
Warhammer Gacha System In Another World

Reading what System he was granted after his transmigration, Levi Volkov gulped down his dry saliva and paled. " Warhammer and Gacha should never be next to each other! Which God did I piss of to deserve this!?" With his [Warhammer Gacha System], Levi will show the new world true terror and pleasure! ...And through a series of misunderstandings, Death Korps Of Krieg, think he is the son of the God-Emperor... -- !WARNING! A lot of Death Korps Of Krieg is in here! Be warned! ~~~~~~ [ 1-Disclaimer: I write for fun and my own pleasure] [ 2-Disclaimer: I don't own anything, other than my MC, OC's, and my Original ideas ]

ARealInsomniac · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
6 Chs

Chapter - 1: I Blame Insomnia For This!

Chapter - 1: I Blame Insomnia For This!


Levi was bored. Like, really bored. His life was barely special before Corona had overtaken the world and now, with all the quarantines, restrictions and rules, the excitement was ... zero.

So, out of boredom, he started to clean his apartment. Every single corner. All of it. From his loudspeakers, random music opening was playing to cheer him up. Mostly soundtracks of everything he liked: Warhammer 40k, World of Warcraft, League Of Legends, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Elden Ring... whatever there was in the gaming, movie or TV with a dark theme drifting around, he probably liked it. Not because he some edgelord or something(Pff, of course not). No, it was just because he preferred darker games than usual. The only 'light' game he probably plays is LoL.

Anyways... While he was humming some tone, he put the vacuum cleaner away to get a black cloth for a last task on his list before everything would be shiny again in his small apartment: the mirrors.

With slow, circling moves, he wiped over the reflecting surface. His above-average face was staring back at him. Mocking him.

His gray eyes were taunting him. They reminded him of all the dreams he had in his youth. All the adventures he wanted to go on. All the exotic countries he wanted to visit. All the food he wanted to discover and yet, he was captured in a boring life, cleaning his apartment at 3:AM because he got nothing else better to do... he blames Insomnia.

... Well, he does. But, LoL is updating. So cleaning for now.

" Damn rain storm making my Wifi slow..."

Levi grumbled to himself.

However, because of this, he didn't watch his footing and hit the ground...hard.














" Ow..."

Upon opening his eyes, Levi immediately hissed in pain, holding his head out of reflex.

However, when he did, warm liquid greeted him.

A bad feeling arose from his heart. Trusting his better judgment, he looked at his hand.


Trickling down his hand and the finger is a crimson liquid that looked strangely like blood.


" Wait..." Licking his finger, his eyes dilated, tasting the salty and sweet metallic liquid," It is blood!"

*Gig! Gig! Gig!*

Sudden hearing something, his eyes dilated even more seeing small green beings with short swords and leather armor.

' Goblins?!'

Yes... It is the legendary Goblins. Small ugly little fuckers they are. After looking around for a few seconds they all left with different items in their little greedy hands.

Now that he looks around, he found himself surrounded by silver-armored humans. Armor he is now wearing... Though, different from them, he have a black coat, and not...dead.

Mixed in with the humans where other Fantasy beings like Orcs, Dwarves, Elves, Kobolds, Ogres, and even a red western Dragon were there!

'... Where... Where the hell am I?!'

[ Beep! System initialization… initialization successful! ]

A cold and unfeeling female mechanical voice greeted Levi.

[ Beep! Warhammer Gacha System is now Online! ]

' Uhh, what?'

Raising an eyebrow, he looked at the blue floating box that appeared in front of him.

" System?"

[ Beep! At your service, Host! ]

At this moment, taking in everything that happened to him and transpiring at this very second, Levi's eyes cleared.

' I... I died, didn't I? I died and got Transmigrated to another world with a System, like in those Fanfics...'

[ Beep! Affirmative! ]

Having the System confirm his suspicion, Levi let a smile appear on his face.

" Ha...Haha...Hahaha...Hahahahahaha!" And let loose a truly maniacal laugher that rang throughout the forest.

A burst of Inhumane laughter filled with so much self-loath and joy mixed together. One so atrocious, even the Goblins started running faster away, thinking a Demon is behind them.

" Haaa..."

As his laughter died down, Levi stared at the rolling clouds above and smiled with clear bright crimson eyes.

" A new life, huh?" He slowly sat up and smiled,' With a - [Warhammer Gacha System] on top of that... Whoever made that had to be a top-grade sadistic.'

Bitterly smiling at his luck of having his wish granted and being stuck with a System from the deepest pits of hell, Levi gradually got to his feet.

' So System...' He stared at the floating blue box in front of him and asked,' How do you work?'

[ Beep! That's an easy question Host. There are three ways you can get Gacha Points.

One: You Complete randomly generated Quests and Missions from me and gain rewards.

Two: And the second one - you Kill and gain points for what you 'exterminated'.

Three: Lastly, the easiest one by far - Sell. You can virtually sell anything as long it's "dead" and gain points for what you Sell ]

' Gacha Points?'

[ GP(Gacha Points): GP is the currency I - the System uses ]

' Mm,' Humming, he asked once more,' How does your Gacha work? Is it like FGO?'

[ In a way - yes. See for yourself, dear Host.


Single Roll - 1,000 GP: With this option, you most likely get junk... Warhammer junk, so please be careful.

Five Rolls - 20,000: With this option, you be granted a Low-Tier Summons and Low&Mid-Tier items, Abilities, and Skills.

Ten Rolls - 80,000: With this option, you are granted High-Tier Summons, and likewise High-Tier items, Abilities, and Skills, and...Blessings. May the Emperor bless you, dear Host ]

' Bloody hell! What's with those prices!?'

Levi's eyes widened upon seeing the last price.

[ It's Warhammer ]

" I... Okay, you win." He sighed.

Suddenly remembering something, a cat-like smile appeared on Levi's face.

However, before he could say something, the System beat him to it.

[ Does the Host wish to open his Starter Pack? ]

'... Open it.' He dropped his smile and instructed the System, seeing as it saw through him immediately.

[ Three Single Token Rolls || Unknown-Grade Skill Token || Unknown-Grade Weapon Token || Unknown-Grade Summon Token ]

Seeing his gifts from the System, Levi's eyes widened with joy.

However, before he could even think or say something, he heard a loud roar at the other side of the forest he have woken up.

" Shit! Rewards later! My life is more important!"

Saying this, he picked up his long sword by himself and started hauling ass to where he didn't hear the roar and roars and yells following it.

' Haaa... Damn Insomnia!'

Levi cursed. He knew it wasn't for Insomnia he wouldn't be running in some forest in full-body metal armor, shining when the sun hit him, glowing like a goddamn glow-light so enemies could follow him.

He doesn't know if he should laugh or cry at his situation.

His wish was granted...


At what cost?

The worst cost!

Warhammer and Gacha!


Yo, I hope you enjoy this. If you like the Warhammer franchise and Isekai, then this will be right up your alley.

Also, Please give me some [Summon & Ability, Skill] ideas~


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