
Justice Always Wins

Chadha could see many things since he began creating the alliance. 

Combining the intelligence of three tribes, Chadha knows more things and knowing more things, make him even more prepared. 

And Chadha speculated that if Nergui really attack Wustkazan, there is many people that would take advantage of that. 

Wustkazan is big. 

It might not be strong. 

But it is big. 

And that is not a land that you could take without preparations. 

You could take a chunk of land from them because Wustkazan does not have that many people for them to maintain influence in what they called their area.

But if that is the case, why is it that even until now, Wustkazan still stands?

It is because they usually unite their forces at one point of area and then when these invaders meets them, they would be broken. As for the lands, they would take it back as their invaders retreated. 

It has been the same tactic.