
Breaking The Trust

However, this did not mean that the Yan people that is being attacked should be grateful to him.

Because not all warriors is as disciplined as Aeryon warriors.

When they do raid, they raided like a crazed gods, looting small town and villages and burning them

There is fires all over the northern region of Nurshira.

Aeryon actually wanted this to happen even more.

Because in the book, Dugu Yi and Xu Bailong uses Nurshira as the springboard to compete for the Central Plains.

In the book, Aeryon wonders how could Xu Bailong uses one region to fight against the entire world.

It wasn't until Aeryon is in this world, he could understand why.

The map of Yan held some similarity to the geography of ancient China.

But only some similarity. The name sometimes the same but the geography is different from the ancient China of his world

There is Luoyang, there is Chang'an, but is it the same Luoyang?

Is it the same Chang'an.