
Politics of the Western Tribes

Why would the strong tribe reject any talks of alliance with Western Zhou?

The strong tribes on the western border of the Great Steppe have a natural inclination to seek expansion. 

For them, strength begets more strength, and territorial conquests are often the path to increased power and resources. 

Similarly, the Western Zhou soldiers have their own ambitions, desiring to expand into the territories of the Great Steppe tribes.

This dynamic creates a volatile situation. 

The strong tribes on the Great Steppe, faced with the pressing need to grow and protect their interests, frequently look westward as a source of potential expansion. 

In response, Western Zhou, keenly aware of these tribal tendencies, employs a multifaceted strategy. 

They aim to make alliances with weaker tribes to prevent any unification of the stronger ones, while actively confronting these powerful tribes to curb their growth and ambitions.