
Life with fight

Your hope your faith and you believe that some one will be help you.

Life is start fight when you don't know anything but you stil move on move on.

And finding something but you don't know what are you finding and where's you want to go.

Buy you continue going on without eating anything and without drinking any thing.

You continue runing on.

You are not going to look on your back that how many person is running on and want to win.

And you with the own full power and energy just running on

On the your way big river and lotes of mountain is there but you never mind it's.

You continue running on way.

On your way lotes of people is dead.

And lotes of people is dying but you never stop own self.

Still running on continue four five days without eating and drinking.

With the own full power and energy.

On your way lotes of dangerous bug is there and lotes of danger chemical river is there but you continue swimming and running and some time you facing mountain and you are not going to stop you know very well.

If you stop then you Will be die.

and after some day find out that things..... for this thing lotes of people dying and many people on way but in this only one allowing for leaving and drinking and eating and for leaving.

Because of this is winner.

And this is not last stop.

This is only one part of life for winner.

Life mean still going on continue whatever will happen don't mind going to going on going on.

Next chapter Will be coming soon.

your Sharad shant Rawat is this sides from India.

(My home town is near God Buddha birth place Lumbani/Kapilvastu)