
Grand Strategy

The Western Zhou might be eyeing Yan for now, but if they sense a weakness in the border of the Great Steppe, seeing the tribes crumbling, they might send large force to settle the west. 

There is another more terrifying consequences even if he won. 

And that is, he might be stretched too thin and then lose the most opportune moment to unify the Southern Great Steppe. 

This is not a turn-based game. When he does things, his rivals and his enemies would also do things. 

Dama o the East is someone that he doesn't need to be worried about for now. 

But if he relay did what Mayeux suggested doing, then Dama, if he plays his card right could quickly take any tribes that is in his way and marches toward the west. 

And then there might a trend of divining the Southern great Steppe into two. If that is the case, then Aeryon plan for the unification of the Great Steppe would take too long.