
"This hand…" Lu Sheng paid more attention to the arm this time, and realized it grew directly from the wall, and not from any person.

The rectangular gray wall was spotless. There were no scratches or cracks on it at all. But in such a place, cleanliness itself was a cause for suspicion.

After he realized this, Lu Sheng started avoiding walls and started to walk in the middle of the road. Now, there were no more black arm attacks.

He continued peacefully for a few miles before hearing the sounds of weapons clashing to the front of him.

Lu Sheng quickened his footsteps. He turned the corner around a round two-story temple and saw the fight.

Xie Yuqiong and her brother were fighting two black metal giants along with some members of the Youyin Sect.

Their weapons landed on the giants with loud clangs, but each strike dealt only minimal damage.