
The Intrigue and Schemes

Since, then the Surya dynasty ruled almost all of Yindu. But everything has its time. There is time to rise and time to Fall. Surya died, the Ages of Gods and Heroes ended

The world is in chaos, order is disrupted, chaos reign, and Yindu fragmented into a thousand pieces.

But the name of Surya still held a sway. Yindu has been used to it. It broke off, unified again, only to break again when there is new problems.

Each time, one of these kings and Queens would claim their lineage to Surya, found supporters among the people and they would try to unify back the Empire.

But that is easier said than done. 

Unifying Yindu is very hard.

The people are many but the problems are also many.

Since the first ruler unified Yindu, it has been so long since a true unification of the land happens.

There are of course some rulers that claimed they had unify Yindu but mostly their claims is a misrepresentation of the fact.