
We Are All Demons

Kymani Sukho wishes to expose the darkness in everyone and every thing. He uses his newfound power to gather allies adding to his party to eventually reveal every secret in the world.

RomanceAndOPMC · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

So It Begins

"I'm heading out dad!"

"Alright! Good luck out there! Show them the power of house Akoum!"

I will do my best to make father proud. I cannot sully the name of Akoum in front of everyone after the villagers poured their heart and soul into us. 

Walking down the stone brick road into the main heart of town. The son of the Akoum family brought many stares. 

Of course due to his status but also his natural charm. He wasn't tall by any means nor was he short. However his dark brown eyes that had a red flare and his well shaped face attracted most of the females. Even the guys looked at him, but with envy over his lean and strong physique that any girl would drool over. 

The one walking down the street was the heir of the Akoum family. Kymani Sidron Akoum. 

As he continued down the road he saw the familiar town which his family ruled over. It wasn't large however it was enough. The village was well kept and the crime rate was almost non-existent. It was one of the only villages that the citizens actually like the family of nobles ruling them.

Other families are known to rule their land as tyrants or have tendencies to act as the king instead of a normal noble house. Giving their citizens impossible taxes, forcing them into labor, and even keeping them as slaves.

However that isn't what the Akoum family is like. Instead they are quite the opposite. 

They are known for their connection with their people they constantly appear in public, help out if people are in trouble and go out of their way to fix problems affecting the land and not themselves. Overall they are very in tune with their subjects.

Yet in battle their entire demeanor changes. In war the Akoum faction is the bulwark of strategies. They lead the way never faltering and slaughtering everyone that tries to stop them. The ultimate fighting machines. 

With the status among their subjects and the outstanding battle potential they hold it is a noble house any kingdom will want.

As the villagers looked at Kymani with reverence he made it through and was nearing the edge of the town. Making it there a carriage awaited him. 

Getting in he found a familiar face.

"Isn't it Kymani Akoum... how long has it been? Almost a year?"

"I guess it has been about that long. How have you been Han? You ready for the test?"

"Pretty good! I have been training for the test since before we even met. Also, I also got a girlfriend!"

"What? There is no possible chance the dunce called Han Simin got himself a girlfriend."

"Not only that but she is also a noble! Take that and your pitiful expectations." Han leaned back and smugly smiled.

"It wasn't pitiful expectations they were non-existent. Anyway who is it? A lot of the nobles in our area have long denied your advances. Is it a new family?"

"Yes it is a new family. They took over a territory near the outskirts of the kingdom near us. We met at a formal gathering in the area over there and she is stunning. I can't wait for you to meet her!"

"Tell me who it is at least why don't you?"

"There's no need to we will be picking her up next on our way to the capital."

"Didn't you say that she is near the outskirts? Why would we pick her up? Wouldn't she have been on first?"

"Oh she's visiting the Ahrin family for 'nobility lessons.' Since her family is new they need to learn everything from scratch. We are also picking up the Ahrin heir as well."

" I guess that makes sense..."

Still is weird though. Why would they only send the heir to a family far away to learn how to act as nobles. Being a new family that's a recipe for disaster. Let's just hope the new family is sane and not like the crackheads in the outskirts.

Some time has passed as the two spent time catching up with each other. Then the carriage pulled up to the Ahrin family's home. 

Why is the Ahrin family always so "flamboyant?" There's no reason for the royal carriage to pull up outside their home. So damn uptight.

"You ready to meet my girlfriend Kym?"

"Don't get what got you so excited I could honestly not care about your girlfriend. I'm preparing myself for a ride with the Ahrin heir."

As Kym said that the mansion's doors opened revealing two young women in their early twenties. 

One with long dark blue hair and a pompous strut in her walk. While the other walking besides her was slightly shorter with short brown hair and a face someone would want to squish.

"Her? Han I thought you were better than to prey on a child," Kym shook his head, "Well. Guess to mark you up with the king and all the direct families."

"She's not a child!"

"You sure? She sure looks like one..."

"Just be quiet they're coming."

As he said that the two opened the door and climbed inside the carriage. With the Ahrin heir sitting with Kym while the other was next to Han. 

"My, my, I didn't expect you here Kymani," the Ahrin heir said as she sat next to Kym. Leaning ever so closer. 

Scooting away Kym responded, "Always a pleasure Kali."

"Oh don't be that way... We've known each other longer than you've known that doofus Simin."

I really don't know why she likes me... our families practically the polar opposite of each other.

Ignoring the Kali's remark Han introduced his girlfriend, "Kym this is Beatrice Rothschild. She is my one and only in this world!"

"Oh stop," Beatrice hit Han before hiding her flustered face, "Don't embarrass me in front of the Akoum and Ahrin!"

"But you are though. I wouldn't trade anyone with you Bea!"

Both Kym and Kali looked at them with a disgusted look. Before Kali shook it off then continued to creep towards Kym.

"I honestly don't care who your girlfriend is Han. Just don't let me see hear what you said again or else you will loose your man hood..."

Hearing that Han stopped poking fun at Beatrice and slowly looked at Han.

"Any Bea this is Kymani Akoum one of my friends. Kym this is Beatrice. Hope we all get along together." 

Pulling her hands down Beatrice looked at Kym. "Nice to meet you Mr. Akoum. Hope we can be friends."

"Call me Kymani. Save that for my father. Anyways the sight of Han being like that makes me want to puke so just don't do, that. Then we will be fine."

"Yes! I will ensure that Mr. Akoum!"

Why did she salute? Sigh. This is going to be a long ride.

Pounding the roof. He yelled out the window, "Driver! Take us away!"