
Warlock Crimson Of The Abyss

With his memories erased, with a power that only the most ancient Gods can comprehend and with a desire to become more powerful, Kamael is determined to seek to regain his memories while becoming more powerful to face his obstacles. With the odds stacked against him, this is the story of the Legendary Crimson Warlock of the Abyss, a being who after years will be remembered by mortals and divine beings alike, bringing Chaos and Disaster in his wake. This is the story of the Successor of Chaos. _________ The cover does not belong to me, all credit to the bearer.

KingCrimSoon · แฟนตาซี
56 Chs

Test I

"What the heck!" I shouted in disbelief when I looked around.

Why was I surprised? The correct question is the: Why shouldn't I be surprised?

Unlike before, this time the darkness was not the only thing surrounding me, the place where I am seemed to be an island. There was plenty of water around, with average sized trees on the island. It was night, the moon was shining brightly, although the darkness was still present.

The island was gigantic, the size of a city from what I could analyze as I mounted the largest tree and looked.

'What is that' I said to myself as I saw a mass of darkness in the water. For some reason seeing it made the hairs on my skin stand up, and inside I could feel fear, but not the same fear I used to feel before; like the fear of dying or staying with Esmeralda, no, not that kind of fear, it was a primal fear, a fear that came from deep inside me.

'Well, not to go near there in any way' I advised myself, continuing to look around for something interesting that didn't cause me so much terror.

"Huh?" I was a bit surprised to see monsters coming towards where I am. They look like Goblins, but they are bigger and sturdier, their color was green but paler than the ones I remembered from my memories

Five Goblins' I thought to myself, those goblins were coming towards me, they seemed to be heading straight for me with the purpose of killing me no matter what, even though they probably don't even know who I am.

"Ha!" I laughed at the absurdity of the situation, but the goblins managed to hear, their tiny bodies of a meter or 80 centimeters turned in the direction of my voice, with their red eyes looking at me intensely.

Well, this is a test, if they didn't find me, I was going to find them.' The next second I came straight down from the big tree, falling acrobatically so as not to hurt myself.

For some reason at that moment, I saw in my hands my Rapier Sword, which after a week of training, I officially named it: Duranvil The Sword, or just Duranvil.

I knew it was my precious Duranvil because I left my blood on its blade, very specifically on just the edge of the weapon that is barely noticeable, it cannot be noticed with the naked eye.

I held its hilt with my left hand, so that the extremely sharp tip will be pointing on the ground, I held it in a way that it will be a little inclined.

I positioned myself for the impending battle that would break out, already hearing the aggressive and maddening footsteps of the Goblins.

"They must be Goblins in a Berserker state or they are too hungry? Or just both" I muttered to myself, being possibly the last time I spoke to myself like that because, despite having trained and being much stronger, that doesn't take away that those Goblins were incredibly fierce and their physique was more intimidating and bigger than the common Goblins I know.

*Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step* *Step

I didn't have much time to think about it, as they were only meters away from me. I could only position myself in the best possible way and better my morale and state of mind by mentally cheering.




Several grunts were heard possibly everywhere on the island because of how loud it was. There they were, confirming my assumptions that they were in my Berserker state, by their eyes full of madness and extreme anger they had.

Instead, because of the great distance that separated us, I now realized that their physiology was more robust than I thought, with their bodies 20-40 centimeters taller than the average Goblins, measuring 1.20 meters tall. Their bodies were paler than normal goblins and much more robust, with muscles bulging out with all parts of their bodies unlike the skinny and malnourished bodies of the normal ones.

They had rags covering some parts of their bodies, old and worn grayish-brown rags. The distance separating us was only 25 meters, even though they were in a state of Insanity, the Goblins still worked together and did not attack immediately, proving at least that their instincts and intelligence were not so minimal of everything.

"GAAAR!" A Goblin made a move agreeing to our distance, as they had no weapons, it attacked with extremely sharp claws and teeth



With the little goblin motivating his companions, the others also went to my attack. As they were not that smart and only acted on instinct and now insanity, their five attacks came straight at me from the front.

I did not speak or think, I just handled my Duranvil in a way that even a sword master would praise me for my current display. My sword danced elegantly and with extreme calm despite the alarming situation I was in.

With a speed that far surpassed my previous speed that was already superior to human, my Duranvil in one motion severed the arm of the goblin that attacked me first and the other attacks I blocked in short intervals of time, demonstrating my undeniable mastery of my weapon.

The goblins were not satisfied with this, especially the one that cut his arm that because of his Berserker state did not scream in pain because he did not feel, this was the most dangerous thing about those states, because the more you damage them the crazier and more aggressive they become.

*Deaf Noise

Not wanting to continue much with this battle, my sword danced across the battlefield again with the same elegance and brutality.

*Slash* *Shock* *Boom*.

The goblins and I attacked constantly, though none of their attacks ever cut or hit me. I on the other hand cut any limb or made severe cuts every time I danced with my weapon.

Although there was almost no difference in strength between me and those Berserker Goblins, I made up for it with my mastery of my weapon and my superior speed with speed being my specialty at the moment.


Two heads now fell, two of which were goblins that were overconfident in making a joint attack, but it came off as I cut off their heads with a single clean horizontal cut.

At this point I was extremely tired and exhausted, training by making constant attacks with Esmeralda improved my stamina abysmally, but training and fighting for life or death were two completely different stories.

I received minimal attacks and also attacked with all my strength, with adrenaline I used more strength and generally over exploited my physical capabilities to a new level, further increasing my fatigue.


Shrieks of the now three Goblins were hurling at me with hatred and anger, at this moment I could already see my victory despite having gone through an already difficult time, if you keep fighting with those five a little longer, I would have possibly succumbed and died right there.

I said nothing to the goblins, showing my Duranvil to the front as if to let them observe their fate, their fate of being cut to pieces by my weapon.


And with monstrous sounds arriving on the battlefield, the battle I supposed I was supposed to be in won the victory changed radically.


Enjoy, around these chapters there will be exciting fights... The author is still alive and updating (⁠ ⁠/⁠^⁠ω⁠^⁠)⁠/⁠♪⁠♪

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