
Crazy Men

The meal continued however in this kind of tension and then The meal is finished and it is clear that Aeryon is about to get up and leave the tent. 

After the meal, Aeryon said, "Ah, I've been too much trouble for my father-in-law. I wanted to reach my tent before the night. I excused myself."

As he said this, Garron suddenly said

'Son-in-law, please wait" Hearing this, Waqu quickly uses his hand to gesture to the guards inside and outside to distance themselves from the tent. Aeryon look around and his eyes narrowed

"This must be something important" he thought to himself

"What is it that you want to talk about?"

"Before I speak, do you agree with the marriage alliance?' Garron asked. Aeryon smiles and nodded. 

He already made up his mind before he came. If Garron tries to kill him, then of course, today would be Garron death day.