
Warlock of the Magus World – Redux

Dr. Fang Ming, a scientist in his previous life, reincarnates into a world of sword and magic. Thus, he becomes the new owner of Leylin Farlier's body. The previous Leylin was the useless son of a Viscount and a weak miscreant shunned by the nobilities. But to our protagonist, that is nothing to be concerned about. He always gets what he wants, one way or another. And he craves all the power he can get his hands on. He knows no limit to his ambition; Leylin's final goal is to stand above creation itself. Other people are just pawns on his game board, and relationships are the strings he uses to manipulate events in his favor. Yet, Leylin does not kill exclusively when his plans demand it. He kills for his own sick pleasure. Unattached, ambitious, calculating, and sadistic; such are the qualities of a true villain. Such are the traits defining the new Leylin. |=|=|=|=|=|=|=| **What are the differences compared to the original?** 1.- Fewer exclamation marks and better grammar. 2.- Leylin's character is way darker (his actions reflect his evil nature). Doesn't mean he won't be as dedicated or smart, though. 3.- The Chip has a true A.I. personality. NO ROMANCE AT ALL with the MC, and it won't get a body of its own. It will NEVER disobey the MC either. He basically has Siri/Alexa in his head, nothing more. I do this for fun, I own nothing (cover included ---> shorturl.at/yDGIN)

TunaSandwichAddict · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
132 Chs

Elemental Essence Conversion

In a secluded location, a campsite of regal splendor stood out. At its heart, a robust tent, crafted from the finest silks, commanded attention. Adjacent to it, a medium-sized fire danced, its vibrant yellow flames caressing a metal pot suspended above.

The pot was a cauldron of flavors, simmering a broth rich with chunks of mushroom and beef-jerky. Surrounding the fire, numerous forked branches served as makeshift grills for several small fish. Barbecued meat sizzled nearby, its golden-yellow fat bubbling and dripping, filling the air with a tantalizing aroma.

A petite blonde girl sat nearby, her eyes fixed on the mouth-watering food, her saliva involuntarily pooling. She then shifted her gaze to the side.

There, on a lush patch of grass, a handsome man with raven-black hair sat in a meditative pose on a plush, red carpet. This was Leylin, still maintaining his disguise through the Shapeshifting Spell for reasons of concealment.

Having traveled a considerable distance with Ivy, Leylin decided to pause for a rest. Despite his remarkable vitality allowing him to journey for weeks without fatigue, he knew the young girl couldn't keep up. Moreover, he needed to dedicate some time each day to his advanced meditation practice.

His ostentatious display of wealth was a deliberate choice. Tired of masquerading as a destitute mortal, Leylin decided that if he had to hide his identity as a Magus, he would do so while indulging in a luxurious travel experience. He refused to play the part of a pauper any longer.

Leylin's meditation technique of choice was the Kemoyin's Pupil, a method inherently compatible with his bloodline. Coupled with Aralis' optimization of his blood essence, his progress in meditation was swift.

'Eyes are the windows of the soul. By focusing your sight with the Kemoyin's Pupil, you will rediscover yourself – Norco Curadu Sfar.'

This mantra, a cornerstone of the Kemoyin's Pupil meditation technique, was a constant in Leylin's practice. Now, with his eyes closed, he felt as though he was gazing directly into a pair of amber-colored, vertical pupils that were not his own.

As darkness interlaced with burning flames seemed to consume Leylin, Ivy, who had been observing him, noticed a dense mist of black and red emanating from his body. This mist swirled rhythmically around Leylin, creating a barrier that separated him from the outside world, akin to a mother's protective embrace.

The tendrils of mist began to coalesce, taking on the form of a formidable snake that wound itself around Leylin, flicking its scarlet tongue as if to warn the world of its protective stance.

The serpent-like mist continued its dance around Leylin, eventually settling on his shoulders and morphing into an odd mask that covered his face and neck. This mask seemed to draw in a continuous stream of dark energy particles.

After about a dozen minutes, the mask disintegrated, transforming into black gases that seeped into Leylin through his skin.

With a silent gesture, Leylin opened his eyes wide, revealing his terrifying demonic eyes that took Ivy aback, and commanded, 'Aralis, scan my current data.'


Dr. Fang Ming (Leylin Farlier's body)

<Power Scaling>

Rank 1 Warlock || Grand Knight

<Ancient Bloodline>

Giant Kemoyin Serpent 

<Physical Stats>

Strength - 10.4

Agility - 12.38

Vitality - 17.24

<Mystical Stats>

Spiritual Force - 35.01/35.01

Mana Energy - 35.01/35.01

<Innate Abilities>

Mitotic Regeneration || Advanced Dark Absorption || Advanced Illusory Aura 

<Perks >

Enhanced Plant & Darkness elemental affinities || Boosted illusion resistance || Reptile-class Mysterious Entities of ≤ power are positively biased

<General Skills>

Hybrid Farlier-Jackson Blade Technique (master) || Potioneering (master) || Grand Master Secret Skill (++AGI +STR --VIT) || Various Rank 0 & Rank 1 spells

<Innate Spells>

Kemoyin's Scales || Eye of Petrification


Master has completed a level of high-grade meditation technique. Spiritual force increased by 0.005

Elemental Essence Conversion - Darkness element (1%)


'Each meditation session guarantees a tangible enhancement in my Spiritual Force,' Leylin affirmed, nodding in satisfaction.

The journey of bolstering a magician's Spiritual Force becomes increasingly arduous over time. Particularly for official Magi, the meditation techniques they employed as acolytes have become obsolete. Without access to high-grade meditation techniques, their only recourse is to depend on external resources to augment their Spiritual Force.

Resources potent enough to influence official Magi are exceedingly scarce, even on the South Coast. Consequently, many Magi find it incredibly challenging to progress further after attaining the status of a Rank 1 Magus.

Only those who have trained with high-grade meditation techniques can sustain their advancement. However, each level of these high-grade techniques presents formidable challenges. The first level might be relatively straightforward, but subsequent levels demand centuries of dedication.

The unique attributes of high-grade meditation techniques become progressively more complex the further one advances. Leylin hypothesizes that after the third level, a Magus would need thousands of years to progress to the next level.

As a result, many Magi fail to advance within their lifespan and succumb to old age.

'Aralis, estimate the time required for me to meet the prerequisites to ascend to a Rank 2 Warlock, considering my current rate of progress.'

[Task initiated. Collecting your data, formulating prediction… Based on your current statistics, I estimate that you will fulfill the requirements to advance to a Rank 2 Warlock in approximately 14 years and 7 months.] Aralis responded dutifully.

'Indeed, the journey is long. Yet, when compared to the regular Magi who remain stagnant for centuries, my current progress seems rather satisfactory,' Leylin mused, his brow furrowing momentarily before smoothing out.

Aralis's graphical analysis indicated that the increase in Spiritual Force provided by the high-grade meditation technique would eventually plateau. The same held true for the absorption of souls from acolytes or ordinary humans. Furthermore, the rate of Elemental Essence Conversion would decelerate over time. These factors collectively hindered Leylin's rapid advancement.

According to Aralis's estimates and the implicit revelations in the Book of the Giant Serpent, the criteria for advancing to a Rank 2 Magus included a minimum Spiritual Force of 80 and an Elemental Essence Conversion rate exceeding 80%.

These stringent conditions have thwarted many promising acolytes in the past.

The requirement for Spiritual Force seemed manageable. It could be met over time through cultivation using high-grade meditation techniques or by finding substantial resources to stimulate the Spiritual Force.

The Elemental Essence Conversion, however, posed a unique challenge. If a Magus selected inappropriate energy particles, achieving an EEC above 50% would be exceedingly difficult. Specifically, one must choose the energy particle with the highest elemental affinity to push the EEC beyond 80%.

This was merely the basic requirement. For heirs of prominent families and true prodigies, advancing with an 80% EEC would squander their potential. They could avoid future bottlenecks in their progression to Rank 2 Magus only by achieving an EEC of 90% or higher, as stated in the Kemoyin's Pupil Technique.

Additionally, some regular Magi faced the challenge of acquiring a Rank 2 spell model. If they failed to find one that complemented their Rank 1 innate spell, they risked catastrophic consequences during the inscription of their Rank 2 spell model, such as cerebral explosion.

Thus, magicians who relied on Grine Water and spell models for advancement would find their future path exceedingly constricted.

Despite his rapid progress, Leylin felt a mounting pressure. He had severely antagonized the Lilytell family, a powerful clan led by an individual whose prowess could rival the chairman of the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.

This individual was a Rank 2 Magus, or an expert nearing that level.

Currently, Leylin's survival would be in jeopardy if he encountered certain individuals. His advancement to a Rank 1 Warlock only afforded him the most basic means of self-preservation. To live freely and openly in the future, he needed to attain at least a Rank 2 Warlock status to fend off pursuers from the Abyssal Bone Forest Academy.

Upon gaining access to a high-grade meditation technique, Leylin discovered that magicians who cultivated using these techniques also required equally rare or costly resources. This was due to the fact that certain valuable resources could enhance the progress of meditation.

The Kemoyin's Pupil meditation technique mentioned several ingredients that could aid his meditation. Consequently, Leylin was eager to reach the Ennea Ivory Ring Tower, located within the domain of Light Magi. This majestic tower housed the largest Magi trading hub in the central part of the South Coast, which Leylin could undoubtedly utilize to acquire his resources and expedite his progress.

"Master… The broth is ready…" Ivy, noticing that Leylin had concluded his meditation for the day, quickly ladled a bowl of broth and presented it to him.

"You've done well. You're quite a good cook." Leylin smiled at Ivy and graciously accepted the bowl. He decided to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor for a bit longer.

Ivy gazed blankly into Leylin's inscrutable eyes, her own eyes devoid of life.

'This is…' Leylin's curiosity was momentarily aroused, but he quickly extended a hand radiating white light and touched Ivy's forehead.

"Master! Just now…" Ivy recovered swiftly, but she dared not meet Leylin's gaze again.

"Foolish girl. That was an incident caused by your reckless curiosity. My power is to be feared. In the future, avoid such carelessness. Never look directly into your Master's eyes, unless you're prepared to face death." Leylin comprehended what had occurred, but his tone swiftly turned cold and stern. He had no tolerance for stupidity.

Tears threatened to spill from Ivy's eyes as she cast her gaze downward, yet she held back her sorrow, aware that it would only make it worse. Her Master, a figure of kindness tempered with firmness, was not one to provoke. She vowed to herself that she would avoid meeting his gaze henceforth, unless explicitly commanded to do so.

Ivy's experience was a consequence of his Elemental Essence Conversion progress. As Magi continue to enhance their EEC progress, their naturally radiating Spiritual Force would manifest a potent power associated with the elements. In simpler terms, their mana radiation became increasingly hazardous for mortals.

Ivy's disorientation was only a mild effect. If Leylin's EEC had been 50% or higher and he had not restrained himself, Ivy would likely have been assaulted by Darkness energy particles, resulting in her becoming a desiccated corpse, similar to when Leylin absorbs someone with his dark tendrils.

Different elemental energy particles would result in different final elemental conversions. For instance, if a Magus chose to cultivate with Ice energy particles, they could freeze the Spiritual Force of anyone who dared to look into their eyes.

Leylin was a practitioner of the Darkness energy particles, a discipline that emphasized the cultivation of one's Spiritual Force and soul. As he advanced in his practice, his high-density EEC became lethal to ordinary humans, causing their souls to perish instantly and their bodies to decompose into withered husks.

"Apologies, Master!" Ivy hastily curtsied, lifting her skirt and stepping aside.

Upon seeing Ivy unscathed, Leylin nodded in approval and sipped his meat broth. The warm, savory liquid, interspersed with chunks of fresh mushroom, failed to tantalize his palate. His taste for mortal food had long since faded. Nevertheless, he resumed his facade of a benevolent protector.

"This broth is quite delightful, dear Ivy. I presume you haven't eaten yet?" Leylin asked, his eyes now returned to their harmless state.

"Yes!" Ivy responded softly. She helped herself to some dry rations and a bowl of the same broth, joining Leylin in the meal.

Leylin studied Ivy, his brow furrowed in curiosity. Despite being around 12 years old, she appeared underdeveloped, more akin to a 10-year-old. He speculated that his diluted bloodline might be the cause. He hoped that his experiments would expedite her maturation. After all, a child who couldn't even perform maid duties was of little use to him alive, or at least sentient. Leylin concluded that unless Ivy showed promising development, he would simply leave her in a vegetative state, and deliver her as a comatose patient to her family's contact.

"Once you've finished eating, join me in my tent. I require a blood sample," Leylin stated casually as he set his bowl aside. His decision to save Ivy was not born out of kindness, but rather a desire to utilize her Warlock's bloodline for his research.

"By your command, Master!" Ivy exclaimed, her voice brimming with cheerfulness. She perceived this as her golden opportunity to make amends for her previous misstep. The fact that her rescuer required her assistance filled her with joy, even if it was solely for the sake of her blood.