
Warlock Crimson Of The Abyss

With his memories erased, with a power that only the most ancient Gods can comprehend and with a desire to become more powerful, Kamael is determined to seek to regain his memories while becoming more powerful to face his obstacles. With the odds stacked against him, this is the story of the Legendary Crimson Warlock of the Abyss, a being who after years will be remembered by mortals and divine beings alike, bringing Chaos and Disaster in his wake. This is the story of the Successor of Chaos. _________ The cover does not belong to me, all credit to the bearer.

KingCrimSoon · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Test IX

"Ah, we're going to fight, aren't we?" With utmost innocence I asked it to the ferocious and terrifying monster in front of me, its sharp teeth more visible than ever and I could swear to see slime around its mouth.

But I couldn't care less, as I was in an almost similar situation, I wanted to kill this shadow completely.

Suddenly, the shadow opened its mouth, but it wasn't to attack, it was more like....

"I introduced myself, I am the Abyssal Goblins, the King's guardian and one of the children of Primordial Chaos" The goblins spoke, introducing himself to me, something that left me incredibly impressed. After all, on my journey I didn't even encounter a Goblins speaking nor did I see in the few books Emerald gave me.

"Ha, surprised? You should be, currently only I can talk here, at least among Goblins" He said in a creepy voice, I hadn't noticed it before from the show, but the shadow had a very deep and husky voice, giving his already scary appearance, more terror.

"Hump, my name was Kamael, nice to meet you" I introduced myself as politely as possible, if he's going to die soon, shouldn't I at least give him respect? Besides he looks very scary.... I mean! He looks too nice to not want to introduce himself.

"Excuse me, but can you explain to me why you can talk?" I asked him, to which he widened his smile even more.

"Mmm, basically the Primordial gave me consciousness and intelligence, that makes me able to talk" He replied in his gravelly voice that I had grown accustomed to.

After that, an awkward silence settled in the Room, with the two of us looking at each other as if we were each other's best food. It was somewhat understandable for monsters to stare at weak, humanoid beings like that, but for a person like me to stare at a monster like that was weird, I think.... It's my common sense telling me that.

"I quite like you, kid, but fate decided that only one will get out of here alive" He declared, this time with his serious voice and his smile disappearing from his ugly face, replacement by a serious and solemn expression.

I understood perfectly what he meant, I didn't waste much time in getting into a battle position. My body leaned forward a little, my two hands holding my Duranvil pointing at the enemy, my right leg slightly further back than my left, as well as tensing my muscles. It was the same pose as when I fought Esmeralda and I had been using it in all my previous battles, now it was more refined than ever.

The Abysmal Goblins didn't waste any time either, in contrast to other goblins, this one was very smart, possibly it's just as smart as me, a little more or a little less, who knows.

The shadow showed its sharp claws that were 40 centimeters long and its teeth that were almost as lethal and sharp as its claws.

In between all this scenery, I didn't forget to glance behind my now opponent, more specifically at the "Goblin King", who was looking at us with lifeless eyes, although for some reason I couldn't see him clearly.

'Well, if that giant monster isn't going to participate in this duel, maybe I have a chance' I thought, I hadn't moved an inch so far....

"I guess fate already chose the winner of this duel a long time ago, didn't it?" I scoffed as I finally moved from my position, heading towards the shadow goblin.

The distance that initially separated us was 11 meters, cutting the in an instant, in less than a fraction of a second.

Already being a little less than a meter away, I move my weapon in a horizontal slash from left to right, I used all my strength and speed in my first offensive, both to have the best chance of hurting him and to evaluate the difference in strength between us.

*metallic sound*

The shadow, which had not moved in my entire career and in general my offensive, blocked my sword with its long claws, although it did not stay just there, immediately my weapon when touching its claws, began to fade little by little the blood that had the edge.

"You have good luck in that you used your blood on this sword on a whim, otherwise this weapon would have been dust and then nothing" He declared with a broad smile on his face, at this moment I realized....

I was really an idiot!

But I didn't have time to think about my mistake or my lack of logic, as a fist had been thrust into my stomach without realizing it, the power was such that it made me recoil and I almost lost my grip on Duranvil's hilt. Fortunately it didn't break any bones although it did leave one or two cracks in them that hurt quite a bit.

I didn't even have time to wonder where it went when a mighty punch will impact my face and this time, leaving me flying in the air.

"HERE! HERE I AM HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Laughter after laughter, taunt after taunt, this was the battlefield now with me as a rag doll being punched without even knowing where the punch came from.

At this point I knew that, I could only win by letting myself bleed as much as possible or obviously injuring my opponent, and the latter is currently not possible with my current level.

I landed on the wall of the Hall, eyes a little misty from the blow, a few teeth had been broken on impact, with a deep gash on my head from the previous attack, it wasn't deep but deep enough for the expelled blood to enter my left eye, blinding that eye a little.

My nose is also broken, expelling blood and other fluids from there.

I could only get up again, never letting go of my grip on my weapon towards still Duranvil was in my left hand. Fortunately the power boost I was getting from seeing or smelling blood was still working, making my strength increase significantly.

Again, the shadow had disappeared, hiding its presence completely, but this time, though wounded, I was more on guard than ever, concentrating on even the slightest change in my surroundings.

So, I saw it, I saw how darkness appeared on my right side a meter away, born out of nowhere, a disturbance of space itself.

*Dull sound

A fist-shaped hand was heading straight for my face, but it couldn't even get close to it. I moved my sword vertically to cut the hand in two in a clean, elegant cut.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, now who's laughing now, asshole?"


Sin duda será una batalla muy igualada y sangrienta, os lo aseguro XD.... KingCrimSoon vivo y actualizando, cumpliendo su promesa de dos capítulos diarios /ᐠ。ꞈ-ᐟ\.

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