

time of war heal all

the war kings get their daughters for the season, and the war queens get their sons for the season, they ride back inside of the castle, when Sillavana and her peace heads walked outside, " the war queen is home, when did she had another kid, asked, Hubys, even peace and protection lost their parents to, so it is a sad day for everyone, " war married early and started a family early, said. Allyunna they ride in the castle, Theodmer is still hurting, Seldanna grab him by the head, " they are always going to be here for us, me and your father is always going to be here son, your grandparents never left us, he hugged his mother and hold her tightly, " war Theodmer, i love you my son, let's go slumber, Kali lock the castle down and go in slumber, said. Seldanna " i could use it my war queen, they locked down the castle and went to slumber, and scotch wood Sana was hurting to, Theodas lift her head up," your grandparents love you until the day you and your brother was born, they didn't left us they are still here with us, just like me and mom will always be here for the both of you, come let's slumber, Kyrenic Ianjeon locked down the castle and slumber, said. Theodas, they walked into their room, " i could use my war king, they locked down the castle and they went to slumber, every war kingdoms is slumbering, back in Rich wood Theodmer is screaming and crying, which their neighbors the Peace kingdom heard, Sillavana walked up," what is the world, get the war kingdom on the globe Allyuna, Seldanna walked in the room, and hold him, " it's okay son let your pain out, look at me they never really left us, grandma and grandpa is right here with us, said. Seldanna, " (what you want?)-('what is going on over there!?) asked, Sillavana, " (you really don't want to lock heads with our war queen, mind your business,) " ma, ma, ma."i right here Theodmer, it is going to hurt for while, will you tried to sleep for me, she wipe his tears away, " ( there is screaming put her on ow!) ordered, Sillavana." (you ordering me, peace crap, you not my queen, or supreme, you do not tell me what to do, she lose her parents, their kids just lost their grandparents he upset, she trying to calm him down dealing with her own hurting, you what to hear the war queen that going to war good for you,) said. Saida " ma, she strokes his hair, "try son, after we rest we go out to get our minds off our lost, they want us to goon and be strong for them, said. Seldanna, " ( did she accuse her laying hand on Chieftain?) said. Aelua Wranjor, " (then what is going on,) -(' you a crossing fire, war queens got the brimstone fire on say you could be burn down right now, mind your own business , alright you want i telling her what you just accused her off, stay on,) Saida walked out and at the room, " how you holding up my war queen, " not well, just trying to hold up i need a smoke Ali mix with slumber powder, i be in the war room in a minute, she whisper in her ear what Peace say she is doing. which P#ssed her off, " stay with him please, she walked in the war room, she crossed her arms, " (does Peace has any compassion at all, i just lost my in-laws and parents, my son and daughter is going to war time, for your freaking information i am a mother i would never hit my child, like you would peace, your kind believe in hit to correct!) that was a blow in her face, " (he screaming and crying because he hurting twit, mind your freaking business next time you accused me of hitting my kid, i come there in hit you and set your arse on fire! leave me alone you peace loving idiot, cut her off and lock her. they cut her off and blocked her from the globe, " oh dear, " we do not cross grounds with her that way, there is a way we can befriend war, said. Jhaan, " how war can be without peace and protection but we need both, said, Alias, " it's simple in the name of Peace pay a peaceful humbage see how she doing and kid after all like you she lost her parents even your never had the chance be grandparents like her did, and yu might want to find a peace king who doesn't have a peace queen, you are the only one without a husband and family, war married, protection is married even some of peace is married. Hubys told her. Theodas finally got Sana calm down and asleep, and he plane a six-week cleansing rally south to clean the lands of elven of Docka's and put up rally gates and stay in one of the war camps, after Theodas drink down the Ali he fall asleep, she kissed him on the head, and got up and closed the door after being strong for their son and daughter they finally broke down in cry, Seldanna also plane a six-week cleansing rally north to cleanse the lands of elven of wild dog and put up rally gates and also stay in one of the war camps, after they slumber for a month they are up getting ready to go, " we are going on a cleansing rally to clear our minds of our lost, if this doesn't help in the name of war, nothing will six-weeks North the Docka's need to be check and we need that land because it is near a river fill with fresh fish, said. Theodas, they got up on their horses and ride North, they closed the gates behind them, and Rich wood Seldanna and Theodmer walked up, " good day for a rally mother, she pet him on his back, " war son it is, we could used the fresh air, six-week cleansing rally South there is a hive of wild dogs there that is next to patches of mushrooms, said. Seldanna, they got on their horses and South, they closed the gates and lock down the gates, and a carriage pulled up Kali, Alias, Ceada, Jastira pointed their arrows at her, " hold up the Peace queen come in peace, she wish to speak with your queen and see how she is doing. " the war queen dealing, be a great war mom to her son and daughter, you can leave, said. Jastira, " just missed her she south on a cleansing rally for six-weeks, said. Kali, " cleansing?" war cleanse lands put up rally gates near field to harvest from, we rather rally not have farms in our kingdom, bye, said. Ceada, " six-weeks when she return? asked, Sillavana, " why? why you cared after you said she hit her son, mind yours find male butt out, said. Alias, they pull back, " leave or die by war order we are order to fire at well. said, Kali, " i am sorry for that when she return tell her i am to meet and break bread, " she warn by the supreme to stay away from you, just because you next to us doesn't mean we have to be friendly, said. Jastira, that was peace move, so she left and went back home,