
war against men

In her previous life, she trusted men, the ones whom she thought she loved, who forced her into a corner to dig out her heart. Isabella had sex with a prestigious man whom every woman would love to be with, she considers all men the same, and they always wanted her in bed. Rumour has it that the master was rich and powerful, causing women to fall for him. However, she caught his eye despite it all. Isabella was a poor girl who worked hard to make earns, her sick father was her priority. She needed money to advance her father's treatment she was left with no other choice than to beg. They never did anything to help her, Even those who she thought she could count on, turned her down and disappointed her when she needed them the most, men wanted only her body in return. Isabella couldn't take the thought that she could lose her father. She decided to do all she could to keep her father's life but she lost her father, unfortunately. Isabella felt betrayed by men and she wanted war and vengeance against them, she blamed men for her misfortune, and she decided to make them pay!

Christianjunior247 · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 5


Gabrielle's sister Carena had returned from a business trip, she missed her sis Gabrielle so much and she wanted to go surprise her. Carena got to Gabrielle's apartment it looked quite lonely and strange in the apartment, she shouted her name twice: Gabi! Gabi!, she always knew that Gabrielle wasn't a dull type, that she would always respond immediately if she heard her voice, Carena thought of calling her mobile phone.

It was a beautiful weekend and Enzo thought it was a nice idea to ask Isabella out on a date, he thought it would be the best way for him to get back with Isabella, Isabella also had feelings for him so she agreed to go out with him.

Isabella wore a pink fancy dress she got with her new wages, and she looked quite beautiful, Miguel her Dad saw that she was dressed quite unusually, and he asked; My dear daughter are you seeing someone? She replied looking excited: yes Dad, I met someone nice and handsome, and he asked me out on a date. Isabella got closer to her Dad and she told him saying; Dad don't be jealous nothing bad is going to happen everything will go just fine Dad! She said, And also, I promise that I will get you a good maid that will take good care of you, bye Dad I am coming have a good rest, Dad, she said going out so excited.

He told Isabella to have fun and be careful, He also got concerned about his daughter but he needed to make sure his daughter was happy, for his daughter's happiness mattered a lot to him, but he felt she was in danger.

Isabella met with Enzo at a fancy restaurant, Enzo held her in her hands and kissed her hands gentlemanly, he took her to one of the tables in the restaurant, gentlemanly dragged the chair back for Isabella to sit down comfortably, he read the menu and he took their orders. Isabella told Enzo she needed a maid, and that she would be grateful if he helped her with one, Enzo assured her that it wouldn't be a problem.

Carena Called Gabrielle's Mobile phone, but she wasn't picking up, it turns out that the phone was ringing outside, so she went outside through the back door to find out where the phone was ringing, she, unfortunately, saw Gabrielle's dead body on the floor seriously bleeding unconsciously, She screamed out very loud; oh my Gosh!.

Meanwhile, Enzo took Isabella to his apartment, he welcomed her to his luxury apartment and offered her a drink, Isabella felt so comfortable and delighted to be in his apartment, It was looking beautiful she said. Enzo kissed Isabella on the lips, Isabella fell for it and kissed back and they both romanced each other to Enzo's bedroom and they spent the night together.

Carena got so scared and immediately called the ambulance for help, she shouted for help but no one was around, she wondered what happened. Carena got sad and intense, The ambulance showed up and an expert checked, if she was still alive but unfortunately it turned out she was dead.

Isabella got home the next day with a maid, her name was Josephine, she introduced her to her father and as his new maid and immediately she went on to take her bath. Isabella had freshened up looking ready for work but she noticed that her Dad was quiet and he was ignoring her, He got all furious at her for the fact that she left him all alone all night, he said he couldn't sleep worrying all night long about her. Isabella apologized to her father saying; Dad is sorry, I spent the night at Enzo's place, He replied angrily; who the hell is Enzo? He anxiously asked. Isabella took her handbag and hurriedly ran to work, haven't answered her Dad's question, because she realized she was already running late for work.

Mr Patrick gathered his employees in a large hall, he announced to his employees that Gabrielle was now dead due to a terrible accident. The employees felt sorry and compassionate for her. they started murmuring among themselves, he couldn't make so much noise, he said to them strictly; that's enough you incompetent fools, get back to your work immediately he said, He sent them back to their respective duties and he angrily went to his office.

The police authorities showed up at the company, and they asked the security men outside if a lady named Gabrielle had worked in the company, One of the security men answered by saying that there were a lot of staff and he wasn't sure if he knew anyone by the name Gabrielle. The police authorities went inside and they met Cynthia, one of Gabrielle's colleagues. The policemen asked Cynthia if she knew a young lady named Gabrielle who worked in the red wine company, she said; yes sir she works here but she is now dead, one of the policemen stayed back to comfort her while the others requested to see the owner of the establishment.

Isabella got to her workplace, and her boss Lord Scorpio had a deal with her. He gave Isabella another package to deliver and promised her 5000 dollars if she delivered the package successfully. he also ordered his righthand man Johnson to partner up with Isabella to get the Job perfectly done, Lord Scorpio introduced him to her and he told her she had to deliver the package safely to the hands of the client.

Isabella had a partner named Johnson, Johnson was a very muscular man and he had tattoos all over his body, Isabella was not always comfortable around him, because of his muscular look, They both went to a very strange place named Eldoria where they went to deliver the package. Isabella took a close look at the package, she found out It was hard cocaine.

Isabella thought of what she had gotten herself into, she threw away the bulk of cocaine on the ground and she started running, she never cared to know the worth of those drugs. Johnson picked up the bulk of cocaine she threw on the floor and he started shooting and chasing her.

Isabella made it up to her house looking exhausted after running for her dear life, she called her Dad severally but there was no response, she got worried and she searched every corner of the house and could not find her Dad and the maid anywhere around the house.