
Song of the Steppe

The debate between the teacher and student is far from over. Instead, the more they talk the more they wanted to debate each other

Each one wanted to convince the other

Was it because they believe that their opinion is right? Or is it that they both want the other to understand their feelings. 

Those who do not walk the same way should not conspire together. What if the way of the teacher is very different from the pupil? And what will the pupil do if the teacher way obstruct the pupil way?

Maybe that is why once they began to debate, they wanted to stop yet at the same time, they wanted to continue.

 This contradiction of the heart and mind. 

"Will we debate about right and wrong then, teacher?" Jayeux asked, but there is a mocking smile on the edge corner of his mouth

Mayeux sighed

But Jayeux is not satisfied in leaving this hanging. Since they already talk about it, let's talk about it in more detail.