
War Between Mafia and Yakuza

In the business world everyman had to fight for himself, business became so dangerous, that CEO's started seeking help from agencies like the mafia and Yakuza, Mr. walker was one of these business men, well-known for his diligency in business, he was the ceo of Walker group of jewellery designers and producers, and he also owned an oil company, he was formally signed to the Yakuza, they did a good job protecting him, but their leader Ottis Reign soon passes away leaving the Yakuza to the hands of his wife Haeli Reign, let's sit back and watch as all sorts of drama occur.

neema567 · แฟนตาซี
9 Chs

4 last Sunday of holiday

Levi woke up to the sound of his alarm beeping, he got up washed his face, brush his teeth and went to Leigh's room to check in on her, he saw her arranging a few things on the side table, as she sat on her bed to pick out a movie on her room tv.

"what are you up to"Levi questioned, wondering what she was trying to do while focusing so much, must be something she wants to do badly, Levi thought

"I'm not being willful, I already asked mom and she said yes, were spending today watching a movie, I won't get chances like this once school resumes, so you in on this"Leigh asked And her brother could only agree.

That was what their morning was like, but this was totally different with Aria, she had to fight with her brother this morning again, and it was for no good reason as usual.

"Ethan!!!!"Aria screamed as she stomped off to her brother's room, Ethan who already knew why his sister was looking for him became to search for an escape route if not he'd be done for, for real this time.

When as Aria entered his room he wasn't there, she guessed he might have gone into the bathroom, and as expected he was hiding in the shower, which was the most obvious place in the room, her brother was really not smart for life occurrence, only good for business matters.

"you can't hide to save your life, why did you use my tooth brush to brush the cat's hair"Aria questioned but Ethan couldn't sent since it was true, his sister went ballistic and got into the shower.

She turned it on and hit him hard several times, before she finally left him, he was soaked from top to bottom, his skin was as red as a tomato from all the beating he received and that's how they ended up In the living room being scolded by their mom.

"we promise we won't fight anymore"Ethan made a fake promise, and winked at Aria who also put he signature emerald green puppy eyes to use, Adeline shakes her head in disbelief, this two were actually turning against her.

"believing you is like putting my hand in fire just cause someone said it won't burn"Adeline said in a cold tone, they were really in trouble this time, a light bulb appeared on Aria's head, she finally thought of a good excuse to escape trouble.

"how about we wat h a movie together as a family, just 4 of us"Aria suggested and as expected her mom's expression changed after hearing this, it woul be nice to have good family memories before her children become all busy with business school.

"it's settles then we'll watch a movie"Adeline cheerfully said, as they went to meet Julian to inform him about the sudden family movie day they wanted to have.

"I'm sorry, I have business to work on, I still have to go to the Mafia office to settle somethings to finally legally end the contract"Julian apologized since he would have to miss out on the family event.

"we understand dad, go attend to your business you'll be free some other day, we'll do some fun things then"Aria tried to lighten up the mood and it worked, Aria was truly one if the kindest people you'll find, Julian promised to come home early that night, so they would have dinner together.

With that Julian left for work straight away, he was happy he had such an understanding family, he was really Lucky, would it have been even much better if Haeli didn't leave him, and they were parents together, this was a question he couldn't stop from popping in his head.

At the Mafia headquarters, Julian arrived but was told that Haeli had just gone out, he asked about he whereabouts and they told him she went to a bar she often visited, the name of the bar was ''teen heart'', it was the bar were they first met.

Julian had been having problems with his parents at that time so he always visited the bar to calm himself down, Haeli was the friend of a waitress there so she often visited, that was how they eventually fell in love with each other.

He rushed back to his car and drove straight to the bar, when he stepped into the bar, a wave of natalgia hit him, he remembered all the memories they shared inside this bar, he spotted Haeli sitting on a couch a group of young men were gawking at her from their seats.

Julian walker over to wear she was sitted, he dragged her out if the bar, she was already drunk since she had zero tolerance for alcohol.

"is that you, Juls, oh I must be dreaming, I left you a long time ago"Haeli said in her drunken state, this angered Julian more than he expected, he dragged her into his car, he secured the seat belt around her before walking to the itgr side of the car, he sat down in his sit, out on his sit belt as he drive away.

It was already around 8 pm when Julian got back to the Mafia headquarters, he unbuckled his seat belt and did the same to Haeli he was about to pull away when Haeli gripped onto his tie, her free hand traced down Julian's face.

She really felt disappointed at her past actions, at that time she didn't realize how much her love for Julian was, she thought it would disappear over the years but it only grew, like they say separation makes the heart grow fonder.

Her fingers landed on his lip, she remembered their first kiss, it was on a stormy night they just had an argument, she was busy throwing I sults at him, unexpectedly he pulled her close to himself, her body leant against his, they weren't able to let go of each other's gaze.

Julian moved closer and sealed her lips with his, the wave of electricity that passed theiygh them was overwhelming, the feeling of being in each other's arm, they were so lost in each other, they were both new to this kind of things hence the kiss was sloppy.

Haeli pulled Julian closer and and claimed his lips, Julian let out a loud groan as he tried to pull away from her, but she was adamant, she pulled him closer and within seconds he got lost in the kiss, deep down he knew he never stopped loving Haeli.

His marriage to Adeline was an arranged one, his parents wanted him to get over Haeli hence they got hsim married to Adeline who was the daugter of a friend of theirs.

At this point Julian lost all control over himself, his one hand moved towards her nape to support her head while his other hand snaked it's way around her waist, once he realized what was going on heboulled away, might nitnlove Adeline but that was not enough reason to cheat.

He got down from the car and the guards took Haeli from him, thanked him for bringing back their boss, he left and went straight home. Turns out they had been waiting for him, it was already about 11 pm when he got home, but since it started getting late they already eat their food and retired to their rooms to sleep, as school would start early tomorrow.

He went into his daughter's room, he loved his daughter a lot, this was one. of the reasons he respected his wife a lot, for giving him such a child, he also checked in on Ethan the boy had grown a lot he has become his sister's knight I shining armor, while hell stick to being her superman.

He entered the room he and wife share, she was already fast asleep, he went into the toilet and freshened up, he went back into the room and slipped into bed, instead of his normal way of sleeping at the edge of the bed, he moved a little closer to his wife.

He pulled her close into his embrace, he inhaled the scent of her hair, he just wanted to make he happy since he was feeling guilty for what happened between him and Haeli.

He snakes his arm around her waist and pulled her close before whispering "sorry" into her hair, he knew he would never be able to love her but he had to keep to his marriage vow and he would do the best to keep them and make his family happy.

He really needed to learn to forget about Haeli, that was his only weakness, his disadvantage, he would do his best to get over it, for his children, he would try anything.