
The Western Border Tribe and the Western Zhou

Many of the chief of the Southern Great Steppe or any chief of the Great Steppe would not like a unifier to come. 

The prospect of a single leader who could potentially unite the fragmented tribes is met with mixed feelings and resistance. However, Valgrun understands that this is precisely what the tumultuous region needs.

he needed someone to unite the fragmented tribes of the Great Steppe. 

Over the years, he has grappled with the pressing issue of dwindling military strength among the tribes on the western border. 

While Valgrun has pondered alternative strategies, many of them, despite their merit, have remained unattainable.

 The intricate web of tribal rivalries, deep-rooted traditions, and complex politics poses challenges to implementing substantial changes. 

The tribes dwelling along the western border of the Great Steppe are renowned for their formidable warrior culture.