

A war in which billions have been hurt and millions have died had overthrown a boy known as hell bringer himself at the hell... The boy earned a lot of fame, wealth and power...but as the saying goes...war is hell...and so the boy like any other normal human died a horrible death regretting the fact that he was not powerful enough to help or save his loved ones... The war later to be known as the War of the New Era... *DING* [Host found...Extracting soul from the body] He opens his eyes again...but as a baby... ......... This is my dark past, about the first time I started writing, don't you dare read it...Pls

Eminence_01 · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter - 6 - Siesta

"ohhhh..."exclaimed both Sabastian and Sofia.

"waah!waah!"cried Siesta, perhaps the noises disturbed her sleep.

"oh there, baby baby are you okay?"said Sofia.

"can I hold her?"asked Sofia to the wife of Rozzo.

"It would be my honour , my lady" said the wife , Jasmine and handed Siesta to Sofia smiling.

"oh dear, how gorgeous she is!"said Sofia smiling and kissing her forehead.

"waah!waah!waah!"perhaps seeing someone unfamiliar holding her and kissing her forehead made Siesta scared and she cried.

"I am your mother's best friend , don't be scared."said Sofia and tried to assure her but alas a small baby can't understand what is happening around them and she continued crying.


around this time Schwartz heard the familiar *ding* sound in his head.

[Mission- assure Siesta and befriend her.

rewards- 1000p.

time - 5mins.

(huh?what is this notification?) thought Schwartz.

[Master, the system has assigned you a mission which you have to complete under 5mins.]said the system.

(h-huh?!just like that?!)said Schwartz,shocked.

(h-how do I do it?!)said Schwartz in panic.

[it's up to you master.]said the system nonchalantly.

(H-hey?! Are you running away from here?!)said Schwartz to the system.

[it's just your imagination master...] replied the system as it's voice faded.

(guh!Damn bastard.) Schwartz cursed the system. He didn't even notice the reward in his panic.

(tsk! Looks like I need to use my own brain without letting mom and dad find it weird...not to mention there is a Duke house here aswell...)thought Schwartz and then an idea appeared in his little head.

"waah..." Schwartz said as he moved his hands towards the direction where Siesta was and started directing his hand as if he was telling her to come towards him.

His mother and father and the Duke and his wife didn't found it strange as in this world The growth rate of babies is accelerated, by 2 months they start crawling and growing teeth and by 5-12 months they learn to how stand and speak some words.It is all because of mana in this world but after 1 year the progress is the same as earth.

Sofia noticed this and took Siesta towards Schwartz.

After this , Schwartz took touched her hand and smiled. Seeing this the imperial family and the Duke household though that Schwartz is a smart child and might be bring the Empire to new heights as rarely any baby makes this much progress in barely 2 months.

Siesta looked at his face and smiled and stopped crying and instead started touching his hand back and laughing.

"waah!"Siesta exclaimed in joy.

"ohh my they sure became fast friends!"Sofia and Jasmine said in unison and started giggling.


[Mission accomplished.

Rewards - 1000p.]

(huh? A reward ? System what is this?)asked Schwartz.

[Master it's system points. In a reward you can get new skills and system points by which's help you can increase your status.] replied the system.

(woah... that's pretty absurb...I already thought it as a possibility because of my prior knowledge from mangas and animes.) said Schwartz.

[Yes master.But since you are still a baby you can only increase your intelligence points.1 intelligence point is equal to 1 IQ and increase your control over mana.]said the system.

(woah...So cool!)said Schwartz.

and then...

"waah..."yawned Schwartz and acted like he was sleepy.

Siesta seeing Schwartz yawned she also had an urge to yawn and she yawn aswell.

*giggle*both of their moms giggled and Sofia said...

"looks like they are sleepy Jasmine"smiling.

"yes,it looks like it." Jasmine replied smiling back.

"She can sleep with Schwartz you know?It feels like she likes my son."sajd Sofia.

"are you sure milady- I mean Sofia?"asked Jasmine.

"yes I am sure." Sofia replied smiling.

seeing this Jasmine smiled aswell and both of them excused themselves for a while and took both Schwartz and Siesta towards Sofia's bedroom where the crib was located and layed them on the crib.

Although it was a crib it was quite large. Enough to fit 3 babies.

Siesta felled fast asleep and didn't care about the unfamiliar surroundings and slept, Schwartz also acted like he was asleep.Seeing this both ladies smiled and closed the door and Sofia ordered 3 maids and some knights to look after them and went back where their husbands where.

after feeling that they went away , Schwartz slowly opened his eyes.





(Now it's time to increase my intelligence...) Schwartz said with a mischievous smile on his face which was uncommon for a baby.

He didn't increase it in front of his family because he feared that their might be some backlash and they might notice it.He didn't fear about the Knights and maids as they were not in the room.

Then he opened his status.