
Rise of Khans

They don't know how to do all those things. But because of their circumstances because of their hardship, they were able to step to greatness

A weaver, a farmer, a simple hunter, herders, beggars all rose up from their circumstances because of the times and create immortal achievements

Belarion now have a bit of confidence.

But there is still doubt

"But….but I don't know to do it. That still doesn't solve that issue. You tell me to learn. But from whom should I learn from?"

Aeryon could see that Belarion is already convinced.

He smiles and patted Belarion back

"Take it slowly. I have set up Xiwanu and Lughan as your deputy to help you with governing this area. Learn from them. Take what is good and discard which is bad. Learn from them and look at what they do. Take what works and reflect on what didn't work. How much you could learn depends on yourself"