
The Seven Sons

But the Great Steppe people, while they do acknowledge the power of words, for words bring meaning and meaning attached to a word gives it power, it does not trump action

You could not find a tribe could easily be subdued only with words.

Even Aeryon, no matter how diplomatic he is, have to prove his strength before any tribes would surrender

It is a great disgrace to surrender before seeing the might of the enemy. 

That is why in Duhai tribe case, Aeryon challenge the chief. 

Because he knows if he could not prove his strength, the people of Duhai tribe would not be convinced and they might even fight him to the death, every last one of them

They possess this defiant fire in their hearts, something that is lacking on the people of Yan who did not have such temperament. 

This is temperament that is forged. Forged in the harshness of the Steppe, of the cold winter, of the blistering heat, of the lacking of things.