
A Fool

Aeryon set out from his tent in the afternoon. 

With it a thousand men followed him. This is a large entourage. 

In the afternoon sun, Aeryon emerged from his tent, surrounded by a formidable entourage of a thousand men. 

He looks at the size of the people and he laughed

"Belarion, look at my warriors" he said in exhilaration. 

The sheer size of the procession showcased his status and power as a chief. But it also to deter the tribes that has been subjugated by him

In a way, he also uses this as a chance to do a procession around his tribe, showing off his power and prestige. 

In the Steppe, if you appear to weak, then people would gather. If you appear strong, people would go out of your way. 

The area that Garron set his tent is not that far. But not that far does not mean it is close.