
Warhammer 40k In Marvel

a psychopath guy woh have a system that give him the power to summon legions from the warhammer 40k univers, essentially he got the power to travell betwen demension the first universe he find him self rencarnated as14 years boy in the marvel cinematique universe and he was bullied so he will unleash his wrath open this world. Support me and see the whole novels on : https://www.patreon.com/NovelsWorld

NovelsWorld · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Chapter 4: The Inferno of Midgard

Eli stood at the prow of the immense Chaos battleship, the Warp storm around him crackling with malevolent energy. He stared down at the planet below—Earth, or as the ancient Norse called it, Midgard. The blue and green orb shimmered innocently in the void, unaware of the darkness about to descend upon it.

Beside him, Loki observed with a sly smile. "It's almost poetic, isn't it? The seat of all human power, the nexus of their universe, about to be engulfed in chaos."

Eli glanced at Loki, his expression unreadable. "Poetic or not, Midgard is just the beginning. Once we establish our dominion here, we will spread our influence across the multiverse."

Loki nodded, his eyes glinting with ambition. "And what is your plan for our initial strike?"

Eli turned to his assembled commanders—veterans of countless battles, each a paragon of chaos and destruction. "We target the heart of their defenses. Washington D.C., the seat of their government, must fall first. Without their leaders, the humans will be in disarray, easy prey for our forces."

The commanders saluted, their loyalty absolute. The plan was set in motion. As the fleet began its descent towards Earth, Eli couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation. This was what he was born for—to conquer, to dominate, to reshape the universe in his image.

The invasion force hit Washington D.C. like a hammer blow. Chaos Marines deployed in drop pods, their landing creating craters in the heart of the city. The sky was dark with the smoke of burning buildings, and the air was filled with the screams of the terrified populace.

Eli led the charge, his power armor gleaming in the firelight. He strode through the ruins, his presence a beacon of terror. Around him, the Chaos Marines unleashed their fury, cutting down anyone who dared to stand in their way. The defenders, brave but hopelessly outmatched, fell one by one.

In the midst of the chaos, a contingent of Avengers arrived. Captain America, Iron Man, and Black Widow led the charge, determined to protect their city. "Eli!" Captain America shouted, his voice carrying over the din of battle. "This madness ends now!"

Eli turned to face them, a cold smile playing on his lips. "The heroes of Midgard. How quaint. Do you truly believe you can stop me?"

Iron Man fired a barrage of repulsor blasts, but Eli deflected them with a wave of his hand. Captain America hurled his shield, but Eli caught it in mid-air, crushing it with his enhanced strength. Black Widow attempted to flank him, but a Chaos Marine intercepted her, their blades clashing in a deadly dance.

"You cannot win," Eli said, his voice filled with certainty. "This world is mine."

Captain America lunged at him, fists flying. Eli met him blow for blow, his enhanced reflexes making him a formidable opponent. "You fight well," Eli conceded, "but you are still just a man."

With a final, devastating punch, Eli sent Captain America sprawling. Iron Man attempted to assist, but Eli's warp energy short-circuited his suit, sending him crashing to the ground. Black Widow, seeing her comrades fall, redoubled her efforts, but the Chaos Marine she fought was relentless.

As the battle raged, Loki watched with interest. He had no loyalty to either side, only his own ambitions. Seeing an opportunity, he approached Eli. "The Avengers are formidable, but they are not the true threat. The real danger lies in their unity. We must sow discord among them, turn them against each other."

Eli nodded, understanding the wisdom in Loki's words. "Very well. Leave that to me."

With a gesture, Eli summoned a surge of warp energy, directing it towards the Avengers. The energy coiled around them, creating an aura of distrust and paranoia. Captain America looked at Iron Man with suspicion, and Iron Man's gaze hardened with hostility.

"You've always thought you were better than us," Captain America snarled. "Always putting yourself above the team."

"And you've always been a self-righteous relic," Iron Man shot back. "Living in the past, unable to adapt."

As their argument escalated, Black Widow tried to intervene, but the seeds of discord had been planted. The Avengers were turning on each other, their unity shattered.

Eli watched with satisfaction. "Divide and conquer. The oldest strategy, and still the most effective."

With the Avengers in disarray, the Chaos Marines pushed forward, their victory assured. Eli strode through the burning streets of Washington D.C., his mind already turning to the next phase of his plan.

Meanwhile, deep within the heart of the city, a small group of resistance fighters watched the chaos unfold. Led by Maria Hill, they had been gathering intelligence, looking for a weakness in Eli's forces.

"He's powerful, but he's not invincible," Hill said, her voice steady despite the dire situation. "We need to find a way to disrupt his control over the Chaos Marines. Without their leader, they might turn on each other."

One of her operatives, a young hacker named Kate, nodded. "I've been working on a virus that could disrupt their communications. If we can get close enough to upload it, we might have a chance."

Hill nodded, formulating a plan. "We need a distraction. Something big enough to draw their attention away from the Capitol."

As they prepared for their mission, Eli's forces continued their rampage. The once-great city was now a battlefield, its monuments reduced to rubble. But in the midst of the destruction, the spark of resistance burned brightly.

As night fell, the resistance fighters made their move. Using the chaos of the battle as cover, they infiltrated the Capitol, their goal the central command hub of the Chaos Marines. Kate worked quickly, hacking into the system and uploading the virus.

Outside, Eli sensed the disruption. "What is happening?" he demanded, turning to Loki.

Loki's eyes narrowed. "It appears the humans are more resourceful than we gave them credit for."

Eli's rage was palpable. "Find them. Crush them. Show no mercy."

The Chaos Marines fanned out, searching for the intruders. Hill and her team fought valiantly, using their knowledge of the city's layout to evade capture. But they were vastly outnumbered, and one by one, they fell.

Kate, the last of the resistance fighters, managed to complete the upload just as a Chaos Marine cornered her. She looked up defiantly, ready to face her fate. But before the Marine could strike, Eli appeared, his expression cold and merciless.

"You've caused quite a bit of trouble," Eli said, his voice like ice. "But it's over now."

Kate met his gaze, unflinching. "You'll never win. There will always be someone to stand against you."

Eli's eyes hardened. "Then they will fall, just like you."

With a swift motion, he struck her down. As her lifeless body crumpled to the ground, Eli felt a momentary pang of regret. But he quickly dismissed it. There was no room for weakness in his new world.

The virus Kate had uploaded began to take effect, causing confusion and disarray among the Chaos Marines. Sensing an opportunity, the Avengers regrouped, setting aside their differences to launch a counterattack.

Iron Man, his suit reactivated, soared into the sky, unleashing a barrage of missiles at the Chaos Marines. Captain America led a charge, his shield held high. Black Widow moved with lethal precision, taking down enemies with ease.

Eli watched the tide of battle turning, his anger boiling over. "Enough!" he roared, unleashing a wave of warp energy that sent the Avengers reeling.

"You are insects," he spat, his power surging. "I am a god!"

With a mighty effort, the Avengers rallied, their determination unshaken. Captain America threw his shield, striking Eli with a force that staggered him. Iron Man followed up with a concentrated blast, and Black Widow fired a series of explosive rounds.

Eli fought back with everything he had, but the combined might of the Avengers was too much. With a final, desperate surge of energy, he lashed out, his power consuming him.

The explosion rocked the battlefield, sending debris flying in all directions. When the dust settled, Eli lay at the center of a massive crater, his body broken but his spirit unyielding.

Captain America approached, his expression grim. "It's over, Eli."

Eli looked up, his eyes filled with defiance. "You think you've won? This is just the beginning. My legacy will endure."

With a final, ragged breath, Eli's eyes closed. The Chaos Marines, now leaderless and disoriented, began to retreat. The battle for Washington D.C. was won, but the war was far from over.

As the Avengers regrouped, tending to their wounds and assessing the damage, they knew that this victory was only a temporary reprieve. The forces of chaos were still out there, and the battle for the future had only just begun.

Loki, watching from the shadows, smiled to himself. The game was far from over, and he had many more moves to play. For now, he would bide his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

As dawn broke over the ravaged city, the Avengers stood together, their resolve stronger than ever. They had faced the darkness and emerged victorious, but they knew that the true test was still ahead.

And somewhere, in the depths of the Warp, Eli's spirit stirred, unbroken and undeterred. His ambition, his hunger for power.


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