
Chapter 2 : Imperfect Primarch

When the young man opened his eyes again a torrent of memories belonging to the Primarch Fulgrim entered his mind bringing him up to speed and creating an identity crisis as the young man's few memories were overlapped by Fulgrims many memories. The young man had become the new Fulgrim and was temporarily dazed as he stood beside his creator Fabius Bile.

Fabius Bile was leading an army of prototype "New Men" emperor's children space marines and an imperfect clone of the Primarch Fulgrim whose presence could rival a daemon prince under his command. The group was currently in an unspecified barren wasteland as Fabius Bile was making a deal with the band of Dark Eldar for Emperor knows what reasons? While Fabius Bile discussed business with the Dark Eldar, Fulgrim was still reflecting on these new memories as his clone brain was wired in a way where his emotions were suppressed so despite the sudden change he retained a calm poker face as he reviewed the Warhammer lore.

Knowing that Fabius Bile desired the death of the universe so that it could be inherited by his children the "New-Men" and that he along with the rest of his experimental "New-Men" Battle Brothers would eventually be disposed of Fulgrim made the executive decision to act! By calmly approaching the conversation between his creator and the Dark Eldar while pulling out the sword at his waist. It was a sword modeled after the original Priamarchs cursed blade

Inevitably the band of Dark Eldar were confused by my appearance and stopped the conversation midway which caught the attention of Fabius Bile who abruptly turned his head and frowned deeply while looking at the incoming Primarch, yelling at his creation.

"Who gave you the command too-!?"

But before Fabius Bile could utter another word Fulgrim had already swung his blade impaling the sword into the back of the screaming mad scientist. As the man roared in pain and shock Fulgrim lifted the blade into the air as Fabius Bile screamed at him.

"Wh-What are you!-" *Swish! "-Doing?!"...

The grotesque sound of tearing flesh followed Fulgrims hand as he whipped the blade ruthlessly, cleaving the mad scientist into two. His blood spraying across the bemused Dark Eldar who found this sudden change amusing. until Fulgrim pulled out his Volkite Charger Firebrand and blasted giant holes through each of the surprised Dark Eldar.in a matter of seconds.

The New Men Emperor's Children stood silent and motionless as they were closer to automatons than humans and were specifically designed by Fabius Bile to unquestionably follow the chain of command, a chain of command which Fulgrim had just usurped. Fabius Bile for all his genius could never have predicted this betrayal or exploit as the root cause was an otherworldly phenomena.