "I'm happy as long as you are."

Sylvanas didn't respond verbally but she smiled at her mother who returned it.

"Anyways, I will go to the kitchen now and make dinner. I will tell you when it's ready."

"Fine," responded Sylvanas. She looked at her mother one more time before she turned around and walked back to her room. She opened the door and stepped in it without hesitation. She found Kelrian sitting on her bed, reading one of her favourite books. 'Love to the end of the world'.

He was so absorbed in the book that he didn't notice his lover who had just entered the room. Sylvanas didn't make any sound as she walked over to him and took a seat next to him. She knew the book inside out so she only needed to read a few lines to know exactly where he was. She kept reading with him, wondering when he will notice her. She read a few pages with him, deciding at it was time to get his attention. She got behind him and wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. She kissed his neck softly, smiling when he startled. She put her chin on his right shoulder and took the book out of his hands, putting it next to him.

"Ah, Sylvanas. I didn't expect you to be back so soon" he said, turning his head a little so he could see her out of the corners of his eyes.

"So soon?" she asked, giving him an irritated look. "I was gone for two hours."

His face reflected pure surprise. "Two hours? It felt more like fifteen minutes."

"That's what reading is like. You dive in a strange new world and get known to it and its characters. You can spend hours exploring it without realising how much time passed. It's perfect to turn your thoughts off and relax after a hard and stressful day," she explained.

"I have to say I really enjoy this book. I have always enjoyed reading books but I have only read adventure or fantasy books. I never read romance novels before."

"You missed a lot." Her sentence sounded more like a fact than her opinion.

Soft laughter escaped Kelrian's lips. "I believe that."

"I can lend you the book if you want," said Sylvanas, kissing his right cheek.

"That would be cool," he responded. He smiled as he felt Sylvanas snuggling closer to him, practically pressing her body into his. He could feel her breasts, which weren't covered by a bra, against his back. He was only wearing a thin white t-shirt so he could feel the pleasant warmth which was radiated by her body. He closed his eyes, taking her hands in his as he enjoyed the close body contact. He rubbed the backs of her hands with his thumbs, listening to her quiet and rhythmical breaths.

They were enjoying each other's presence, doing nothing but sitting there. The pleasant silence was disturbed by loud knocks at Sylvanas' door.

Kelrian opened his eyes, looking at Sylvanas who kissed him quickly.

"Dinner is ready, honey," shouted Lireesa.

"I guess I have to go now," said Kelrian quietly.

"No, you can eat with us. I told my mother that I want to introduce you to her."

"Really?" asked the surprised young man.

Sylvanas nodded her head. "Alleria already knows of our relationship and I know her pretty well. It's just a matter of time until she would tell our parents. So, I want to tell my family first before they find it out that way."

"Okay, we are together for almost four yearsso I don't mind telling your family. I'm just a bit nervous, to be honest," he admitted.

"You don't need to. It's only my mother, you and I. My father is not at home."

A questioning look appeared on his face. "Are you sure it's the right time to introduce me to your mother. I mean... My father didn't help your brother, so it's only understandable that your mother must hate this bastard. But I'm the bastard's son, unfortunately, which could mean that she wouldn't like me as well. You know what I mean?"

"I do but you don't need to be worried about that. I told my mother a lot about my rangers, especially about my best ones. She knows much about you. She knows who your father is and she also knows that you hate him as well," responded Sylvanas, giving him a comforting look.

"Are you sure she wouldn't hold a grudge against me?" he asked, sounding a bit worried.

"I think so. I know my mother pretty well, so I believe she will handle it. We can't choose our parents so she won't hate you from the beginning. Besides, I have to introduce you to my family sooner or later. As I've already said, Alleria knows about you so my parents will find out about you sooner or later. I prefer introducing you to them than them finding out about you. In the end, it doesn't really matter which way they find out about you. But I want to do it this way."

"Okay...I hope your assumption about your mother is right," responded Kelrian. He sounded less convinced than Sylvanas has hoped for but a smile from her was enough to let all his worry disappear.

"I hope so as well. Everything will be alright. Trust me."

Kelrian nodded his head. "I always do."

"So, you will join us?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I will."

"Alright, just let me put on a comfortable dress, then we can go downstairs."

"I won't stop you," said Kelrian and looked away as Sylvanas walked over to her wardrobe.

"You can watch me getting dressed if you want. You don't have to look away," spoke Sylvanas. She waited until Kelrian had turned his head to look at her, then she gave him a wide grin. She dropped the towel, revealing her nude form, which he had seen so often, to him. He returned her smile, watching her as she put fresh red undergarments on. Then she took a purple coloured dress out of her wardrobe and put it on. She made sure that it fit perfectly, then she turned around on her own axis once. She looked at her lover who was scrutinizing her with widened eyes.

The dress was absolutely beautiful. Sylvanas was stunningly beautiful even without the dress, so there were not enough words to describe how good she looked in that dress. She was gorgeous. She knew that and he knew that as well. She didn't need to look in a mirror to confirm that she looked good. Kelrian's widened eyes and his wide open mouth proved that. Nevertheless, she glanced in the mirror quickly, combing her hair so that it sat perfectly.

"I'm ready," said Sylvanas but she got no reaction from her still stunned lover. He didn't say anything nor did he blink while he looked at her. He stared at her, admiring her beauty. She stepped to him, coming very close. She waved her hand in front of his eyes then she shook him slightly. Kelrian was brought out of his thoughts, his cheeks reddened when he realized that he had been lost in thoughts and stared at her like a horny teen.

"Good, you are back on this planet. Let's go to the dining room," said Sylvanas as she walked to the door. Kelrian nodded his head, picked up his blue jacket and put it on. Then he followed Sylvanas out of the room.