

out rallying

Now all of the war infants is teenagers learning how to become war knights under their parents, the families is back together now, this is the war that the war kings and war queens must get the rally gates up and lands clear up, even the protection kings and queens is out teach their kids how to aid the lands, and the peace kings and queens who is married with kids are showing theirs how to bless peace. " Sana use your war sight what do you see? asked, Seldanna,she training her to become a war knight, what all male and female war kids have to go through as war child, " what you mean mother, " we have acers to get up, to the right wild dogs and to the left something new to the lands that pure darkness, future war knights of Rich wood what is are common purpose to he lands? none answer, " Rally to Rally under our beloved war queen, their mothers chanted out, due south Theodas is out with his and his new war knights, " okay son say you are out with your war knights on a three- day rally but their is wild dogs in the way of the gates, what you should do.

A. Go around

B. Find another land

Or C. Attack in clear that land for the gate? Asked. Theodas, he think hard about the question, A. If you go around it be longer then three-day, B. There is no other lands around, C. Is the choice. " C father we need the rally gate there, Answered. Theodmer , Theodas pet him on his back,due north is Symina and her knights. " We are war knights, born, trained, and raised in war, Sarya. We live for the rally, do you know what the rally is? Asked. Symina, " no mother what is the rally, asked. Sarya, " the rally could be anything putting up a rally around sugar-can berries bushes, lost cities, or clearing lands of wild dogs, answered. Symina, and Aeson is due west with his new knights and son, " what seems good rally east or west Theodliun? Remember the best rabbit fields are always fill with good sizes rabbits, Said, Aeson. " let's stay east father there great rabbit fields for the rally gates, Aeson smiled at him and they stay in east rallying on, up north Dasyra is out with her daughters and new war knights, " Saphielle, Sorisanna, siraye what do we go out in rally for days, months, years, weeks, or decades? asked. Dasyra, " we must as war knights of the lands rally is all we know, they all said. Dasyra smiled, that was the correct answered to the question, back south is Delmuth and his son Garymon and new war knights, "

okay son, we are almost there what do you do firs,

A. send out your war scouts

B. set the rally gates,

or C. clear the lands of varmints? Asked. Delmuth, what great war questions , no be war waste to send out scouts, you can't really set up the rally until you make sure thir is nothing in the way, C is the logical answered, " C father clear the lands of any varmints, answered, Garymon, Delmuth smile and laughed, " you make one heck of a war king my boy, said. Delmuth, so they ride to clear the lands of wild dogs, and East about twenty miles is Amerca her daughter Kaylin and new war knights, "fresh fish, said. Kaylin, and Amerca smiled they ride down the valley towers the riverbed, up east Gerrik is out with his son Glorandal and new war knights, " okay son why we out rallied in the east, asked. Gerrik, " there is a great quality of suger-cane berry bush up this way, answered. Glorandal, Gerrik pet his son on the shoulders and smiled, they proceed onward up the valley. all of protection is out with their new knights of protect, and peace is teaching theirs how to celebrate in peace, and the male kingdoms is teaching theirs how to be kings, knights and queen. deep in the outer lands the dark castles the doors is open, they ride out of the castles, war is done teaching their young so they return into the castles, " mother, what is that. Asked, Sana, " peace my daughter, and for your grandparents sake we are not war lender with them, they ride inside of the castle, as Aubron and Theodora walked up to them, " Sana you and Theodmer becoming more like your parents each day, how was the rally training? asked. Theodora, " they all did really war good mother, the last of the rally gate is up, now in war we what war knights of Rich wood!?" war we rally in aid our sisters and brothers in wr! they shouted out,and Scotch wood they ride into the gates, as Halflar and Nabeora walked to them, "grandson you getting better then ever, can't believe we where war blessed to see you become a war king, find your war queen, and have a family, said, Halflar, " war is grant this days my love, said, Nabeora. they got off their horses went in the globes rooms to talk with their wives and daughters, " (hi mother and Sana,) said. Theodmer, " ( hi Theodmer and father, ) said. Sana, " ( my love i can't wait to hold you agian, how you my daughter, how was rally with mom?) asked, Theodas. " (war father, ) answered, Sana. " ( we be down there soon all of us time for the first war feast,) said. Seldanna, " (it is also time for our new married and our to find a war husband and wife,)-(" really you two off to married us already?) said, Theodmer. " (when you are ready to Theodmer and Sana we are not rushing you to get married now,) said. Sana, " (how would we do that mother?) asked, Sana. " ( we do not care who you pick kids long as they make you happy, in your grandfathers words theres one female for every male, all you have to do is fine the right one for you, never forced her into a marriage duel, that choice must be their owns, ) said. Theodas,