

What If. Orimura Ichika had two different lives in the past, one being himself and the other.... was Goshikida Kaito or Zenkaizer....

SILK · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs


It was any other normal day for Orimura Ichika, the world's only male IS pilot. He was spending time with his friends (Minus Tatenashi and Kanzashi) in the mall, and of course they were competing in getting his attention

Charlotte:Nee Ichika, look (points at a necklace store)

Ichika:(smiles) That's nice charl, do you want one?

Charlotte:(Blushes) I-I do..

The harem:(Glares at Ichika)

Ichika notice but doesn't know what's going on. And right then...

???:Oiii!! Ichika

They heard a voice coming from behind them, they turn around and sees Dan and Ran

Ichika:Oh hey Dan, Ran, How's it going?

Dan:(smile wide) oh just the usual, we were just walking by when Ran was nagging me non-stop about wanting to talk to you

Ran Blushes

Ran:Okay I was not- *BOOM*

Suddenly, there was a explosion not far from them

Cecilia:Oh my heavens!

Houki:What was that!?

Laura:Maybe Phantom Task?

Rin: Really!? But why now!?

Meanwhile the two boys said nothing but looked at each other and nodded then ran towards the explosion while the other girls follow

{At the explosion scene}

The group arrived at the explosion scene and we're immediately attacked by weird robots, they obviously fought back

Rin:what the hell are these!? Your sister's creations!? (Exclaims at Houki)

Houki:How would I kno-

Dan&Ichika: There're Tojitendo Soldiers!

The girls looked at them confused

Laura: Tojitendo?

Dan: there're an evil robot organization that tried to take this world before!

Meanwhile, the commander on the other side spoke

Timetopia: That's right time! It's time to turn back the clock on you guys!

The commander shot a ray at the two boys but Ichika pushed Dan out of the way causing him to only get hit and smoke covering him

The girls:Ichika!

As the smoke clear, Ichika is revealed with brownish hair, in a white jacket with four other colored stripes and jeans

Timetopia:Wh-wha-what!? Why do you look familiar!?

The girls are AGAIN confused, Dan had to break it to them

Dan:Well.... Looks like the time has come.... Goshikida Kaito....

Ichika or rather Kaito sigh

Ichika/Kaito: Yeah sure, throw me the gearlinger...

Dan:(Throws him a gun) Here, don't break it again

Ichika turns around and smiles

Kaito: I'll try Secchan. I'll try....

He got the gun and pulls out a gold gear with the number 45 on it. He opens the lid on top of the gun and inserted the gear on top and close the lid

[YonJuGou Ban]

Ichika/Kaito: Change Zenkai!

He spun the lever making the barrel spin. By now everyone except Dan was intrigued on what's going to happen next

[BanBan BanBan BanBan BanBan b-ban b-ban b-ban B-B-B-BAN! ZEEEEENNNNNNKAAIIZAA!!!!]

Suddenly, armor plates started to form around ichika, morphing him into a white suit with a big visor with the number 45 on the forehead and a cape

Laura: What's he wearing?

The girls turn their heads to Dan, making him explain what is happening. When they did, they see that there's a mechanical parrot next to him and he's also carrying a voice changer

Ran:Nii-chan, what is that?

Dan said nothing

Dan: Zenkai no..... ZENKAIJA WA!!!!

The girls covers their ears as to block out the screech from his voice changer, Dan continued

Dan:The legendary Zenkaizer was missing for years! No one knew where he's gone to, or why he left! But right now he has made his legendary comeback! What's gonna happen next! Find out now! Tune!

The girls were flabbergasted at what Dan said. Ichika was this for years? And he didn't told them about it? Is this the reason why he's dense?


He announce as he did his signature pose, he looked on his left and right, reminiscing about his old team...

'I miss them.... they were the best.... but I can't let that thought stop me now!' he thought

Ichika/Kaito:Ore wa... No.... Roukuunin Sorotte! Kikai Sentai! ZENKAIJA!


Rin:The Six of Us? What's he talking about?he's the only one standing there

Dan answers

Dan:There were Six. He used to have teammates. even though they are apart. The bonds they forged together is everlasting... That's why in his mind, there will always be Six he

They were surprised, Ichika had teammates... He had Friends.... And from his reaction, that means he really really trust them and willing to trade his life to keep them safe

Timetopia:No matter then, Kudai! Time to roll out!

Then, more mooks appeared and rushed at Ichika, who also rushed at them with no fear. Mooks fell left and right as Ichika was wiping the floor with them. As the last of the mooks fell

Ic/Ka/Zenkaizer:Now it's your turn! Zenryoku Zenkaiiiii!!!!!

He charges at Timetopia but he stopped

Timetopia: You're too stupid Zenkaizer, I have ability to stopped movement on the spot

Suddenly a blast was shot behind Timetopia and hit Ichika, sending him flying

The Girls:Ichika!!!!

Ichika slowly got up to see who shot him


Stacey:We meet again Zenkaizer or... Goshikida Kaito...

Ic/Ka/Zenkaizer:What do you want Stacey. Didn't you got revenge on  Barashitara? Isn't that enough?

Stacey simply said

Stacey:It was.... But I want something more..... To settle the score with you

Stacey shot a huge blast, hitting Ichika in the face, sending him tumbling back to his Friends

Houki&Cecilia&Rin&Charlotte&Laura&Ran&Dan: ICHIKA!!/Kaito!

They were running towards him to help

Ic/Ka/Zenkaizer:Stop! I'm fine! This is my fight!

They stopped, but still worried for his safety

Kaito: You're right Stacey..... It's time we settle our score!

When he got up, a quarter of his helmet was blown off

Stacey:You don't look so good, let me put you out of your misery

Stacey fired his gun again...

Ichika's friends:ICHIKAAA!!!












Stacey's blast was deflected away by Five figures who appeared Infront of Ichika/Kaito just in time

Kaito:No way... You guys.....

Zyuran:You think we would actually let you die?

Gaon: There's no way we would let that happen!

Kaito: Why and How Did you come back?...

Vroom:We wanted to come and-

Zox:They Hitched a ride with me

Magiine:Hey! He was speaking!

Ichika chukled inward. He never imagined his friends (minus Zox) to come back

Kaito: Alrighty, let's try again


(Insert song: Miyo!! Zenkaiger)







Zenkaizer: Roukuunin Sorotte!

Zenkaiger:Kikai Sentai Zenkaija!!!!

The team did their signature pose with as much passion as they can muster. Stacey was not thrilled with this turn of events

Stacey:Looks like I'm outnumbered, But before I go...

He rapidly loads his gears into his gearzinger and shooting it

[DaI-jUjIn GoKaI-oH DaI-bOuKeN GaOkInG]

Appearing from those bullets is a bunch of mechs

Stacey: we'll meet again.... Kudai!

Timetopia:Yes! See you next time!

More soldiers appears out of nowhere. A portal then appears behind him as he and Timetopia walks through it


Houki: Don't worry Ichika!

Laura: We'll handle them!

The girls exclaims, trying to help in some way, suddenly, all the foot soldiers fell to the ground in an instant as someone appeared in front of them

Chifuyu: Where's..... Ichika.....

She said it with such coldness that even Twokaizer and the kikainoids got shivers down their spines..... But especially Twokaizer

Zenkaizer:Uh ah.... N-n-nee-chan.

Chifuyu turns to him but was surprised

Chifuyu: Ichika? Is that you? What are you wearing? What's going on? Who are they?

Ichika/Zenkaizer:oh it's armour, oh also these are my- (looks up) WATCH OUT!!

Ichika pushed chifuyu out of the way as Dai-zyujin slamming it's sword down to the group

Gaon:What do we do, Kaito!?

Kaito answered

Kaito/Zenkaizer:We grow big and swarm them! Zox!

Zox turns to him

Kaito/Zenkaizer: it's Kaiju time!

Zox nodded. Amongst the orders, chifuyu just stood behind him in an awe

Chifuyu's thoughts: Kaito? Is this who you really are, Ichika?

Zooming out to the Zenkaigers, they're currently spinning their own gun's levers

[Big Bang]

[Big Bang]

[Big Bang]

[Big Bang]

[Kaiju Kaiju Kaiju. Big Bang!]

[Kaiju Kaiju Kaiju. Big Bang!]

The Zenkaigers all grew bigger and bigger, Kaito and Zox even Combine

Kaito&Zox: Zenkaiju-oh!

They began their fights, which was destructive

Back with the girls and Dan, the girls were shock that they (especially Ichika) can grow big

Laura:The technology they use is unparalleled! The one who created those guns is a genius!

Dan: It's Kaito's parents. His biological parents

The girls turns to him in a confused look

Charlotte: Biological parents?

Chifuyu:What do you mean, biological? He is my brother!

Dan retorted

Dan: Adopted Brother, after his biological parents went missing, his grandmother was stressed with the burden of taking care of him. So your parents adopted him to let her focus on herself and become more stable

Houki then questions

Houki:How do you know about this?

Dan:He told me about it. Not to me directly, but through this

Dan pointed to his mechanical parrot on his shoulder. Ran turns to Chifuyu

Ran: You didn't know about this?

Chifuyu:I always assumed my parents secretly had another child without me knowing

The group rolled their eyes at chifuyu's answer

Back with Kaito and friends. They were beating the four robots pretty easily

Zenkaizer:Time to end this! Zenryoku Zenkai canon!

Suddenly, a very big canon flew out of the sky, it has Zenkaizer's mask on it

Zenkaizer: everyone quick! Grab on!

They all did, Gaon opened the side of the canon revealing the the faces of all 45 Super Sentai Red Rangers, Zenkaiju-oh spun the gear on top which lights up the entire canon

[Suupaa! Sentaiii! Powa!]

Kaito pulled the trigger which sends a blast, destroying the four mechs

Kaito: Alright! All Okay!!

(Some time later)

Kaito: Wait WHAT!? You're saying you guys want to permanently live here!

At the center of the park, Kaito was shocked about what he just heard from the four kikainoids

Gaon:Yes Kaito, we want to

Kaito:But why?

Magiine: While we were living in Kikaitopia, we never really fit in or made friends with anyone else. Then we thought about you and how you always treated us well and how you genuinely want to be our friend, that's we want to be with you

Dan interrupts

Dan: Okay, that's doesn't explain anything

Zyuran continued

Zyuran:We just want to be with you, we feel more at home here than Kikaitopia

Everyone let out a 'ahh' to his simplification

Kaito:Also.... Why are you here?

He turns his eyes to Flint, cuttaner and Rikki, younger siblings to Zox. Flint though has a noticable red tint on her cheeks

Flint:O-oh u-u-uh I-I-I just wanted to see you

Zox&Cuttaner& Rikki:She has a crush on you

Their comments made Flint's face really red with embarrassment, Ichika was a little Flustered, but the Harem girl are really jealous knowing now there's a new rival in the war of love

Kaito/Ichika:By the way, where's Chifuyu-nee?

Cecilia:She has more paperwork at the academy

Kaito: Oh okay. Alright guys, (turns to the kikainoids) you're free to live here

The four robots were surprised

Vroom: Really?

Kaito:(smiling) Yes really. I mean, knowing that Stacey is not done with me is a pretty big problem and we're also stronger as a team

The kikainoids are happy that Kaito let them stay. Zox ask the big question

Zox:So..... What now?

Kaito smiles and answers

Kaito:Be ready for anything Stacey throws at us, we are strong when we are together, we are called a Super Sentai for a reason

Dan: Fid you forgot you said that like a moment ago?

Ichika: Oh shut up Dan *eye roll*

The End