
Hell On Earth

The massive battering ram swung forward with tremendous force, its iron-clad head slamming into the sturdy gates of Nurshira. 

The resounding boom echoed through the battlefield, causing the defenders on the wall to look down in alarm. 

The relentless assault on the gate had begun, and Aeryon warriors is determined to break through.

As the battering ram struck the gate repeatedly, the defenders scrambled to reinforce the weakened sections. 

Thunderous blow echoes, the city gate cracked!


Aeryon shouted. The siege tower is also advancing wooden planks and animal hides rolled onto the mound to protect it, archers on the siege tower exchange fire with city defenders atop the wall

Below, Aeryon warrior keep advancing, Aeryon taking his breath to gather his strength and calm his mind

Belarion, the strongest person in Aeryon tribe is now displaying his raw power as he scaled the city wall with an almost effortless ease.