
Innate Strength

Outside the tent, the cold wind is still blowing and the sound of hammer could be heard in the distance, hammering stuff and there is orders being shouted.

The sound of hammering must have come from the construction site.

But Aeryon is still in the tent right now as he look at his Meat Supply Card. 

As he look back at the Meat Supply Card, he thought back to the times when it had been a crucial asset. 

His tribe had enjoyed plentiful feasts, and he had used it to support his people during harsh winters. 

Now that he had converted all those cards into tangible meat, he knew that the provisions would sustain his tribe through the cold months.

Similarly, the Stone Resource Cards had served their purpose well. 

They will play a significant role in the construction of the city that would act as a vital hub connecting the Great Steppe with the Yan dynasty.