
Warlock Crimson Of The Abyss

With his memories erased, with a power that only the most ancient Gods can comprehend and with a desire to become more powerful, Kamael is determined to seek to regain his memories while becoming more powerful to face his obstacles. With the odds stacked against him, this is the story of the Legendary Crimson Warlock of the Abyss, a being who after years will be remembered by mortals and divine beings alike, bringing Chaos and Disaster in his wake. This is the story of the Successor of Chaos. _________ The cover does not belong to me, all credit to the bearer.

KingCrimSoon · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Test Rewards (III)

"A... A Grand Challenge" I muttered in shock, for some reason I had the feeling that if I participated in such a challenge now, I wouldn't last two seconds and Lord Chaos probably knew it, that's why he didn't persuade me to try it.

"That Great challenge, tell me, how hard is it?" I asked curiously, to which silence answered me.

I don't know why I had the feeling that the Primordial was smiling at me as he stared at me, it was a strange feeling but not uncomfortable, as if he was used to it.

"The Grand Challenge is tens of times harder than the Challenge and what you will face is a Goblin Monarch" He stated with a voice full of seriousness again.

"Anyway, I don't recommend you to face the Grand Challenge on the second floor now, neither the second floor, you will have to spend some time in the world to refine your current skills and besides relaxing a bit, you need it" He advised me, it was I think the first time he advised me so seriously, but I couldn't refuse his advice, after all it's a recommendation from a God, no, much more powerful and important than a God.

'Anyway I had already planned to rest and refine my current skills than to go straight to the other Test' I thought, I wasn't stupid, I had a feeling I wouldn't last long on such a floor and even less time in the Grand Challenge.

"Okay, now, with the last reward" He said, but before I could snap my fingers, I screamed at the top of my lungs:


"What?" the primordial one seemed surprised by my sudden shout.

"You want to hang out with this old man longer, don't you?" He spoke with a sense of pride and relief in his voice, but I didn't give a fuck about that now.

"No, when you give me the last reward I'll leave right away, right? So I want to ask my last questions..... Do you know everything about my former self before I lost my memory? Y... What were those goblins, were they humans before" I asked a series of questions, the one I care most about was the one about me, but I also wanted to know a bit about the previous domain.

"Oh right, I forgot you are a very bipolar person or multiple personalities, one minute you don't care about anything and you kill the king and the next minute you are asking about his former condition "

"But well, with the first question, yes, I know everything, absolutely everything about you, more than any person knows about you" These words made my body shiver, but immediately the divinity continued:

"As for the goblins, my domain copied a planet far away from here where humans inhabited, so yes, those goblins were humans but I won't tell you how they became goblins nor about the previous you, look for the answers by yourself."

"For if I tell you everything now, believe me you will regret it" Lord Chaos declared, his voice filling every corner of the cube and this time with more intensity.

I just stood there, nodding my head briefly in understanding and acknowledgement.

"Good, this will be your last reward from this floor for now and as you will leave, it will make you pain free" He commented then snapped his fingers.

"Now tell me, do you want to unlock the bloodline that dominates the most, the most powerful bloodline or the bloodline that keeps the other two in balance?" he asked, his voice demanding a quick answer.

I didn't give it much thought, the more powerful one would make me more powerful, but currently I don't need more power, I need to control and refine the other things I was already given, so there's no point in adding more things to the already complicated equation.

The one that keeps the balance seemed to be the weakest, and I don't really like weakness so I quickly discarded it.

Leaving me with the most dominant bloodline in my body, if it's the dominant one it means I mastered the most powerful bloodline of the ones I had, so it was the second most powerful and possibly the most versatile.

"I choose to unlock the bloodline that is most dominant in my body" I stated with conviction and determination.

"Well, so be it."


Another snap of fingers rang throughout the cube, much louder than the previous ones, showing the significance meaning over the others.


My body suddenly floated in the air, then a crimson aura will surround my entire body, that same aura was like a blood mist.

The aura, just like darkness, began to enter my body, strengthening it and changing it.

I could feel my senses sharpening, my skin was getting stronger but it had also become paler, white and smooth to the touch, looking almost like the living dead, that's how pale I was.

From my eyes began to emerge a crimson glow that illuminated and dulled all the darkness itself, possibly it was my eyes that had changed, now with a more intense color than before.

My height also increased significantly, if before I was around 1.45 meters, I grew to 1.70 meters.

My nails lengthened and changed color, now black and as affiliated as claws, some of my teeth transformed into long fangs and two red dots were drawn on the left side of my neck.

And I hadn't noticed, but my hair had grown slightly and changed color, now more deep dark black, as dark as the darkness of the cube.

Thus, my body consumed all the crimson aura and stopped floating, slowly falling to the ground.


I looked ahead, as my height was taller, I could see higher but there was no difference at all, but I didn't care, the only thing I wanted to say was....

"Thank you" I uttered with thanks and accompanied with a deep bow, when I finished, the whole cube was fading away, little by little the darkness was going who knows where, but one thing was for sure, already all this first Test was over and I get a much stronger me.

After minutes, the darkness finally left all the space where it was, leaving me in the nothingness itself, with everything transparent, and then, with my body going through a whole change of laws, rewriting all the laws that my body received before arriving at the Test.

So, it was not long before I could finally open my eyes and find myself in a place that I spent little time in, but in spite of them, I missed.


Finished the first mini arc of the book, now more characters are going to be added, especially the next one I'm going to introduce who is one or my favorite XD.... KingCrimSoon alive and updating.

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