
Blueprints for the North

"Not Burchu"

Burchu has proven himself but it is not enough.

Burchu is loyal but he is still too young. Mukhulai is not yet well known.

"And I still need to see how he would performed. He seems good at leading his men and there doesn't seems to be any problem when he goes to the west. And there is even a commendation from Ota and Valgrun about Mukhulai ability to lead men."

Aeryon wanted to polish Mukhulai more.

And also, because Mukhulai while he has convinced his men, he could not yet convince the tribe.

 For Aeryon to make Mukhulai the overseer of this area, he had to use his prestige and his name

And Aeryon knows that to put Mukhulai in this position would not hep that young one. Instead, it would hinder him.

Mukhulai is a former slave.

And to govern would require administrative abilities

It is something that Mukhulai has never bene taught.