

As for Belarion, he also got a new job

Belarion is training new horse riders.

But Belarion has never been a good teacher. Fortunately, enough, they all have the same kind of skill, of riding horses, using bows and arrows and most of them are skilled fighter.

Mayeux suggested to him to pick a few skilled fighter and let them train the young ones. 

Belarion follows the order and he only need to supervise them every once in a while.

But most of the time, he is free. Mayeux and Aeryon both of them able to see that while Belarion is a good commander he is not a good trainer and that is fine. 

However, the reason why Mayeux insisted in putting him to supervise the training is simply so that his presence in the army and military is known. 

And everyone knows the loyalty of Belarion as he is the sworn brother of the Chief.