
No rest, no time

Rory’s POV

It was late that night. Even after a week Rory’s sleep schedule was a mess. She would get sleepy at four in the afternoon which was a feeling she had to fight, it ended with her falling asleep at seven and waking up at four in the morning. So in her terrible insomnia the model decided to hit the gym. The amazing thing about residing with the Salazar was that they had a gym within the house.

As she ran on the treadmill Aurora listened to the soft music she had connected to the speakers. Hopefully it was as unhearable as Rory had planned it to be. She wanted to tire herself so she could shower and go back to bed. Hopefully the water wouldn’t wake her up or revitalize her.

All of a sudden all the lights were turned on. Aurora jumped off the treadmill, if her heart was beating fast now it was going twice as much as Marcos stood at the gym’s entrance. “Oh my God! Did I wake you? I am so so sorry Marcos!”

The Spaniard shook his head, “No, tranquila. Couldn’t sleep,” he was dressed in a pink tank top and a pair of shorts a shade darker. “Apparently I wasn’t the only one.”

Rory brushed the sweat of her forehead with a small blue towel, “Honestly I was scared the one who had turned the light on had been your father.”

“That would have been a funny scene indeed”

“Shut up,” panted Rory with a smile before throwing the towel towards her friend, “I would have died on the spot”

“Are you almost done?” he gestured to the machine.

“All done,” she nodded, “Might need a spotter though.”

“Sure thing”

Marcos was standing over Rory as she benched steel, “So how is Mauro?”

Rory huffed as she pushed the weight upwards, “He’s fine. I talked to him last night. He said that work is boring.”

“I can imagine,” Marcos shuddered, “Being stuck in an office all day, dreadful.” Aurora wanted to chuckl,e but if she did the weight would most certainly crush her, “So you hadn’t visited him?” Rory shook her head, “Why’s that?”

“I have been busy, and well so has he,” she replied and took in a big breath of air.

“Don’t you miss him? I mean if Bela and I were apart for more than a month I would not make it”

Leaving the weight on the hinges Rory patted her hands over her thighs, “Yes, but you and Bela are a couple. Mauro and I, we are just friends,” Marcos raised an eyebrow, “What?” he shrugged, “Marcos?” Rory urged him.

“No he dicho nada”

“Ahora hablas”

The brunet checked the time on his phone, “Would you look at that?” he clapped, “It is too late, I have to get some sleep. I am not this handsome by chance,” and finishing his sentence he rushed out of the gym with Aurora trailing behind.

“¡Ahora me dices Salazar!”

Breakfast was peaceful. Until Marcos joined the model in the kitchen, “Aurora I am heading to Hungary,” Aurora dropped her spoon, “I am leaving today.”

“What?” inquired Rory with her mouth full of cereal.

Marcos chuckled as milk spilled from the model’s mouth, “Bela can’t come to the race, she must have told you,” Rory nodded, Bela had indeed called her asking her if she could accompany Marcos to Hungary while she was busy with some family matters, “You did pack your bag right?”

Rory chewed quickly and shook her head, “I am working on it.”

“Alright,” Marcos smiled, “We leave the house at three,” and so he left the kitchen leaving Rory to speed-eat her cereal. She washed the dishes and rushed to her room to get her suitcase done.

Aurora had not remembered that they were going to Hungary, she remembered having dinner with Bela where she mentioned that Marcos would end up going alone to the Grand Prix. Still after Rory had been reminded by Marcos as well, she had completely forgotten.

Rory’s cell phone rang, “Hello,” answered the girl.

“Bonjour Rory” greeted Jean from the other side of the line

“Jean! Hi!” she smiled and sat down on her bed, “How are you?” The girl placed the call on the speaker as she combed her hair.

“I’m okay. How are you?” he said

“Doing great” she clipped her hair, “Why’d you call?”

“Rumor has it you are coming to the Hungarian Grand Prix this weekend,” replied Gervais, “Tour was hoping to snatch one of your days, apparently marketing is aching to have us collaborate again.”

“We do cause a commotion together,” giggled Rory as she took her phone and took it with her to the floor as she finished her packing. “How is Yori?” She wondered as she folded a couple of shirts.

“Yorino!” shouted Jean, “He’s here,” ruffling was heard before Jean’s voice sounded far from the phone, “Is Rory, she’s asking about you”

“Rory!” Yori yelled while taking the phone, “I am good. You are coming, right?”

“I am”

“Excellent I have been talking with the marketing team and suggested a certain activity that you and Jean-Pierre will love!” The Japanese sneakered

“What did you suggest?” sneared Jean, his voice a bit lower and menacing.

“Yori?” urged Rory.

The japanese driver laughed, “It is a surprise!”

“If I die Yuki, I’ll haunt you” added Jean.

Once in the jet as Marcos slept across from Rory, the girl couldn’t help but smile. She was so unbelievably proud of him. Not even a month ago the Spaniard had his first win. Even after having so many complications with the Monoposto strategists he managed to get it, the podium was shared with Wicho and Leroy Habergam, the five times world champion. She remembered that Sunday so vividly.

The TVwas on and Aurora was facetiming Mauro when the race was suddenly stopped, “What has happened?”

“There was a crash.”

“But what happe..Oh my God!” She gasped as the replay of the accident was shown on the Tv, an Attura had been turned over its top and slid all the way to the barrier skipping it and ending facing down, “Why are they not getting him out? Mauro?”

“They are trying.”

Anxiety was cursing through the model’s body, the red flag had the race stopped and though Rory prayed for the driver to be safe and sound she was aching for the race to restart. The crash had happened just after the lights went out, not even into the first turn that it all went south.

Marcos had managed to get pole and the optimism about the Spanish driver’s first win was palpable, both Rory and Mauro had calculated every possible outcome, they had even called Marcos to wish him a safe race and good luck. He had not been the only one, Yori, Wicho, Jean-Pierre and Côme were also recipients for the girl’s wishes.

As the race resumed Rory was jumping with excitement. Everything was so great. Checo in second, Marcos leading, Mathis Schauder was in the points! Mathis deserved those points, he was an F2 champion and the son of the one and only Elsa Vincens, the only woman to ever win a World Championship. How could Aurora not be happy? Unfortunately Jean, alongside 5 other drivers, was unable to finish the race. Nevertheless not everything was bad.

“Marcos!” squealed Rory as she jumped in the living room, “¡Va a ganar! Dios mio…Mauro, Marcos va a ganar. Y Wicho va a quedar segundo…¡Vamos!”

“He needs to hold his pace” muttered Mauro, “Come on Marcos!”

“No le vayas a echar la sal que te mato, eh,” scolded the model as she pulled the phone towards her and glimpsed at Mauro. He was in his office, seated in one of the two chairs from across his usual spot, for the TVwas right behind his desk chair. A glass of orange juice resting over his translucid desk. “Why are you at the office?”

“There’s no light at my apartment. A guy crashed into the generator pole and well, it has been dark since yesterday’s afternoon,” explained Mauro and sighed, “What an idiot.”

“Fast thinking then,” smiled Rory as her friend met her gaze through the screen.

He winked, “Always,” he then turned back his attention to the TVand stood up, “One lap to go!”

“Oh my God!” Gasped Rory as Marcos’s Monoposto got closer to the finish line, “¡Vamos!” Once the red car had the checkered flag Aurora started jumping and screaming and laughing while her phone remained in her hand.

“¡Eso cabrón! ¡Eso Marcos!” shouted Mauro.

“Oh my God! I could kiss you right now Mauro!” She laughed, “What a beautiful and amazing race,” a notification popped-up, Twitter, “Thank God!” She said with relief, “Guanyu Zhou is fine and back in the paddock.”

“So everything ended well,” chuckled Mauro, “Marcos P1, Wicho P2 and the King himself back on the podium…could the day get any better?”

Giggling Aurora added, “Hopefully it can.”

There was a simple silence before any of them dared say anything else.

“Rory, I gotta go. But let's do this again,” Mauro smiled at her through the screen.

Nodding Rory replied, “Yeah, we definitely have to. I’ll call you Mauro.”

“I’ll be waiting.”

Aurora was so lost in her memory that she didn’t realize that Marcos had already woken up and that she was staring. “Rory?” said the driver clearing his throat, “It is rude to stare,” he said arranging his messed up hair.

Shaking her head Rory smiled, “Sorry, I got lost in thought,” she leaned back on her seat and turned to Marcos, “Did I ever tell you I am proud of you?”

The man raised an eyebrow, “Afraid not, but why?”

“I am so proud of you Marcos,” she smiled, “For your win in Silverstone, for being a great driver, a great strategist,” that made the brunet snort, “For being ever so patient. You are unbelievable if I am being honest. Also because you do provide a lot of meme content”

“I don’t,” argued the Spaniard

“Stop inventing. Stop inventing,” was the girl’s response quoting the Monoposto driver at the Silverstone race with Marcos’s accent and everything.

Mauro’s POV

The CEO of Flores Internacional was on the verge of firing everyone in sight. One of the departments had not been responsible enough and now Mauro had to fix a mistake that should not have happened in the first place. He walked through the lobby’s parlor and deep into the building. People parted as he walked through, not even meeting anyone’s eyes.

“Señor Flores,” called a woman speed-walking to catch up with him, “Su hermana” she announced and handed the phone to Mauro who took it rather rudely.

“What is it Sofia?” He didn't have to ask for what sister, after all working at the company it was only him, Sofia his older sister and Daniela one of his younger sisters. The rest of the Flores siblings were between the ages of 18 and 10 years old, so it couldn’t be them.

“No estes enojado conmigo,” was Sofia’s response, “I am trying to help you!”

“Sorry,” Mauro said through gritted teeth, “What’s new?”

“Well, apparently nothing. I was checking the books and it turns out this hasn’t been a one time mistake.” Mauro rolled his hand into a fist, “Has been happening since a year ago.”

Calming his anger Mauro asked, “What are we doing about it then? What shall we do?” He was supposed to be resting. Mauro had caught a cold according to the doctor, but the Mexican believed that it was just that time of the year when his allergies kicked in. Still the doctor ordered him to have 2 days of pure rest. Stay home, order some takeout and work from his computer, that had been his plan all along. Things changed. Now he was dressed in a suit walking through the company’s building with only a sandwich inside his stomach. Mauro wasn’t happy, nor was he tired. Mauro was furious, “What shall you have me do?”

“I am calling some of my trustees, and joining you at your office. I have a plan, but it needs to be in person,” Sofia said, “I’m bringing Alex, FYI.” Alex was Sofia’s son, 2 years of age and the cutest kid in Mauro's eyes. “I’ll be there in 10.”

“See you then,” Mauro ended the call and pocketed the phone. He entered the elevator and pressed his office floor. As the doors opened he descended and planted himself in front of his secretary’s desk, “Andrea,” the gray haired woman looked up at him with a sweet smile, “Would you mind calling the cafeteria and order me something to eat, please?”

“Sure thing, Mau,” answered the woman, “What exactly do you want?”

Mauro stared at the woman before him. Andrea Galván had been his father’s secretary, the only person in the whole damn building that Mauro trusted with his life, besides his two sisters and mother, of course. “Whatever,” he sighed, massaging his forehead, “Have you had any breakfast yet?”

“No sir,” she replied taking her glasses off and letting them rest beside the pink coffee mug over her desk that red, #1 Grandma.

“Whatever you get for yourself I’ll have the same,” Mauro smiled, “My treat.”

“Your treat should be staying home and resting Mau,” scolded the secretary, “The doctor ordered it,” she narrowed her almond shaped eyes at him. Andrea was like the strict aunt Mauro never had. Always reminding him that he was human and that she was aware of everything and everyone.

“I..I” he started but was shortly interrupted.

“You are as stubborn as your dad, there is no doubt in that,” huffed Andrea, “So for that reason I took the liberty of getting your meds in your office alongside a couple water bottles.” Mauro saw the pride in Andrea’s face, “What else might you need?”

He chuckled, “Andrea, ¿qué haría sin ti?” Mauro walked around the desk and hugged her, “You are a Godsend!”

Sofia was pacing through Mauro’s office as her brother looked at her while carrying her child over his lap, “Honest to God I thought this was a bad joke,” she had stopped and was facing Mauro, “You sick, wrong bookings and on top of that Sebas is out of town!”

“I did tell you marrying him meant being alone,” muttered Mauro as he bounced his nephew, “But to get to the point.” he sneezed.

“Bless you!” said little Alex from Mauro’s lap.

“Thank you,” he sniffed, “Fucking allergies. As I was saying. The mistake has been happening since last year, right?” His sister nodded, “And we know for sure that the problem is within the walls of this building?” Sofia nodded again, “Who was employed last year in finances?”

The girl shrugged, “I don’t know, like twenty people at best!” Sofia was a mirror image of her mother with curly hair and big siren eyes. She was dressed in a dark blue pantsuit and heels. Mauro wondered how many pantsuits did his sister really own and how was she able to walk in heels while being pregnant. “Thirty if not,” Mauro opened his mouth to speak, but Sofia was faster, “I know what you are getting at,” she shook her head, “You can’t fire thirty people in a single day.”

“I definitely can!” Mauro said, hitting his desk with his fist which then Alex copied and turned to Mauro with a proud smile, which made Mauro's insides melt.

“You can’t chop off heads like that,” scoffed the CFO, “I didn’t study law, but Mauro they will sue us.”

“If heads have to roll then they’ll roll.”

“We can handle a single lawsuit at the time, twenty to thirty, not even Gallegos can.”

The pounding in Mauro’s head was worse than earlier. Even after eating two eggs, some bread, fruit and a greek yogurt that had almost managed to have him throwing up, Mauro still felt drained. And looking at his healthy older sister before him telling him that he couldn’t execute his solution was really doing a number on him.

“Maumau” babbled the child as he touched Mauro’s chin with his little hand, Mauro instantly turned down and smiled as he held his nephew, “Hot,” the kid then touched his own forehead before placing his hand against Mauro’s forehead. “Maumau hot!”

Before Mauro knew it Sofia was already by his side and placing the back of her hand against his forehead, “Mauro are you sick?” He shook his head, “You are burning up!”

“I am fine,” he said, pushing Sofia’s head away, “It is just allergies.”

The brunette shook her head and retrieved her son from her brother’s lap, “Allergies don’t have fever as a symptom, Mauro,” she raised an eyebrow at him, “Go home, I can take care of this myself,” he shook his head, “Mauro go rest, or else you’ll end up firing everyone that comes close to you today,” she chuckled and lowered Alex to the ground, she really shouldn’t be carrying him around.

“No eres graciosa,” he commented as he unbuttoned the first two buttons of his shirt. Sofia chuckled and straightened her son’s ruffled hair. If Mauro had not been there the day Alex was born, he would say that he wasn’t his sister’s child. With bluebell eyes and light brunette hair almost blonde. “But fine, I'll go home.”

“Big sister is always right,” she smiled proudly, “Now I know this goes without saying but..”

“We can’t tell Mom,” finished Mauro, “Cause then real heads will roll.”

“Yeah, our heads”

Already in his apartment Mauro scrolled through his instagram. He managed to end up seeing Rory’s daily blog. She was in the car with Marcos driving her. She talked about her look and the reason behind her going to the Hungarian Grand Prix. He smiled to himself. Just like whenever he remembered his time in Monaco alongside her. They had talked so little since she moved to Madrid. Aurora had told him about how it was living with the Salazar family and how Marcos Salazar Senior was warming up to her. Which was good news. Mauro had been worried about what would happen after she started sharing a roof with the old man.

He decided to call her. But when the screen showed her contact Mauro hesitated. What would he tell her was his reason for calling? He couldn’t go up to her and tell her he missed her, could he? His fingers danced over the dialing icon, hesitant and doubtful.

As if reading his mind the phone changed screens and it appeared that someone was calling him. Rory was calling him. Now without doubt in his mind he answered the call, no hesitation shown.

“Rory, ho-,” he said before being silence by his own coughing, “Sorry”

“Are you okay?” was her question, “Mauro, are you sick?”

The brunet wanted to roll his eyes but in doing so his head would hurt so he refrained, “I might. And before you interrogate me; yes, I already went to the doctor. Yes I am already taking my medicines and no I am not working, I am home and resting.”

Her laughter had not changed, “That is all good to know,” she sighed. There was a silence and though Mauro was happy she had called, he wondered if she had been worried about what to talk with him about too.

“So how is Hungary?” He asked before Rory regretted calling him, “I hear it is really nice this time of the year.”

“Well it is pretty,” said Rory, “Humid as hell, but pretty nevertheless.”

“Have you already driven Marcos anywhere? Does he know you are a psycho behind the wheel?”

Snorting, Aurora replied, “I am not a psycho. And to answer your first question; no, weirdly enough he doesn’t let me even get close to his Golf’s wheel or any cars’ whatsoever.”

Mauro was surprised that Marcos had really believed him, Mauro had not lied, but Aurora didn't look the type. “He must have a feeling,” he chuckled.

“Or..someone told him I am a psycho behind the wheel,” inquired the blonde and Mauro’s smile vanished being replaced by fear, “You know anything about that, Mauro?”

Shrugging Mauro cleared his throat, “I know nothing about that, Rory,” he coughed again and had to stretch his arm to fetch his glass of water, “Sorry”

“You say you are doing alright, are you really?” Rory wondered and Mauro did notice the worry in her question and voice.

He accommodated himself better against his headrest, “I am taking care Rory, I assure you. The doctor said two days of rest, and then just continue with the medicines.” It was the truth, he knew Rory worried a little too much and with him in Mexico and her in Hungary she might as well worry and feel useless. “Rory, I am okay, I swear.”

“You know I worry,” she said softly.

“Yeah, I know. If you were wondering, Dany has not been fired…yet.”

“I am so glad”

“She should be thanking you to be honest,” Mauro said, scratching his head, “Has she called you?”

“Afraid not,” Rory yawned, “Sorry”

Mauro sneaked a glance at the clock over his nightstand, “Rory why are you awake? It’s ten at night here, so isn’t it like five in the morning there in Budapest?”

“I am having a hard time with sleep lately”

“Is it because we are not sharing a bed?”

“Oh my God Mauro!” laughed Rory, “You are such a pervert”

“Wow. No! Hold your horses I don’t know what you just imagined. I always keep it PG. Rory, you are the pervert here!”

“Shut up!” She shouted before chuckling.

Mauro shrugged, “It’s just the facts”

Chuckling, the model added, “God, you are unbelievable.”