

"Get up soldiers, or you can give me twice the workout today!"

Alec quickly rolled out of his cot and began strapping on his armor in a half-awake panic. The barracks room was filled with the sound of leather and armor slapping against each other as Alec's fellow soldiers-in-training hurriedly affixed their armors and strapped their swords to their hips.

The sergeant, a greying yet muscular veteran, quickly looked over each trainee as they stood at attention.

With a scowl, the sergeant barked "looks like you all could use a wake up! Today we begin with a 20km run, and keep your armor on soldiers! Now move!"


With 5km left, Alec and his fellows began to run sluggishly, but kept running for fear of the wrath of the sergeant. In order to escape from the pain, Alec began to daydream as he ran. It had been 3 years since Alec began training, meaning he'd be 19 this year. Usually, most soldiers began training at the age of 18 and would be serving soldiers by 20, but Alec had insisted. Since Alec had began so young, the military had placed him in an experimental training program for foot soldiers who would also be taught to cast magic. Ever since then, Alec had received grueling physical and academic training, suffering alongside his brothers and sisters in arms who had also been drafted into the program.

Alec's mind continued to wander, trying to focus on happier thoughts to distract himself from the pain of running. He remembered the days where he would he his father plow the field, helped his sickly mother move around the house, playing with younger brothers and sisters. Happy memories of hunting and fishing so his family could have an extra bite of meat for their next meal, them laughing despite their poverty.

Then his mind remembered the fires, the screaming as he returned home one day from selling crops at the marketplace. His family lay on the floor, red everywhere, the distant laughter of bandits as they celebrated and-

Alec sped up as he felt both his anger and his desire to forget rise. Compared to then, his pain now meant nothing. Alec looked ahead and focused on breathing.


Alec was greedily devouring his breakfast in the barracks mess hall, tired from his run. When he had finished, the sergeant had told him to grab some food before they resumed training. His fellow trainees would be joining him soon.

"Alec you show-off, are you already done eating? Without us?" Alec heard a voice exclaim. Alec turned to look behind him as a 2 women and a man joined him at his table. Alec smiled as his squad and his new family began to chat around him and shovel food into their faces.

"I swear Alec, we all know you're way more in shape than us but you don't have to remind us everyday" grumbled Linette, a brown haired women with a few bright blonde streaks. After grumbling, Linette began inhaling her food at an incredible rate

"What matters is that that horrible run is over. I am not looking forward to the rest of training today" Marvus sighed, stirring his food while whining before taking a bite. His blue hair was getting close to being too long for military standards, and Alec hoped Marvus would cut it soon before he got the squad in trouble.

"Well, at least the food tastes good today! And Melodia is coming to perform next week! Oh I'm so excited!" Fena gushed as she chewed her food, smiling at the idea of see the Aspect of Music in a few days. It was a well known fact that Fena was a huge fan of Melodia's music, and she had been talking about the coming concert for the past two weeks.

Alec's chewing slowed down as he thought about the idea of seeing an Aspect in person. Aspects tended to be famous, in fact it was rarer for the identity of an Aspect to be unknown.

"Is Melodia her actual name? Kind of convenient to be named that then find out you're the Aspect of Music," Linette asked as she began tearing apart a loaf of bread.

"Nah, a lot of Aspects rename themselves, mostly for publicity. I heard Melodia's name used to be Ari but changed it for marketing purposes. Other Aspects, such as Brave the Aspect of Courage, were renamed for military propaganda and to boost morale of our soldiers." Alec said with a stuffed mouth, almost choking on the food in his mouth. Alec quickly washed his food down with a mug of lukewarm water and let out a sigh of relief.

Linette, Fena, and Marvus all sighed at Alec's comment. "And here our local Aspect scholar sounds off," Marvus, with a half smile, muttered sarcastically. Alec gave Marvus a playful punch in the shoulder and a quick "fuck off" before they all began laughing.

"SOLDIERS, ATTENTION!" All heads in the mess hall immediately turned to face the voice of the sergeant, fully focused on the man.

"The Emperor's personal guard has come to do some early scouting, so we will be sparring as a combat demo soon! Gear up and prep up! Be on the training ground in an hour! That is all!" As the sergeant turned and left the mess hall, excitement filled the air. For some, it was the chance to get scouted by the Emperor's personal guard. For the others, it was the chance to go all out in a sparring match with full permission to.

Alec, excited like his peers, could not help but feeling a sense of uneasiness about the events to come.


"...and you are sure? No doubts? I would not want to kill an innocent Aspect before he could mature, especially one who may have become by brother-in-arms."

"We are quite sure, Supreme Guard. We divined his Aspect's nature in the Pantheon after all, there could be no mistakes."

Legius, Aspect of Protection and captain of the Emperor's Personal Guard, furrowed his brow.

"Inform the Emperor that the Aspect has been found and will be executed. Do not let him leave until the Aspect of War and I arrive."

Legius began quickly walking to exit the Emperor's grand hall, before quickly stopping and turning to the messenger.

"What was the Aspect's name? So I may tell the Emperor."

"Alec, sir."