
War of Doritis- Becoming the Strongest God.

In a world where Gods and the Demons use Humans for their wars, It is the mediaeval time when Zail who appears to be an ordinary teenager brings something unexpected for all of mankind. The Devil walks the earth, the gods are dipshits and Humans are the Human trash they have always been.

traveler9_og · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Welcome to Doritis

A golden-orange hue spread on the faces of the sisters which broke their forced slumber. Rocky, barren plains stretched to the horizon. One could argue that it was a desert but instead of sand, the place was filled with ashes, skulls and bones irregularly buried in the ashes and the half-blown hills.

"Where are we?" Idris asked the figure she assumed to be Zail sitting on one of several thousand piles of ashes and human remains.

It took some time for both of the sister's eyes to recalibrate after their long sleep and the first thing they saw was bewildering, they were both scared and at peace at the same time. Bright golden ring, a halo, glazing red skin, frightful wings. What they saw was not their master, nor was it the human they called Zail, in front of them was a very angry Devil.

"Welcome to Doritis, demons." The devil opened his eyes which were closed. Seeing them sent shivers down the sister's spine. "Welcome to the graveyard of the gods."

The former battleground had at least twenty kilometres of radius. The ground of Doritis was surrounded by a dense diaspora of trees, plants, shrubs and many other forms of life. From a bird's view, it appeared as a massive patch of grey right in the middle of a beautiful luscious green landscape.

Idris and Zayries tried to soak in their surroundings as they managed to stand up.

"Do you know how were these humans able to kill immortal beings?" The sister shook their heads signalling their lack of historical knowledge. The devil's blistered red lips widened as if he had expected the same response and answered in the form of another question." Do you know how you were born?"

The realization unexpectedly hit the sisters. For thousands of years, they had lived in the demon realm even during the war they had stayed back guarding their civilization. All their lives they knew that unlike the humans the Demon-kind neither do they reproduce nor do they die of natural causes. Knowing all this is what made the question even more baffling and made them wonder, why was this question asked more often.

"I don't know." Said Zayries at the end of her realisation.

"On the first day of the creation of this world, there were the Gods, the Demons and then there were the 'Supreme'." The sisters nodded as if confirming his statement.

"You have been told wrong." The devil declared the story a lie. He got up and walked up to the two curious demons, he raised his hands as if to hail someone but then immediately clenched his fists. The sisters' eyes turned scary white, they were now inside the devil's memories.

A beheaded man's eyes met Zayries as it flew past her, the only thing louder than the painful cries of agony of wounded soldiers were the battle cries of the warriors. The Gods, The Devil, The Angels, The Demos and lastly there were the humans. It took some time but the demon sisters recognized the event, a massacre that would soon be called the War of Doritis.

The Angels and demons sored the sky clashing, burning, striking any enemy they could find. The Humans at that time could not fly so they used as many counter-air strategies as they could, archers, flamethrowers, cannons and anything that could be thrown. The only advantage that the humans possessed was the sheer size of their army.

"Try to remember a time before this war Idris." Both sisters did exactly that but had no luck recollecting anything before that day. And what was more concerning to them was the fact that they could not remember this very moment they were reliving. "You won't. Because you were not born, you were created, created for this very war."

Before either of the sisters could openly deny him, they were interrupted by a big bang that resulted in the formation of a massive crater in the middle of the battlefield. The reason for the blast was evident with the blinding appearance of Eosis, the biggest threat to the Demon kind. Radiating white dress, wings even whiter and feathered with sharp and deadly feathers.

"Looks so pure, doesn't she?" A nod was all he got for a response "She is one of the vilest creatures to ever be born." The Devil commented in contempt. What Eosis and the humans did next was another addon to the pile of shocks the sisters were destined to receive that day. Within seconds she zapped to the closest demon she could find and exploded him forming a short burst of rain consisting of blood and small bits and pieces of flesh.

Unlike the actions of Eosis, Zail had to point out the peculiarity of the humans. "Why are they only attacking the demons?" another revelation that went against their prior knowledge. "That is because this was never the war between the three of the beings, it was the war against us, we, the fallen angels, stripped of everything we deserved and banished into the depths of hell."

"Fallen Angels?"

"Yes, we were once angels and I… was a God."


<Few Hours Before>

[Royal Cemetery, Western District of Seanto]

Joan and Malik stood hand in hand among Michaela's family consisting of just her mother and two young brothers. Understandably all of them were in tears. No matter how hard her mother tried, she could not hold back her tears. She was their everything and to have had their everything taken was nothing short of devastating.

"Just because she was strong?" she continued sobbing "Even in my day, this used to happen, but no one killed each other." It was not easy for Malik and Joan Either, they lost a good friend. The couple felt guilty for not having been able to save her.

The only other person there was the one in charge of the cemetery. With black robes and a stick in his hands, he slowly let Michaela's lifeless body into the hole dug out for her grave. Following the king's orders, the final rituals of Michaela were done with utmost respect.

The Roya Cemetery was built on the same land as the Royal Church. Every gravestone had the name, date and engraving of the family insignia. For the Nox family, the insignia was a Raven.

"You need to stay strong Evelyn." Joan pleaded with Michaela's mother for the sake of the young boys with her.

It was not what she deserved but her friends and family hoped she found peace. The Mankind had lost a great soldier. More than that, the world had lost a good soul.


<A short while after the meet in the King's chambers>

"You know, don't you?" Ira Lugh accused Epirus, the Dean.

"What do you mean Ira?" He counters questioned. "What do I know?"

"There is no need to hide it, Saphyrous. I could see from your reactions during our visit to the king that you know about Zail."

"It's the Devil we are talking about, what was I supposed to do?" He finally gave up his obvious facade.

Ira had stopped him and him alone as they were walking out of the King's chambers. A few steps from the door they stood. Magnificent, royal, and aesthetically pleasing was the hallway between the King's chambers and Aydenhall.

"How long did you two know this?" The sudden appearance of Leon Sobek the head of the Sobek family, scared the life out of both of them. Neither of the two had seen him coming, neither him nor the other three Family Heads.

"What is it, Leon?" Selene Nox inquired. The look that Leon gave got everyone curiously nervous.

Suddenly, The King talking about a war made a lot more sense to Leon. The name of the Devil reminded him of everything his grandfather had told him. "It is the Devil and he is here!"
