

the camp

Back at the camp, in the tents, Seldanna is seeing to Sana's wounds, " ah, ma, " shhh, shhh reserve your strength, Sana, she put some king soil powder on her shoulder, as it either into the wound to heal. " aww, she pants, Seldanna wrap her arm in a sling. " the worse is over now my daughter rest, she kisses her on her forehead. and walked out of the tent, Tarron, Theodmer, and Theodas looked at her, " it is not your fault Theodmer as your big sister she did what she did to protect you, as your mother and father we do what had to keep our children and army safe, she is okay and resting, you can go to her Tarron, He walked inside of the tent, " they weren't tracking they were running, they where being tracked, we got a problem here mother and father. said, Theodmer, Tarron set on the edge of the bed, she looked at him, Back at the peace kingdom in Richwood, inside of the castle in the room of the mind, " we outlook a peaceful step here my queen of peace, said. Hubys, " what is that Hubys, is there a way I can reason with her? asked, Sillavana. " she has a family heiress, Sillavana look at Sumina, " husband, and kids war marries wars to keep their marriage going and sane they stay in their kingdoms every mid-day come together, my queen of peace, if they have a son the son stays with the father, if there a daughter she stays with the mother, or both which the king of war keeps the son the queen of war keeps the daughter, said. Jhaan, " king of war Sharian Olaven of Elvenwood married the queen of war Amnestria Olaven of Tightwater, king of war Delmuth Krisceran of Clearwater, married the queen of war Dasyra Kriscetan of the Rimes, the king of war Jhaeros Xilhorn of the woods, married the queen of war Yaereene Xilhorn of the Roundwood, the king of war Gorluin Heican of Englewood, marred the queen of war Keerla Heican of Portwood, and the king of Theodas Relnos of Scrotchwood married Seldanna Relnos of Richwood, said. Allynna, " not a bad matchup, a good pair, said. Hubys " she not going to hear you out, one you try to rule over my queen of peace and one you use your magic on her. said, Jhaan, " you not allowed by elven law to approach or go to another elven female husband, said. Sumina, " do they have kids I maybe talk to see will they would go in explain to them for me, asked. Sillavana, " why she said she has family, " my queen of war you did try to get to know her, it is too late because Scotchwood is not going to let you near her, but call her on-screen and see if Seldanna, still friends with you, and meet you on fairgrounds, said. Allynna, she open the channel screen and called her up, Darshee open the globe up, " (what you want pain in the peace,) Theodmer walked into the tent, "( is Seldanna around,) " who is that? why does she want my mother?"(this the female queen who protect the male who attack us injured my sister and call her a dark elf, not to mention she use her magic against my beloved queen after asking her to protect her!) snapped out Darshee, " ( peace elves no wonder, no you not using my mother and her knights anymore, you are the reason why she didn't came at mid-April! how dare you use your freakish powers on my mother! that was dad you and your people would be burned out and or dead,)-(" you must be the son?) said. Sillavana, " (forget the peace, I will not go against their wish or orders, protect yourself, you got the powers to, ) sad. Theodmer, " (just here me out,) Seldanna and Theodas walked into the tent, " thank you, son, Darshee take your scouts out, this the one come crying to protect her my love when she got my bond she protects Ifguard who attack my scouting army, injuries one of my scouts and calls your wife a dark elf, she stands in my way getting justice for Shaleavar then she used her magic on me then act like she was greater them I am, that my knights in retirement are not importment at all, ( did I miss anything, and why are you trying to turn my flesh in blood against me, haven't you take and done enough!?) said. Seldanna, " ( get off this channel you peace freak before I decide to turn this month's rally into a rally of fear! leave my wife alone, leave me alone, and leave our kids alone. ) block all protection and peace calls, " protection you want to tell me about that? he kissed her, " I did the same as you give my bond to have him tell me what to do, said. Theodas, they kissed each other hard, they walked out of the tents, " what are we going to do what them? asked. Sana, " Sana you need to rest, you know your mother she, not one to take an attack laying down, the Blitzer will go with you, Vanya takes your knights with the king of war, the rest will go with me, said. Seldsanna, " we are going with you mother, said. Theodmer, " no you both is going with your father Theodmer and Sana, I will know that the four of you are okay and out of danger, I meet you at the rally point my love, said. Seldanna, " you need us, said. Sana, " your mother is right until your shoulder heals you are riding in the war carry-on, and you are staying with me Tarron and Theodmer, said. Theodas, in the mind of peace room, " we can not afford army like war attacking us, I best to let go and see if one of the human kingdoms can aid us, said. Hubys, " we that bad off that we can't turn to our own kind for help, Richwood is five miles away, something happens on the rally, someone was injured she not one to let it go, go to where she go, Sillavana. said, Allynna. "