
Meeting my Wolf

when I was walking back home I felt a Sharp pain all over my body, all I hear is my bones breaking I scream in agony. Then Salamanca notice's she's running through the woods, and stoped at a lake and she sees she's a wolf. she hears the birds and bugs all around her. Salamanca noticed someones presence behind her, it was a large black wolf. Salamanca smelled coffee mixed with berries. She said "MATE" and Rowan smelled cherries mixed with wine and ran towards it and saw a beautiful white wolf. Rowan yelled "MATE" in his head. the white and black wolf walk towards each other and smelling each other. Salamanca and Rowan go behind two different tree and change back into their human forms. They both come from behind the trees and they both say "MATE". Salamanca and Rowan go to each other and kiss each other passionately and Rowan pulled away and smirks at Salamanca and says you taste like cherries. Salamanca says you taste like coffee. Both Rowan and Salamanca start to walk towards Rowan's cabin, they both go inside and relax by the fire drinking coffee and wine.