
Wangdao : Reincarnated to become the most powerful warrior

Arcadius A young, boy who lost his parents at a young age. He lives with his grandmother. Being poor and unemployed at the age of 25, he is financed by the pension received by his grandmother. His life changes when he dies in a car accident and is reincarnated in another world.

user6772077471694 · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

Chapter 4 : A New king

The explosion sounded in the middle of the kingdom, several thousand inhabitants died and many houses collapsed. The massacre has reached its climax, but who is behind it?, all the cavalry arriving at the place ask themselves this question.

Reinforcements arrive on site with Jin behind. In the flames, the smoke that occupies the middle of the kingdom, a young man in white with a white right eye and a red left eye. Having on his head a green scarf. He advances towards the troops of the reinforcement, And He started talking

- Hello, gentlemen my name is Amadeous . I'm sorry for the noise we came to get something. Says Amadeous

The captain of the reinforcement troop approaches and begins to speak

- How dare you, break into our kingdom and wreak havoc. Replied thé captain with Anger

- Because we can do it, and if we can do it why not?. Says Amadeous

- Quickly get out of our kingdom otherwise you will pay the high price by Death. Says Thé captain

- Please, it's not an inferior creature like you that's going to scare me. At least try to be firmer. Replied Amadeous with laugh

- Okay, since the peaceful way didn't work. We're going to get serious. Says The captain

- Finally you decide to talk like a Man. Replied Amadeous.

The captain draws his sword and asks these soldiers to attack the threat. All the soldiers charge on Amadeous who remains calm, Jin is on the back building and observes the scène. When the soldiers finally approach Amadeous closely and try to attack him. The soldiers immediately disintegrate leaving no trace of their life, existence. They just disappeared, nothing belonging to them remained, weapon, clothes etc nothing.

The captain is just amazed at the horror scene. He is paralyzed with fear, suddenly Amadeous is right in front of the captain

- You didn't believe though, that you're soldiers and you might have a chance to beat me. Says Amadeous

- But damn it, who are you?. Ask Thé captain

- Since you are going to die and I respect my prey. I'll tell you who I am, my name is Amadeous the fallen spirit of magic. Answer Amadeous

- But why start slaughtering our kingdom knowing that there are plenty of other kingdoms ?. Ask The captain

- In fact, my goal is to attack each kingdom to collect their soul, their life force to succeed in my great deliverance plan. Answer Amadeous

- What plan?, ask Again the captain

- Well, you ask too many questions for a vermin. You will however disappear like your soldiers. Says Amadeous

- You just disintegrate my soldiers filthy motherfucker. Scream Thé captain

- Exactly. My Disintegration is at the cellular level, I made it all disappear leaving nothing belonging to them even their body, their soul, nothing is spared. And you stop screaming like cattle being slaughtered. Replied Amadeous.

The captain teleports a few steps away from Amadeous, draws his sword and runs at him. But he finds himself nailed to the ground,

A huge pressure is exerted on him. Increasing gradually. The pressure is that even the remaining building crumbles and even the land he is standing on crumbles and the captain's body begins to give out. Blood spurts, ribs break, he is almost dead when Jin intervenes and throws Amadeous against the ground a few thousand meters.

Reinforcements arrive with the king himself. Jin regenerates the captain

- Don't worry, the reinforcements are here, rest well, you fought well. Says Jin

- Thank you honorable Jin, watch over the king and above all save our kingdom. Replied Thé captain

- I'll do my best I promise. Pursue Jin

Amadeous in anger, soars into the air and crashes against the ground, he causes a shock wave which propels almost everyone except the king and Jin who remains there without moving, Amadeous approaches Jin

- You look really different from the other guys I've faced. You might be a tougher challenge for me. Says Amadeous

- I ask you one last time get out of our kingdom Amadeous. Replied Jin

- Always this question knowing that the answer remains the same. No. Says Amadeous.

Jin punches Amadeous in the abdomen, which is propelled several meters. Jin teleports behind Amadeous and shackles first by kicking Amadeous's two legs and shackles without waiting with a violent kick which literally breaks Amadeous's bones and last crashes against the mountain far from the kingdom.

- Your Highness, let me handle this threat. Says Jin To The King

- I also have to protect my kingdom Jin, however I commend your bravery. Replied Thé king

- No, you don't understand. Earlier I analyzed Amadeous and it is indeed a fallen spirit of magic. Which therefore means that your attacks will have no effect on him. He is a magical being, one of the primordial beings of magic, all your attributes related to magic, such as regeneration, power amplification and your techniques will be canceled in a snap go away and think about your family. Explain Jin

- Whatever he has I will...

Before the king finished his sentence a sword enchanted by dark magic pierced his heart.

- Talking in the middle of a fight, no, but what nerve. Says Amadeous.

- He threw that sword even though he was thousands of miles away from the realm...

Says Thé king

- This sword has the particularity of eating the soul of its prey and replacing it with another that I made myself. The king will now be at my service, and will see his power tripled, what grace I give him. Replied Amadeous

The king turns into a huge beast charged with dark magic. Particles of dark mana emerge from him. Any dead body under the explosion sees itself, resurrected and transformed into an army of the living dead, Jin is surrounded, the living dead weapons surround him and Amadeous is right next to the King

- Jin is that right?, you have fought really well so far but let me tell you that In a duel where you are against 2 big power monsters and surrounded by a living death weapon, nothing is up to you favor. Says Amadeous

- Umm. You poor bastard if you think this is gonna be enough to stop me you're sorely mistaken. Replied Jin

Jin has suppressed his emotion and is not subject to it. He's completely emotionless

Amadeous uses his gravity power on Jin, and only on Jin and nothing else. It multiplies the force of gravity so much that 90% of the kingdom collapses. And black holes appear

But this does not affect Jin in any way, and who closes the black holes in a snap and erases the existence of the undead, King and Amadeous charged Jin. Amadeous pulls out his sword and tries to slice Jin. Who easily dodges and grabs the two beings by the neck and sends them flying through the air. Jin suddenly appears between the two beings, and gives them a violent nudge which crushes them against the ground

- You are really very very strong my word. Says Amadeous

Amadeous, causes explosions everywhere. Explosions that normally disintegrate down to the cellular level those hit by it, but that doesn't affect Jin

- Interesting, you scattered the anti matter making them invisible to the naked eye everywhere. And given that the anti-matter in contact with the material creates explosions. Well done Amadeous. Says Jin

- You have been able to pierce my secrets until now what insight Jin. Says Amadeous.

- I activated 3 of my magic being special abilities. And none of them work for you. The first aims to corrupt the soul, the second to lower your overall statistics to know your strength and your speed and finally the last, erase your senses. But none of these abilities affect you. Knowing that of course you don't need your senses to fight which is really amazing but who are you really Jin?. Ask Amadeous

- I'm the one that's gonna make you bite the dust bastard . Answer Jin

- Well, since none of my current abilities have worked, I have one last option to end this kingdom. Say Amadeous and rise in the air.

Jin secretly stole Amadeous' abilities to make it his own. Amadeous rises into the air and charges a huge ball of energy using the life of the king and the many spirits présent

- This attack is so powerful that it will ravage the entire Exodua continent, the one that hosts the ninja kingdom but also 4 other kingdoms.

Amadeous launches the attack on Jin. Who takes it head-on. He reduces the shockwave on himself to prevent the kingdom from ending in shreds. After the attack has faded. Amadeous can't believe his eyes. Jin is standing with no scratches at all

- how it's possible ? Ask Amadeous

- Already the physical and magic attacks have no effect on me and secondly I have awakened a new ability called Ultimate Skills N°1. A law names that of the supreme king. It gives me the ability to be superior to my opponent no matter what. Your attack is overpowered. But thanks to this law I overcome this attack. Explain Jin

Jin throws a mini energy ball at Amadeous who narrowly avoids it. This harmless attack completely destroys the moon and other nearby planets and even shakes the earth, to the point where it causes the movement of tectonic plates, natural disasters such as tsunamis, volcanic eruption and so on. pass. Amadeous is petrified with fear

- You won the battle Jin, But not the war I'll be back soon by then watch your back. Says Amadeous and dispear.

The royal family arrives and finds the disappearance of their king. The princess and the queen start crying and go to their room. However, Jin designates himself as the new king of the kingdom and promises irrevocable change. Her hair color changes from white to red. Long red hair, and creates gold armor. Sat on the throne with an evil smile on his face