

Mark was getting closer to celie that he even got a kiss from her,but he wanted sex,and his first try was when he faked his car malfunction and try had to sleep in an hotel,and also he lied that he forgot his credit card at his office and he only had the amount for a room,so they had to sleep in one room.When celie asked for a drink he drugged it and gave it to her but suddenly she slumped and she was taken to the nearby hospital were she was diagnosed to have appendix,and a surgery was needed immediately,mark paid for all the bills and the surgery was successful as she was later discharged after a week.Mark took her to his house and gave her a drugged water which made her fall asleep,then he took control and made sure he had sex to his satisfaction,after he was done he took care of all suspicion as celie woke up to find herself weak and so he lied it was the effect of the drug.

celie was later fine after a resting of 2months and she was back to school but suddenly she slumped again and was rushed to the hospital were the doctor summoned mark and told him an exciting news which became a terrible news.Celie was ...........,..........p-r-e-g-n-a-n-t.