
We choose our own destiny

Kelrian Sunsinger is the son of a famous priest but, unlike the rest of his family he has no talent. The light doesn’t support him so he decides to become a successful and well-respected Farstrider. Following his dream won’t be easy and his growing feelings for Sylvanas Windrunner, the Ranger-General of Silvermoon won’t make things much easier. Not to mention that his parents don’t want him to become a Farstrider.

PoweredbyDarkness · วิดีโอเกม
145 Chs

Chapter 14: Graduation - Part I

A quiet groan escaped Kelrian's lips as he realized that he was not sleeping anymore. He was not fully awake but he wasn't slumbering either. He opened his eyes slowly, realizing that everything was blurred out. His head was hurting as well, so he assumed that he had drunk too much the previous day.

At least he was able to remember what he had done the previous day. Last time he had drunk too much, he hadn't been able to remember everything. But this time, he could. He remembered meeting Sylvanas in a hut. They had eaten, listen to music, talked a lot and, of course, they had kissed. He had to admit that he had really enjoyed the previous day and he would love to do this again one day.

He opened his eyes after a while, sighing out in relief as he noticed that the world wasn't spinning around him anymore. He got up and looked around, noticing that Sylvanas was still lying in her bed. Her head was covered by her blanket so he couldn't tell if she was awake or not.

He didn't know how much time had passed as he saw Sylvanas moving a little. The quiet groan, which escaped Sylvanas' lips, was music to Kelrian's ears. He was wondering how every noise she made sounded so wonderful. His thoughts drifted in the wrong direction, making him wonder how she would sound if she and he would...

He shook his head, banishing these thoughts out of his mind. She may be his girlfriend and to have sex may be normal in a relationship but he was not ready yet, even though he knew Sylvanas very well. He knew a lot about her others didn't. She was his girlfriend and one day, they will do the next step and sleep together.

Kelrian didn't want to rush things so he would wait until he felt that he was ready. He had to admit that being near Sylvanas didn't make things easier. It had been really hard to resist her the previous day but the effect of the alcohol had diminished, which meant it should be easier for him to not give in to his lower desires and to remain patient.

He smiled as Sylvanas pulled the blanket away and got up slowly. She stretched her arms and her back, her perfect pure white teeth were visible as she yawned. She opened her beautiful blue eyes, looking at him. "Good morning" she said, smiling at him.

"Good morning" he said in return, smiling at her as well.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Indeed, I did, even though it's not easy to fall asleep when a goddess is in the same room as you"

Sylvanas giggled, walking over to him "You are such a charmer" she said as she patted his shoulder.

"I know" he whispered, caressing her left cheek. Sylvanas put her hand on his, rubbing it softly while she intertwined the fingers of her other hand with his free hand. Kelrian brought them to his lips, planting a kiss on the back of her hand, then he looked up to Sylvanas and gave her his brightest smile. Sylvanas' smile became brighter as well, her eyes stared into his.

They stared at each other for a while, caressing the other's hands and cheeks until Sylvanas decided to pull away. She would love to do this all day but she also knew that she had a lot of duties to do as Ranger-General. She was responsible for the safety of her people, especially for those who cannot defend themselves. She wouldn't be able to lead the Farstriders if she would play around with Kelrian all day, at least it wouldn't end up very well for her people if she would do so.

It was a phenomenon that the people felt safer and were more motivated when she was around them. Her captains and lieutenants had told her often that they had noticed that the members of the Farstriders were fighting better and were braver when she was around. She had an effect on every creature around her. Allies felt better when she was around and enemies were afraid of her which often led to a rash retreat.

Her mere presence was often enough to win a battle which had looked lost for the high elves at first sight. Sylvanas' skill in combat, her experience and her superior knowledge as a strategist had won the high elves so many battles and skirmishes and prevented that too many elves would have lost their lives during these times of war. She was the hope of her people.

She was even feared under the name troll slayer by all troll tribes and even by the orcs. Her enemies often avoided her for these reasons. Many trolls and orcs had tried to kill her, they had tried to take this advantage away from the high elves but none of them had succeeded. All of them had been killed by Sylvanas herself or by her subordinates.

Sylvanas didn't ask Kelrian to turn around this time. She started to remove her pyjama, not caring that Kelrian was watching her. She was pretty sure that he stared at her well-formed ass which was only partly covered by her blue panties. Half of each butt cheek was exposed, giving Kelrian enough reasons to look at her butt longer than necessary.

He blushed when he found out that she had caught him ogling her. He didn't say anything nor did she. She just looked at him over her shoulder, scrutinizing his handsome face for a few moments before she walked to her wardrobe and pulled out one of her many Ranger-General uniforms.

"The training starts in three hours, you should hurry if you want to eat something before we go back to Farstrider Enclave"

Kelrian nodded and picked up his clothes, getting dressed before he approached Sylvanas who was already preparing breakfast. She put it on the table as soon as she was done, then she sat down on a chair. Kelrian sat opposite to her, so he could look directly at her while eating.

"Enjoy the food" spoke Sylvanas, smiling at him.

"Thank you, Sylvanas. Enjoy it as well"


Two years later

"Kelrian, over here" shouted a familiar voice. The addressed young man turned his head, looking in the direction where the shout had come from. He spotted Zetai and a woman, he had never seen before, sitting at a table. As expected, Zetai was wearing the newest uniform he and every other recruit, who had made it through the final examination, had received during the ceremony an hour ago. His uniform was not green, like the uniforms of the recruits. He was wearing a blue uniform which signalized everyone that he was now a ranger and no longer a recruit.

Kelrian was wearing the same uniform. Sylvanas herself had handed the uniform over to him. Not everyone had been allowed to get the uniform from Sylvanas herself. Many captains and lieutenants had helped her handing out the uniforms which meant that only a fraction had received their newest uniforms from the Ranger-General.

Sylvanas had given everyone, who had received the uniform, a the smile she had given Kelrian had been different from those she had given the others. She had regarded him longer than necessary. She had whispered congratulations in everyone's ears but she had said other words to Kelrian. She had told him how proud she was of him and how much he deserved this. She had also told him that she will allow him and Zetai to join her elite team and she had made more compliments before she had pulled away. She had regarded him for a few more moments, then she had walked to the next recruit.

Kelrian didn't remember much of the ceremony. He remembered a bit of the opening, where an orchestra had played epic-sounding music. He remembered bits of the speech Sylvanas had given and he remembered receiving the uniform from her. He didn't remember more because he had stared at Sylvanas all the time and had admired her beauty. The ceremony hadn't mattered for him. He was just glad that he became a ranger.

He had dreamed of this ever since he had found out that he was not able to use the light. He had set his mind on becoming a Farstrider, a ranger which would protect the people of Quel'Thalas, no matter what it would cost. And his dream had come true on this day. He was a ranger who had been trained by the best ranger in Quel'Thalas and he was allowed to join the best team the Ranger-General had assembled. He was able to join the best of the best. He had never believed that this might happen one day.

He was proud of himself that he had managed to achieve his goal. Sylvanas was also proud of him and he was glad about that. Her opinion really mattered for him. And he knew Sylvanas was not only saying this because he was her lover. She was saying this because she meant it honestly. She had known since they had met for the first time, thirteen years ago, that he had great potential. He had proved her assumption right as he had passed the final examination without any problems. After Zetai, he was the graduate with the best had turned out as Sylvanas had guessed.

Kelrian sat down next to his best friend and looked curiously at the woman, who was sitting next to him. Zetai wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer to him. The woman, who was wearing a mage robe, didn't seem to mind that. On the contrary, it seemed that she was comfortable around him which could only mean that she was a close friend of Zetai, maybe even his girlfriend.

"Who is your companion?" asked Kelrian.

Zetai looked at the woman, then at his best friend. "This is my girlfriend Salna Sweetblossom"

Kelrian gave Salna his hand, who shook it. "Sweetblossom? So, you are related to Ranger-Captain Sweetblossom?"

"Yes, I am" responded Salna. "Vara is my sister"

"I didn't know that Captain Sweetblossom's name is Vara. It's always good to know more about your superiors. Anyways, it's nice to meet you" said Kelrian, then he shifted his gaze to Zetai. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend. How long are you together?"

"Two years" Zetai responded shortly.

"Two years? And you didn't tell me?"

"We wanted to keep it secret as long as we are not sure if a serious relationship between us will work"

"I can understand you" muttered Kelrian, looking at his fingers.

"Are you dating someone secretly?" teased Zetai.

"Hm?" Kelrian looked up at his friend. "What did you say?"

"You said that you can understand me, so I assume you have experiences with secret relationships"

"Yes, I had a few short-lived secret relationships in the past but I don't want to talk about my love life, not with you and especially not when your girlfriend is with you"

"Ah, come on" said Zetai, patting his friend on the back. "There is nothing you have to be ashamed of, you can tell me everything"

"How many glasses has he emptied so far?" Kelrian asked Salna.

She chuckled. "Five, if I remember correctly"

Kelrian shook his head, giving them an amused smile. "You intend on getting drunk again, Zetai. Aren't you?"

"Maybe" responded the larger elf, giving his friend a very wide teasing grin. "Don't worry, I won't interrupt you making out with the Ranger-General this time"

"We weren't making out back then. We just talked" Kelrian said, looking at his friend and then at Salna, hoping that at least she was believing him. It was easy to read Salna's expression, so Kelrian found out that she didn't believe what her boyfriend was prattling. It seemed that she knew that Zetai talked a lot of bullshit whenever he had drunk too much.

Kelrian sighed out in relief, regarding the couple next to him. He was happy for Zetai. He didn't know much about Salna but he was happy that his friend had found someone who was important to him. Like himself, Zetai had kept his relationship secret, at least for the beginning. Unlike him, Zetai had decided to make his relationship public. That was something Kelrian was a bit jealous of when he was honest with himself.

He loved Sylvanas will all of his heart and he loved spending time with her whenever he could. He loved to kiss her, touch her and do other things with her but it bothered him that he could only show her how much he loved her when they were alone. They had started their relationship three years ago but only unofficially. Nobody knew about them, nobody except for Verena. Not even Sylvanas' sister Alleria knew about them. Sylvanas had assured him that only Verena knew -because she was her best friend - and because she wouldn't tell anyone. Sylvanas had promised that Verena's lips were sealed.

Kelrian didn't complain about their relationship. He would rather have a secret relationship with Sylvanas than being single. He only wished from time to time that he could show everyone that Sylvanas was his. He would love to hang out with her in public and kiss her in public like normal couples would do. This would also mean Sylvanas' admirers would stop flirting with her, ask her for a date or propose to her. But this would also mean that Kelrian would get unwanted attention from society and from Sylvanas' exes and admirers. Sylvanas wanted to protect him and prevent that a jealous admirer would do something to Kelrian. That was the reason why she held their relationship secret.

Unlike Zetai and Salna, she knew from the beginning that a relationship with Kelrian would work out so it wouldn't have been a problem to make it public from this perspective. But she didn't want to set Kelrian under so much pressure so she had decided to keep it secret even though it would mean they couldn't meet so often and could only hang out and doing stuff together when they were alone.

But the most important thing was that both were happy with this solution. They loved each other so they would rather be together secretly than not being together. This was the best solution for them and they were fine with it.

Kelrian was brought out of his thoughts when Zetai cleared his throat, giving his friend a questioning look. Kelrian turned his head looking at his friend. "I'm sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked you if you know where the others are"

"I have no clue" responded Kelrian, shrugging his shoulders.

"They will come sooner or later, I'm pretty sure about that. If not, it's fine as well. In this case, we will have a chance to speak because Elonis and Elena wouldn't talk the entire time. Speaking of them, did you notice that Elena has a crush on you?"

Kelrian tilted his head, his face reflecteda huge amount of surprise. "What?"

"You can't tell me that you haven't noticed her many attempts to break the ice"

"I haven't noticed anything. You must misinterpret something"

"I am not misinterpreting anything" spoke Zetai, raising an eyebrow. "She has flirted with you very often but it seems you have never noticed it"

"I can't believe that she has done that. Why didn't I notice it?"

Zetai shrugged his shoulders. "Don't ask me. I don't miss whenever someone is flirting with me" he said. Salna cleared her throat noisily, causing that Zetai turned around to her. He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head as he gave her a questioning look. "What?"

Salna cleared her throat again, quieter this time. "Nothing" she muttered, giving her boyfriend an innocent smile.

Zetai shrugged his shoulders. "If you say so"

"Whatever" muttered Salna, rubbing his back softly as she leaned closer to him. She turned her head, leaning forward to look at Kelrian. "Elena is a good friend of mine. She is a very nice and smart woman. I don't know you but from what Zetai has told me about you, I assume that she would be a perfect match for you"

"Do you think so?"

Salna chuckled. "I wouldn't tell you this if I wouldn't think so"

"That makes sense. Anyways, Elena is nothing more than a good friend to me"

"Really?" asked Zetai.

Kelrian nodded.

"What a shame, she is so cute" Zetai turned his head to his girlfriend who was regarding him with a raised eyebrow. "Not as cute as you are, of course"

"I hope so"

Soft laughter escaped Zetai's lips as he pulled her closer until she had no other choice than slipping onto his lap. He wrapped his arms around her, placing a few kisses on her neck. He looked at his friend after a while, noticing that he was eating grapes.

"Hey, where did you get the food?" asked Zetai, making a slightly surprised face.

Kelrian pointed at the banquet on the other side of the room. Zetai looked at it, his eyes roamed over the various dishes and drinks which stood on dozens of tables. He looked back at his friend after he had regarded the wide range of food and drinks, wondering why he hadn't noticed that Kelrian had left the table.

"When did you get these?" he pointed at the grapes.

"Five minutes ago, I guess"

"Why haven't I noticed you walking away?" he asked confused.

Kelrian chuckled. "You were busy making out with your girlfriend, that's why you didn't notice anything". He gave his friend a teasing smile, which became wider as he noticed that Salna was also smiling at Zetai. "It seems that you are the only one who didn't notice anything, honey" she statemented.

"Anyways, I'm really hungry. Let's get something to eat, my love" spoke Zetai, telling the woman on his lap to get up. She did as she was told, offering him her hand when he had stood up. Zetai took it and intertwined their fingers, then they walked over to the banquet.

While they were busy selecting their food, Kelrian ate his grapes, letting his eyes wander around. He saw a few familiar persons, recruits and rangers he knew for years. He also saw Sylvanas sitting at a table in the near of the right corner of the room. Verena was sitting next to her, her arm was wrapped around her shoulders.

Kelrian was too far away to hear what they were talking about. He had met Verena a few times over the past years. Sylvanas had told him a lot about her and he had also heard a few rumours about her but other than that he didn't know her very well. Sylvanas had explained to him how Verena was behaving. She had told him that he didn't need to worry about her, even though she loved to flirt with Sylvanas from time to time.

Kelrian was not sure what to think about this but he trusted Sylvanas. Nevertheless, he was still a bit jealous of Verena. He was not jealous because she was flirting with Sylvanas even when others were around them, nor was he jealous that Verena could spend so much time with Sylvanas.

He was jealous that he couldn't sit right next to Sylvanas in public and lean against her, hold her hands or kiss her cheeks. Verena could do that and nobody would mind because she was a woman and Sylvanas' best friend. Lots of people would start talking and spreading rumours if Kelrian would do that. Sylvanas and he had agreed to keep their relationship secret so he wouldn't do anything which could violate their agreement. As long as he was able to hold, kiss and snuggle up to Sylvanas when they were alone, he was fine.

Kelrian's gaze rested on Sylvanas, who noticed his staring eventually. She returned his staring, giving him a smile which he could even recognize from the distance. She would have stared longer at him if Verena wouldn't have put her hand under her chin and turned her head to her to get her attention. Kelrian didn't know why she had done that but it seemed that Verena was saying something to Sylvanas, at least it looked so from his perspective. She was moving her jaw, so she was either chewing on something or she was speaking to Sylvanas. Both options could be possible but Kelrian assumed that Verena was talking to Sylvanas.

Kelrian stared at his lover for a while, only turning his head as Zetai and Salna returned. They carried four plates in total which were filled to the brim. "Are you preparing for an eating contest or why have you put so much food on your plates?" asked Kelrian, giving them an amused grin.

"Haha, quite funny, Kel"

"I know I'm funny, you don't need to tell me this"

Zetai shook his head amused, nudging his friend's forehead playfully. He looked at Kelrian's plate, then at his own plate. "You don't eat much today, do you?"

"I'm not really hungry, to be honest" told Kelrian.

"I see. Would you mind getting something to drink for us?"

"Sure. I can. I assume you want alcohol"

"I do. Lots of alcohol, please" he responded with a wide grin on his lips.

"Fine, I will get you some but first you have to tell me something"

"Ask me whatever you want"

"I don't mind your girlfriend's presence but I'm still curious why she is here. She is not a ranger"

Zetai tilted his head, raising an eyebrow. He frowned. "Didn't the Ranger-General told you that you can invite someone to accompanyyou to this very important event?"

"No, she didn't" responded Kelrian, making a thoughtful face. He was wondering why Sylvanas had withheld this information from him. Maybe she had just forgotten this. This would plausible but on the other hand, Sylvanas rarely forget something. He didn't care about it. Liadrin had been already invited to the event so there would have been no one he could have asked to accompany him. He could only think of his younger siblings but his parents wouldn't have allowed that. Also, his older siblings and his parents would have never come to the celebration. Kelrian would have come alone even if Sylvanas would have told him the information.

But he didn't mind that. His friends were with him, even if it was only Zetai and his girlfriend at the moment. Sylvanas was also here but he couldn't do something with her, at least not when so many people were around them. Maybe Sylvanas would lure him away like she had done two and a half years agoat the celebration for the successful passing of the intermediate exam. He didn't think it was possible this time because lots of eyes were on Sylvanas. People would get suspicious if Sylvanas would walk away with him and return after a while.

"That is weird" commented Zetai eventually.

"Yeah, whatever"

"Do you go now or not?"

Kelrian patted his friend's shoulder softly. "Of course"

The other male smiled at him. "Thank you"

Kelrian nodded to him, got up and walked towards the banquet before Zetai would get impatient. He arrived at the tables on which dozens of bottles and hundreds of empty and filled glasses were standing. He took a tray from the nearest table, regarding the bottles in front of him. Even though he knew that Zetai drank almost every kind of alcohol he could get, he was unsure which bottles he should take. He took a bottle and regarded its label. 'Extra long ripened moonberry juice'. He placed it on the tray, picking up the next bottle. He also placed it on the tray after he had regarded the label.

He was about to pick up the third bottle as he noticed out of the corners of his eyes that someone was coming closer to him. He turned his head, spotting a smiling Elena. He regarded her from head to toe, noticing that her new uniform fitted her perfectly. Like Sylvanas' uniform and the uniforms of most female rangers and recruits, it accentuated her found himself staring at her longer than necessary but he managed to shift his gaze back to her beautiful face. He scolded himself inwardly for ogling someone who wasn't Sylvanas.

"Hey, how ya doing?" he managed to say eventually.

"I'm fine and you?" Elena asked, looking down at the tray in his hands. "It seems that you are planning on getting drunk"

"What? No, I don't want to get drunk" he exclaimed.

Elena put her hand on his left shoulder, soft laughter escaped her lips. "I know, Kel. I was just teasing you. I don't need to ask to know that these bottles are meant for Zetai who is too lazy to get his ass up"

"Well, I think he is just hungry and wants to eat something. The ceremony has endured longer than expected, so it's understandable that he is hungry. Maybe he just wants to make out with his girlfriend while I'm away. Who knows" he joked.

"He doesn't want to make you feel bad" statemented Elena.

"Make me feel bad, what do you mean with that?" asked Kelrian, regarding the woman with the short cut turquoise dyed hair. Her hair only reached to the spot where the neck ended and the head started but she looked good with this haircut. Even Kelrian had to admit that, although he had only eyes for Sylvanas. He couldn't deny that Elena was gorgeous but that didn't matter to him because he was together with Sylvanas and happy about that.

"You are single, aren't you?" she asked, giving him a curious look.

"Yes, why are you asking?"

"Isn't it obvious, why I am asking"

"Well, maybe..." he responded quietly. He knew why Elena was asking if he was single. He could lie to her or tell her that he was already taken but he didn't want to think up lies if Elena would ask him questions about this girlfriend. He had no clue how to answer the questions she would ask him.

Soft laughter escaped her lips, she shook her head slightly and patted his shoulder. "I don't know why but I find it cute that you pretend to be stupid"

"What? I..." he started but stopped speaking as he saw the flirtatious look on her face. She was grinning at him, playing with strands of her hair while her eyes rested on his face.

"I know you are a very smart person but sometimes you can behave like a fool. You do not only look good. I know you are also very skilled and very clever. There is nothing wrong with showing the others how smart you really are" she spoke.

Kelrian's eyes widened as he realized that Zetai had spoken the truth when he had told him that Elena was interested in him. The woman was indeed flirting with him and she had probably flirted with him over the past years without him only had eyes for Sylvanas. Maybe that was the reason why he hadn't realized that Elena was interested in him for quite some time.

"I...", he tried to say something in response but no words escaped his lips. Elena chuckled, telling him that she found him very attractive. Kelrian was pretty sure that she enjoyed embarrassing him. She was a predator but Kelrian wouldn't end as her prey. He loved Sylvanas too much to cheat on her with another woman even if she looked good as well.

He noticed that Elena was stroking his left arm as she smiled at him and stared into his eyes. He turned his head a little to look at Sylvanas, noticing that she was not looking in his direction so she didn't know what was going on. He looked back at Elena, realizing that she wouldn't give up that easily. He noticed that her breath smelled of alcohol as she came closer to him, leaning in until her face was only a few inches away from his. He didn't want to know how many glasses she had emptied so far. He could only assume that she had drunk a lot.

Elena was a very vivid person, she was also very direct about everything. Until this day she had never flirted with Kelrian when someone had been around, but this day was an exception. The alcohol she had consumed, had caused her to overcome her inhibitions, so she had gathered her courage and flirted with Kelrian who had no clue what to do in this situation. He didn't want to turn her down and risk a scene, on the other hand, he didn't want to cheat on Sylvanas. Flirting with Elena was not cheating in his eyes, nevertheless, he felt uncomfortable.

He didn't know what to do. He was already nervous even though Elena hadn't asked him out yet. She was too drunk to hold back at this point so she will ask him out sooner or later. He had to say or do something if he wanted to prevent that she would do something which could make Sylvanas pretty angry if she would see that.

But it was too late for him. He had had a small time window where he could have done something to stop Elena but he hadn't used it. Now it was too late. Elena wrapped her arms around his neck before he was able to say something. She gave him a flirtatious smile before she pulled him in and pressed her lips against his. Kelrian was too surprised and shocked to react immediately. He needed a few moments before he realized what was going on. He pulled away as soon as he had regained control over his body.

His eyes were widened in shock, his jaw was half-opened as he looked at the woman who had just kissed him without warning him. It didn't seem that she wanted to apologize to him, instead, it seemed that she had really enjoyed this kiss and wasn't regretting it. Kelrian couldn't tell if this kiss had been good or not. He only knew that it had felt wrong.

He was hoping that neither Sylvanas, Verena or Alleria had seen that. They will find out eventually, he was sure about that. A lot of people had seen them kissing, so it wouldn't take long until the news would reach Sylvanas.

Kelrian knew he had to speak to Sylvanas and confess what had happened. He was only hoping that Sylvanas wouldn't freak out. He had never seen Sylvanas being jealous before, so he was hoping she wouldn't overreact when he would tell her.

He noticed that Elena was about too lean in to kiss him again, so he turned his head at the last moment, causing that her lips met his cheek and not his lips. He looked back at her, noticing the frown on her forehead. She didn't say anything nor did he. She just stared into his eyes, caressing his forearm softly.

Her voice was not much louder than a whisper as she started to flirt with him again but he didn't respond to her. He just looked at her, frowning and raising an eyebrow as he tried to predict what she might do next. He assumed that it was very likely that she would try to kiss him again, so he turned his back to her and began to put random wine bottles on his tray.

He didn't look back at her. He only told her that Zetai was waiting for his drink before he walked away. He left her alone and walked as fast as possible to the table, where his friends were sitting at, as fast as possible. He knew his behaviour was rude and he would apologize to Elena later as soon as she would be sober. He didn't know what else he could have done in this situation so he assumed that this had been the best solution if he didn't want that Sylvanas would be mad at him.

He reached the table, putting down the tray with the bottles and glasses. He didn't respond to Zetai who thanked him nor did he say hello to Kelia who had arrived at the table a few moments earlier. He had only one thing on his mind. He had to find out if Sylvanas had noticed something. He looked at her, his heart skipped a beat as he noticed that she was approaching him. Her expression was unreadable so he had no clue if she had noticed something or not.

Kelrian assumed that she would stop in front of him and talk to him but she walked past him instead, their hands touched lightly. He turned his head, looking at her over his shoulder. Sylvanas was swaying her hips as she walked towards one of the many corridors which led away from the room. She didn't turn around to look at Kelrian as she left the room.

Kelrian frowned as he stared at the corridor longer than necessary. He was wondering what was going on in Sylvanas' mind.

Had she seen something? Was she mad at him? Why had she left the room so quickly without saying something to him?

Questions upon questions.

At this very moment, he noticed the rolled-up piece of paper in his hand for the first time. He unrolled it and read what was written on it.

'Meet me in the attic in twenty minutes.

Don't you dare to come late. Be careful that no one follows you.


Sylvanas wanted to meet him. In twenty minutes. Alone.

What could that mean? What did she want from him? Did she want to talk to him? If so, about what?

There were lots of questions to which he had no answers.

He could only meet Sylvanas on the building's attic and find out what why she wanted to meet him there. That was the only option he had and he didn't intend to not go to the attic. He had decided to meet up with Sylvanas and find out what she wanted from him.