
Mayeux Ambition

There are things in the details that the Kan is woefully ignorant about but at the same time, some things like the general direction of how history should unfold is something that Mayeux believe Aeryon has a better grasp on than any other leaders in the Steppe.

It is a contradictory trait of his Kan.

And Aeryon himself is a great strategist.

The only reason he did not design more of the plan is because Mayeux always presented a plan that is either better than what he thought or a plan that covers up the flaw in his own plans or spoke a plan that he had already think

Aeryon himself is not someone that wanted to take the glory of his subordinate and he like to delegate his work

To Mayeux, this is the trait of being able to use people.

The Kan did not need to know everything. He just needs to put the right people at the right place and he could govern the world