


"Yes, you're right. Come on." Griff said as he jumped down from the Titan body. Then a great steam cloud came out of the nape area of the Titan.

Kalay comes out of the nape. He is completely soaked with Titan body fluids but soon they also turn into steam.

He gets up and goes into a full body Bosushoku haki mode. After that he jumps down the Titan.

While Griff lands with a certain kind of elegance and without any sound, Kalay lands with a loud BOOM. He created a small crater but is still completely unharmed due to his Haki.

He looks at the huge Titan at his side and smiles. He thought about the time 3 years ago when he wasn't even able to kill a small boar and lost control over his Titan body.

'Nostalgic' he thought.

"Let's go." Griff said. Then they both ran to the great city in front of them. Though he did not specialise in anything that has to do with speed, Kalay was still incredible fast and would make Usaim Bolt be ashamed of himself.

With that speed they both arrived at the city gate in 2 minutes. They thought that now the guards would check them or something like that but to their surprise, the guards just stood there with pale and shocked faces.

In the middle of them stood an old man who's complexion looked far better but he still has a slightly shocked face.

The old man turned to one of the guards and said "Report this immediately to the King!" when the guard heard him he saluted and said "Yes, sir!", after that the old man also turned around and wanted to go back to the guild.

He has to take that emergency quest back and also he needs to assemble a search team that goes to the body of that monster.

The remaining guards at the entrance finally noticed the two young men. One of them said "Please stop for a moment." after which he took a small device out of his pocket and held it to Kalay and Griff.

It seemed to be a device for detecting hidden weapons. Griff has all his weapons in his inventory and Kalay doesn't use any weapons, only fists and a certain War Hammer, so they soon were allowed to pass the gate.

Kalay was immediately fascinated by the city. Though it looked like a cliché fantasy city (Medieval style) it was still incredible to see it in person.

A few minutes later Griff said "Kalay, how about we split and explore this city ourselves? I planned to search for information, my Ninja build is much better for that than your Titan build."

Griff turned around but then he noticed, Kalay wasn't there.

'What the... where is he?! System, contact Kalay!' he gave a mental command to his system and a few seconds later 'Carol of the bells' could be heard in Griff's mind. During the 3 years they stayed in the forest they found

a few things out about the system. For example that they could change the ringtone from original Nokia to a sound of their choice. They also found out that if they give their systems names they would develop feelings, but they

both agreed that a system with feelings would be really annoying so they still haven't named their systems.

A few seconds later a little click sound could be heard in his head. Griff directly yelled 'Where are you?!'

[I'm sorry Go... Griff but there was a store that sold cupcakes! The last time I had a cupcake was when I used a poisoned one to suicide.] Griff mentally facepalmed himself to this response.

'Okay, okay... though I still don't understand why you suicided when you drew that man from afri... are you a racist? Nevermind, I will try to gather a few informations about this city, in the meantime you can eat more cupcakes, and please don't use your Titan transformation, ok? Bye.'

[Ok, bye... wait, did you just called me a raci....!?] before he could finish his sentence Griff already ended the call.

'So, what do all main characters do if they want to gather information? They go to the Adventurer Guild! System, scan my surroundings for the Adventurer Guild.' Griff thought.


Scan complete] with that, the exact location of the Guild was now in his mind. He then went into a small alleyway and made sure that there were no people around, he then jumped on the roof of one of the houses nearby and ran to the Adventurer Guild.

-in the meantime-

Kalay came out of a shop while holding a basket that was filled to the brim with cupcakes. On the signboard of the shop stood 'Sophie's Sweets'.

'Luckily I could exchange AniP for money... Now I need to find a place without people to store these cupcakes in my inventory.

He soon found, similar to Griff, a small alleyway a few meters in front of him. He went there and turned but, not similar to Griff, there were people in their. To be exact, one girl, one boy and two men.

The boy wore luxurious looking garments while the other two had armor on, they looked like a noble with his guards. On the contrary the girl looked was lying on the ground in the dirt.

'That reminds me of that murder-suicide I did a few thousands of years ago *sigh* good times.' he thought while having a nostalgic expression on his face.

The young boy made a thumbs down gesture with his hand, to this one of the guards reacted by drawing his sword and going near the girl. It looked like he wanted to kill that girl.

Not wanting to let someone die so easily Kalay yelled "Hey! Stop!" both guards and the noble kid turned around.

After seeing Kalay, the noble kid turned to the guard on his left and said "He saw us. Kill him, I can't let him ruin the good name of the August family by making this public."

"Hey, you with the filthy hair, come here!" the guard yelled.

When he heard that Kalay's expression turned grimm 'Filthy hair!? THIS is the Yeager style! It cost me 50 AniP to buy this hair! How dare he mock me!' he then strides to the guard.

When he reached them, without another word, the guard took his sword and dashed at Kalay. He wanted to kill him quickly and then deal with that commoner that dared to sell an apple with a worm

inside to his young master.

The sword hit Kalay directly into the chest but, to everyone's surprise, it didn't impale Kalay, it didn't even made a scratch on his skin. When everyone got out of their daze they saw that exactly at the point where the sword hit him a little black mark appeared.

"Who has filthy hair?!" Kalay yelled as he hit the guard's face. He flew several meters back.

The remaining guard then noticed that the hand of Kalay was now pitch black.