
Warlock of the Magus World – Redux

Dr. Fang Ming, a scientist in his previous life, reincarnates into a world of sword and magic. Thus, he becomes the new owner of Leylin Farlier's body. The previous Leylin was the useless son of a Viscount and a weak miscreant shunned by the nobilities. But to our protagonist, that is nothing to be concerned about. He always gets what he wants, one way or another. And he craves all the power he can get his hands on. He knows no limit to his ambition; Leylin's final goal is to stand above creation itself. Other people are just pawns on his game board, and relationships are the strings he uses to manipulate events in his favor. Yet, Leylin does not kill exclusively when his plans demand it. He kills for his own sick pleasure. Unattached, ambitious, calculating, and sadistic; such are the qualities of a true villain. Such are the traits defining the new Leylin. |=|=|=|=|=|=|=| **What are the differences compared to the original?** 1.- Fewer exclamation marks and better grammar. 2.- Leylin's character is way darker (his actions reflect his evil nature). Doesn't mean he won't be as dedicated or smart, though. 3.- The Chip has a true A.I. personality. NO ROMANCE AT ALL with the MC, and it won't get a body of its own. It will NEVER disobey the MC either. He basically has Siri/Alexa in his head, nothing more. I do this for fun, I own nothing (cover included ---> shorturl.at/yDGIN)

TunaSandwichAddict · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
132 Chs

True Friend

The Redbud Flower family happened to be one of the three major Magi Houses affiliated with the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy, just like the Lilytell family. Unlike Bicky's dwindling lineage, the Redbud Flower family boasted a tradition of official Magi in every generation, capable of unleashing formidable battle prowess in times of conflict. They stood leagues apart in power and influence.

With the treacherous Fayle sheltered by House Redbud Flower, Bicky's family could only clench their jaws in bitter defeat, knowing they'd never reclaim their coveted Rainbow Potion.

"As for Bicky, she has been apprehended by her own kin," Hong lamented, her eyes welling up with tears. "She's set to face trial and inevitable guilt for her betrayal..."

Leylin released a long, contemplative sigh. From the very outset of their time at the academy, he had been aware of Bicky's infatuation with Fayle. Furthermore, he knew that Fayle wasn't bound by a strict moral compass.

When Bicky had confided in Leylin about Fayle's acceptance of her as his girlfriend, Leylin had sensed an underlying conspiracy. Yet, he had no inclination to sound the warning bells.

Fayle had amassed a substantial number of contribution points in the Bloodbath, trading them for a vial of Grine Water. Coupled with the Rainbow Potion and an assured pact with the Redbud Flower family, his ascent to a Rank 1 Magus seemed all but certain.

Meanwhile, Bicky's family suffered the loss of their precious Rainbow Potion, akin to forfeiting a potential official Magus. Their anguish would only deepen with the loss of Bicky, one of their most promising acolytes.

'That alone provides me with all the insight I require into that pitiful clan of weasels,' Leylin mused with a sly grin concealed beneath his mask.

"Fayle's scheme was undeniably clever," he remarked, though his tone hinted at disappointment. "It's a shame his moral compass has taken such a treacherous plunge, resorting to the vilest means to grasp at power. Truly, it's both revolting and infuriating," Leylin declared, his voice tinged with a touch of ire.

Bicky meant nothing to Leylin. He didn't even consider her as a fellow acolyte. In fact, he regarded her with the same respect that he would a discarded food wrapping laying on the sidewalk. And whilst they had indeed shared a one-night-stand, it had taken a dark turn at the end, after Leylin used Bicky's body like a cock-sleeve for his own pleasure, and then erased her memories.

"Naturally, I'm committed to doing everything in my power to rescue her. Bicky is one of my dearest friends, a fellow acolyte, and a junior student in the art of Potioneering. Furthermore, I'll assist her in seeking vengeance to the best of my abilities," Leylin boldly declared, his voice filled with solemn determination.

Hong was taken aback, her hands instinctively covering her mouth in astonishment.

Meanwhile, deep within Leylin's heart, a sense of amusement flickered in response to the unfolding situation.

Upon closer examination, it became evident that Bicky was not only Fayle's girlfriend in name but also in reality. To complicate matters further, Bicky had been unfaithful and had betrayed Fayle with Leylin.

Nevertheless, the urgency now was to rescue Bicky. He yearned to see her, to conclude what they had started that day, indulging in some amusement along the way.

"I initially contemplated involving Professor Kroft, as he seemed like a prime candidate to aid her. However, I quickly dismissed that notion... which is why I've come to you, Senior Leylin," Hong confided in a hushed tone.

The relationship between professors and acolytes at Abyssal Bone Forest Academy was rooted in mutual benefit. Acolytes provided magic crystals and services, while professors imparted knowledge. For exceptional talents like Jayden or Merlin, who had garnered the favor of their mentors, this arrangement worked well. However, Bicky, with her modest aptitude, had a relatively simple connection with her mentor.

It was almost as though their association would wane once she graduated, unless she managed to ascend to the rank of an official Magus.

Furthermore, Kroft held a senior position as a professor at Abyssal Bone Forest Academy. Upon joining the institution, he had committed to a contract that forbade him from meddling in the internal affairs of other noble houses.

As for Bicky's House, it was just one of the many families aligned with Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.

Consequently, Kroft could not intervene without violating the terms of the agreement.

After sipping the now slightly cooled tea on the circular desk, Leylin spoke slowly, with Hong's expectant gaze upon him.

"Regrettably, due to a critical experiment, I am presently unable to leave. Nevertheless, I shall compose a letter. Kindly deliver it to the elder of Bicky's family."

Leylin's ongoing endeavor to refine his bloodline had reached a pivotal juncture, a critical moment demanding his undivided attention.

Were it not for Hong informing him about Bicky's situation, Leylin might not have diverted his focus from this crucial task. Nevertheless, he couldn't afford to abandon his laboratory for an extended period either.

In comparison to Bicky's predicament, Leylin faced a more imminent and dire threat. He needed to swiftly ascend to a Rank 1 Warlock to bolster his capabilities in preparation for the impending danger posed by the Lilytell family.

Moreover, there was the ever-looming possibility that the Lilytell family might trace Bosain's murder back to him at any moment. With the passage of time, this danger only loomed larger. It was imperative for him to purify his bloodline before the Lilytell family uncovered any incriminating evidence. He also needed to locate a secure refuge outside the academy to facilitate his critical advancement.

This was a matter of life and death for Leylin. When weighed against the gravity of his own situation, Bicky's issue had to be temporarily set aside.

Leylin rationalized that, as a prodigious acolyte within the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy, he possessed a high probability of eventually becoming an official Magus. On the other hand, Bicky's family head was merely a level 3 acolyte. In the world of Magi, associations were typically forged between individuals of comparable strength. Consequently, Leylin believed that his proposal would indeed merit consideration from the other party.

Upon hearing Leylin's words, Hong's eyes dimmed, and she tensed up, almost rising from her seat. She appeared to think that Leylin was merely skimming the surface of the matter, a common approach among acolytes. While Hong had mentally prepared herself for this outcome, she couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment. The glimmer of hope for reuniting with her friend was quickly vanishing.

"In the letter, I will wholeheartedly beseech the family head not to proceed with the trial and to spare Bicky's arcane core from harm," Leylin declared.

The arcane core served as the wellspring of Spiritual Force for any being, constituting the fundamental cornerstone of a magician's abilities—the seat of their consciousness and Spiritual Force. Should this source be torn asunder, the magician would be permanently crippled, a fate often imposed by families on members who had betrayed them, effectively rendering them powerless for all time.

"And in exchange," Leylin continued, "I will pledge to compensate for the absence of the Rainbow Potion." His concluding words sparked an immediate gleam in Hong's eyes.

"Lord Leylin, your kindness knows no bounds! I'm overwhelmed with gratitude! Yet, I must admit, I'm struggling to comprehend why you would go to such great lengths to aid her..." Hong's excitement rendered her manner of speech incoherent.

Had this been a simple request, it was possible that the other party, considering their both being level 3 acolytes and the head's noble lineage, might not have extended Leylin any courtesy whatsoever.

However, the offer of compensation altered the equation significantly. Killing Bicky at this juncture would yield no benefits to the family. Keeping her captive, on the other hand, presented the potential for lucrative compensation.

Any logical magician worth their salt would discern the rational choice between the two options.

"Bicky holds a very special place in my heart... And I believe I'm doing only what a true friend ought to do... You also did your part, dear Hong. Thank you for letting me know of this awful development." Leylin responded with a warm smile as he rose from his seat.

Once he concluded his current experiment, his immediate aim was advancement. Upon ascending to the status of an official Magus, his authority would experience a marked transformation.

At that juncture, rescuing Bicky would prove far less troublesome.

In truth, the cost of a Rainbow Potion paled in comparison to Leylin's current resources. Beyond the sale of potions, the few precious herbs he had acquired in Dylan Gardens commanded prices several times greater than that of a Rainbow Potion.

However, should he simply seize the funds and free her, he'd risk being branded a fool with more money than sense. Leylin, not one to relish the prospect of becoming a laughingstock, resolved to avoid such a fate.

Guided by a pragmatic blend of logic and self-interest, he chose the path of least personal expenditure.

"I've approached many people, but you, Senior Leylin, were the only one to lend a hand. Bicky is truly fortunate to have a friend like you!" As he observed, Hong's bond with Bicky appeared to be quite strong.

"Now, I am a busy man. If there are no other pressing matters, please forgive my early departure." With the grace of a gentleman, Leylin offered a polite smile and gracefully vacated his seat, returning to the confines of Kroft's private lab.

Bicky's predicament had merely been a minor disruption in Leylin's routine. After temporarily departing from his laboratory to address the issue, Leylin returned to his experiments with renewed focus.

Three days later, Leylin gazed intently at a vulcanized crystal test-tube.

Within its confines, a purplish-red fluid had already claimed more than half the available space. What's more, it displayed a persistent effervescence, producing a continuous stream of minuscule bubbles, as if imbued with a life force of its own.

This was the culmination of meticulous work, an alchemical amalgamation of the very essence distilled from the enigmatic Black Horrall Snake. Layer upon layer of arcane artistry converged to refine this elixir, its ultimate refinement using the heart as a catalyst. In the final step, Aralis's microscopic prowess was intertwined with arcane spells, weaving a continuous tapestry of purification. The fruit of this laborious process? Half a slender test-tube brimming with the iridescent legacy of an ancient lineage.

As Leylin cradled the test-tube, an aura of unparalleled power surged forth, rippling through its surroundings like a tempestuous tide. A fervent, almost obsessive gleam danced in Leylin's eyes as he pondered the profound significance of his achievement.

Indeed, it was none other than the hallowed bloodline of the ancient colossus—the Giant Kemoyin Serpent.

Curiosity piqued, Leylin turned to Aralis and inquired, 'How is the progress on gathering information about the Giant Kemoyin Serpent?'

These titanic behemoths from eons past were mere whispers in the annals of history, fleeting mentions in scarce texts and the tales of bards. Misconceptions and myths shrouded them in obscurity, making Leylin's task clear: to sift through the murky waters of legend and extract the grains of truth.

For Leylin, there was no alternative. Obtaining the bloodlines of other serpent species remained an arduous endeavor, an endeavor fraught with exorbitant costs. And, as an aspiring Magus, many avenues remained closed to him. With the Mankestre DNA in his possession, he found solace in his newfound access to two distinguished bloodlines.

[After 3465 comparisons, omitting 139 instances of erroneous information and filtering out 45 repetitions, the core data has been successfully distilled.] Intoned Aralis' voice, her resonance echoing with the satisfaction of a job well done.


<Giant Kemoyin Serpent>

An awe-inspiring ancient entity, boasting a colossal length of 5000 meters in its mature form. This creature is renowned for its formidable physique and enigmatic mastery of spellcasting arts. In its mature state, it can engage in formidable battles against Rank 4 Magi, earning its place as the bane of countless cities in legendary tales.

<Principal Elemental Traits>

Darkness, complemented by the secondary essence of Fire. The lore tells of the Mother of Ten Thousand Snakes' inability to dominate the Shadow World, leading her offspring to the Purgatory Realm. From that point forward, all her descendants inherited the Fire element.

<Sources of Origin>

These accounts find their roots in various texts, including the Ancient Creatures Illustration Handbook, the Travels of Grey, the Diary of the Great Magus Serholm, and The Book of Giant Serpent...


'Darkness and Fire Elements?' Leylin's visage lit up with rapture.

Even though the transplantation of bloodlines inherently appended the ancient creature's elements, possessing an innate affinity for these elements was unquestionably the most advantageous scenario for a Warlock.

Even with bloodline transitions, the fundamental qualities of a magician's constitution remained pivotal. These attributes were determined at birth and proved exceedingly resistant to alteration as one grew older.

'Aralis, retrieve my elemental affinity chart.' Leylin commanded tersely.

Before him materialized a projected image, revealing the depths of his innate elemental connections.

Prominent among them was the elongated, obsidian-hued bar, emblematic of Leylin's foremost elemental affinity—Darkness.

Following in prominence, yet half the stature of its shadowy counterpart, a fiery crimson bar blazed—a testament to Leylin's secondary elemental inclination, Fire.

Trailing behind, an emerald bar stood amid a smattering of other, more modestly colored bars, representing Leylin's affinity for various lesser elements.

Nonetheless, these meager bars paled in comparison to the fiery blaze of his affinity for Fire, an imbalance so stark that had Leylin primarily focused on these lesser elemental energies, he might have languished as a mere level 2 acolyte.

In sum, Leylin's supreme affinities lay squarely within the realms of Darkness and Fire, rendering the others insignificant by comparison.

"The properties of the Giant Kemoyin Serpent align remarkably well with my affinities," Leylin mused aloud. "No great surprise there. According to the Kemoyin's Pupil technique, these conditions grant a significant boost to a magician's affinities, making it the ideal choice."

Thirst for power and unrestrained zeal danced across Leylin's visage, impossible to conceal.