
The Wolves in the Grasslands

A famous chief in the early years of resistance against the Yan in the past once said, the people of Yan came to the Great Steppe with the book of the Great teacher.

And the people of the Steppe had the land.

Then they said, "learn the book and bow to our Emperor of Yan" We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the book, and they had the land.

Then they force us to read their books, to speak their language and kill our own language, to erase our culture and to worship their gods.

And their god are mortal. A child Emperor. An old decrepit. Man, not god.

Hence, the Great Steppe never trusted any Yan people who come bearing gifts.

Today, the Great Steppe is rising.

Yan is declining.

Old vengeance would be paid. Yan started it by making a hundred years of devastation and massacre of the people of the Steppe.