
Way out of hell

Foral_Fluff · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

3. An encounter.

Devlin stretched her arms above her head in an attempt to get a little comfortable sleeping position. something was weird about her bed this night .she swore that she had kept an extra pillow under her neck to support it as it was sore from all the training, but her neck still felt the strain. she tried to turn over to the other side assuming that she pushed the pillow away in her sleep .she turned over the other side but instead of her bed soft grass with dew drops welcomed her.

Her eyelids sprung open in response. she was very sure that she had fallen asleep in her room while thinking about her new name. but the place she was at wasn't her room .

She immediately got into a sitting position to get a better look at her surroundings. Devlin couldn't remember being to this place before.

Soft moonlight illuminated the place causing the dew drops on grass leaves to glow Like pearls.

Devlin knew that she should be scared of being in this place but she was not. Not even a bit. If anything she felt completely relaxed in this strange place.

The cool blowing wind caused hair strands to flow over her face. She looked around and examined her surroundings.

It was some forest. She didn't knew such beautiful forest existed in hell. Most of them were destroyed and converted to training centres.

She suddenly heard some distinct noises.

She tilted her head in the direction before getting up and heading towards the voice. She rubbed her bare arms as the breeze blew past her leaving a trail of goosebumps on her arms. The soil was wet and stuck to her feet.

She wondered how heavy the rain was to cause such a mess but she inhaled deep loving the smell of moist soil and moved forward.

Soon, a lake came into view. As she neared the pond she observed someone sitting by the lake. His legs were pulled close to his chest and his head was resting on his knees.

She immediately recognised him. How could she not? This person visited her dreams every single day since she knew what a dream was.

She stared at him, sitting by the lake beside him, watching the moonlight falling on the lake water, making it glow.

They have never spoken in dreams, much less made an eye contact, but there was something about him. Something that was impossible to ignore.

His face was never distinct enough for her to pick him out of a lineup. But his eyes, his green eyes carried deep emotions in them. Emotions that Devlin was still unaware of.

He didn't actually move but seemed to be getting closer. All Devlin could do was look at him with a feeling of increasing curiosity. And soon they both were sitting next to each other sides of their arms touching one another.

Devlin was not sure about what to say. she never had a conversation with any stranger. She looked ahead at the lake admiring the reflection of moonlight upon it. Several moments of silence passed between them before the familiar stranger lifted his head to look at Devlin.

Devlin didn't dare look at him. She just couldn't there was a certain tension or force between them that felt like an invisible wall. A part of Devlin suspected it to be some kind of magic but she was not sure.

"You have to find me Devlin." the familiar stranger finally broke the silence. Devlin's head snapped towards him in shock towards him.

"You have to find me before they find me," he said in a low husky voice. His voice gave Devlin butterflies.

She shook her head to clear the fizzy feeling the stranger had caused and decided to focus on rather important things.

"Why?" was all Devlin could manage to ask him. it was like she was lost in some trance.

"You need to. We are meant to be together. The power you feel now, the weird feeling, We are destinated to be together." he said standing up, brushing away the dust from his clothes.

"Where are you going?" Devin asked disappointed.

" I need to get going now," he said as he looked toward Devlin. She immediately felt a force wanting to stop him .it was confusing. She wasn't sure why she was feeling this way.

"How can I find you?" Devin asked controlling a strange urge to hold the stranger.

The stranger chuckled revealing a dimple on his left cheek which caused Devlin's heart to flip. He bent forward to caress the side of Devlin's face and intentionally or unintentionally Devlin leaned into his touch never leaving his eyes.

"Follow your heart, Devlin. It will lead you to me." he said as he started to move away.

Devlin got up to follow him. For some strange reason she didn't want him to leave. She never had. She hated the part of her dreams where he left her alone.

She started walking towards the fading away stranger. And soon she was running towards him just wishing to get a last glimpse of those eyes but only darkness welcomed her.

She felt sudden despair at departure of this stanger. Tears started to well up in her eyes threatening to flow.

She stood there for what felt like eternity waiting for him till every thing went black.

She slowly opened her eyes to stare at the sealing. Fresh tears flowed down her cheeks for some unknown reason.

She looked around to find the extra pillow fallen on the ground.

"Stupid pillow." She grumbled under her breath.

She took a deep sigh and closed her eyes again, wishing she could fall asleep again. But that was not possible.

Juniper would be here any minute now. It was an important day and her mother always made sure she was perfect for presentation.

She lazily got up from her bed and stretched her back twisting it in opposite directions to her body.

She glanced her pillow one last time before deciding to bath.


Author's Note:

Heya readers!

I hope all of you are doing good.

Here's the next update. I hope you like it.

Let me know if you do.

Don't forget the ☆icon.

See you again with a new update.