
Shocking Acquaintance

Garron is someone that is not loyal. And he is someone who he is cunning like a fox and as poisonous as the snake.

This is the Garron that Ayuka father knows

It is more probable that Garron could see that there is an opportunity to take Rudya tribe area and it resources while at the same time did not betray the alliance and not give him a bad name

If there is such a way, why would he not do it. He certainly would do it

"The cunning viper" he thought to himself.

Ayuka however, knows that it is not time to make enemies.

His action has already undermined the strength of the tribe. And if they are not careful, they could capsize.

So, he sent a letter to Utgard asking for his attitude a week ago. The Utgard chief simply said

"Cooperation is not impossible"

However, in the letter he also said, he needed to know how did Tawakka die and why did Ayuka usurp the eldest and took the seat of his father