
WANGDAO-Pueri Lucis Ac Tenebris

In a realm where angels and demons dwell, A nephilim named Araquiel, torn between both, fell. Born of Lametva's darkness and Anael's light, His powers of Chaos and creation were a fearsome sight. Araquiel's fate was changed by a hero he'd idealize. Through a holographic window, he beheld a grand battle, Lyra, a commander of the interstellar union, making her courageous stand. Against a monstrous spider, devourer of planets and stars, Lyra's bravery shimmered like the brightest of quasars. Her words of wisdom echoed, piercing through the night: "Believe in yourself and all that you are, Know there's a force within you that can take you far. Greater than any obstacle that may lie ahead, Embrace your inner strength, let it guide you instead." With newfound determination, Araquiel's path was clear, To join the Interstellar Union, to conquer his fear. Inspired by Lyra's valor, he'd make a difference, he knew, Defending different galaxy from threats, both old and new. Araquiel's heart now set on a purpose grand and true, To protect the cosmos, a noble cause to pursue. His powers of Chaos and creation, once a curse, now a boon, Ready to shine brightly alongside the stars. Embark on an exhilarating space fantasy odyssey that delves deep into the themes of acceptance, and the eternal battle between light and darkness. Araquiel enthralling journey as a nephilim—born from the celestial union of an angel and a demon—offers an unparalleled perspective on these timeless themes, ensuring a captivating and thrilling literary experience for readers. Navigating the complexities of his dual heritage, Araquiel tale is one of self-discovery, as he grapples with his angelic and demonic origins. The story weaves together the threads of his internal struggles, while simultaneously exploring the broader cosmic landscape, providing an unforgettable reading adventure. ______________________ This is my first story and I will try my best to make it interesting to read. If there's some error, you can say it, I will correct them.

Tenma_Yato · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

The Beginning

In the vast expanse of space, there are wonders beyond measure. The stars twinkle like diamonds in the velvet blackness, and planets of every shape and size orbit distant suns. It is a place of mystery and magic, where anything can happen.

But there are also dangers lurking in the darkness, creatures and beings that defy our understanding. Among them are the nephilim, born of the union between angels and demons, creatures of both light and darkness.

Our story begins with one such nephilim, a young man named Araquiel Lucitor. He was born in a world far from our own, a place of eternal twilight where the sky was always the color of blood. His mother was a demon, a princess of the underworld known as Lametva Lucitor, and his father was the second strongest angel named Anael.

He possesses a unique blend of traits from both of his parents, resulting in a complex and multifaceted personality. His jet black hair falls in soft waves around his sharp, angular features, and his striking silver eyes reflect the wisdom and knowledge of his angelic heritage.

Despite his striking appearance, Araquiel is known for his warmth and kindness, which draw people to him like moths to a flame. His otherworldly features, including delicate horns and iridescent wings, lend him an ethereal quality, and his lean, agile physique belies his tremendous strength and resilience.

Araquiel, however, is no stranger to inner turmoil. Born of both demon and angelic bloodlines, he struggles to fully identify with either side of his heritage. He is often torn between his innate desire to do good and his more primal, demon-like impulses. This inner conflict has left him feeling like an outsider in both the demonic and angelic worlds, unable to fully belong to either.

Despite his struggles, Araquiel remains determined to forge his own path and find a sense of belonging and community. He seeks out those who share his ideals and values, and frequently lends his strength and abilities to those in need. Though he may never fully fit in with the demons or angels, Araquiel has come to embrace his unique identity and use it to make a positive impact on the world around him.

As Araquiel sat in his family's home, he watched the holoscreen in front of him with a calm and collected demeanor. The screen showed a video of Lyra, the best commander of the Interstellar Union, battling against a massive spider-like creature that was devouring an entire planet.

Araquiel's parents sat beside him, their eyes fixed on the screen as they watched the battle unfold with a quiet intensity. They had seen many such battles before and were well aware of the dangers that lurked in the vast expanse of the universe.

As the battle raged on, Araquiel couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Lyra and the Union's mission to protect the universe from threats like the planet-eating spider. He knew that it took a great deal of skill, bravery, and dedication to engage in such battles and that the Union's commanders were the best of the best.

Despite the danger and chaos that played out on the screen, Araquiel felt a sense of peace and wonder at the vastness of the universe and the incredible technology that allowed him to witness such a battle from the comfort of his own home.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Lyra emerged victorious, and the spider-like creature was reduced to a smoldering heap of rubble. Araquiel and his parents watched in silence as the holoscreen faded to black, their thoughts filled with awe and respect for the Union and its brave commanders.

As the epic battle between Lyra and the planet-eating spider came to an end, Araquiel's mind was filled with a sense of wonder and excitement. He had always been fascinated by the universe and the incredible powers that lay hidden within it, and watching the battle unfold before him only served to fuel his curiosity.

Turning to his parents, Lametva Lucitor and Anael, Araquiel expressed his desire to learn how to control his own powers. He knew that he had inherited the power of Chaos from his mother and the power of Creation from his father, but he also knew that he needed to master those powers if he was going to follow in the footsteps of the brave commanders of the Interstellar Union.

His parents agreed to train him, and they began a rigorous program of instruction that would last for the next 100 years, the equivalent of 10 years for angels and demons. And since the time of they world worked differently, it will not cause a very big problem

Over the next few weeks, Araquiel began his training in earnest. His parents taught him how to focus his thoughts and channel his powers, starting with simple exercises like creating small objects out of thin air and summoning bursts of chaotic energy.

At first, Araquiel struggled to control his powers. The power of Chaos threatened to overwhelm him, and the power of Creation seemed too weak to be of any use. But his parents were patient and persistent, and they worked tirelessly to help him master his abilities.

They taught him how to channel his powers through his body, using his wings and his hands to focus and direct the energies. They showed him how to balance the power of Chaos with the power of Creation, using one to create and the other to destroy.

As Araquiel's skills grew, his parents introduced him to more advanced techniques, such as using his powers to manipulate the fabric of space-time and create portals that could transport him across vast distances in an instant.

Araquiel worked hard, practicing every day and pushing himself to his limits. He learned to control his emotions, to stay calm and focused even in the face of danger.

But he also learned to tap into his anger when it was needed, to use his powers to defend those who were weaker and to stand up against injustice and oppression.

As Araquiel's powers grew stronger, he started to explore the limits of his abilities. He spent countless hours practicing his skills, honing his reflexes, and mastering new techniques. He experimented with different styles of combat, studying various martial arts and weapon techniques from his mother and father.

Araquiel also became more attuned to his emotions, learning to control his anger and channel it into his actions when necessary. He realized that his powers came with a responsibility to protect those who were weaker and to fight against injustice and oppression wherever he found it.

As the years passed, Araquiel grew stronger and more skilled, and he began to feel a sense of purpose and pride in his abilities. He knew that he was destined for great things, and he was determined to use his powers to make a difference in the universe.

Finally, after 100 years of training, Araquiel who's now 190 years old was ready to join the Interstellar Union. He stood before his parents, his wings spread wide and his eyes shining with determination.

"I am ready," he said, his voice calm and steady. Araquiel's parents looked at him with a mix of pride and sadness. They had always known that their son was destined for greatness, but they couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness at the thought of him leaving home.

"We are so proud of you, Araquiel," his mother said, tears welling up in her eyes. "But we will miss you terribly."

Araquiel smiled at his parents, feeling a mix of excitement and sadness. "I will miss you too," he said. "But this is my calling. I have to answer it."

His father nodded, his expression grave. "We understand," he said. "And we will support you in any way we can."

"Your are our son and will always be welcome home," his mother added, her voice breaking with emotion.

Araquiel hugged his parents tightly, his heart heavy with emotion. He knew that this was not just a new chapter in his life, but a whole new book.

As he stepped back and unfurled his wings, Araquiel felt a surge of energy and excitement fill his being. He took a deep breath and launched himself into the air, soaring up towards the stars.

As he flew, Araquiel couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration and freedom he had never experienced before. For years, he had dreamed of joining the Interstellar Union, an organization dedicated to exploring the furthest reaches of the galaxy and protecting against threats from beyond. And now, after years of training and preparation, he was finally fulfilling that dream.

As he soared through the glittering expanse of space, Araquiel felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that the journey ahead would be full of challenges and dangers, but he was ready. With his unique blend of strength, grace, and resilience, he was confident that he could make a difference in the universe.

And so, with a heart full of hope and determination, Araquiel set his course for the unknown, ready to explore the wonders and mysteries of the universe, and to make his mark on the cosmos.

End of chapter
